
Multiple government agencies believe that the COVID-19 virus came from that lab, despite Dr. Anthony Fauci's efforts to dismiss the theory

City officials launched a $6 million ad campaign in May to lure back tourists. Visitor numbers have improved since covid and in 2022 were around 16 percent lower than the record-breaking 26.2 million in 2019

There you have it. The “first building block” of the mark of the beast is casually announced as providing “better health for all.” I feel healthier already. How about you?

The university has been a pioneer of cardiac surgery - the school performed the first successful surgical repair of congenital heart defects babies

CFP on scene at Dodger Stadium

Forest fires—truth going up in flames Fraser Institute | June 17, 2023
When it comes to climate change, we’re constantly told to “follow the science.” Yet the same people who say that also regularly fabricate claims about trends in forest fires here in Canada and globally, and the connection to climate change

Criticisms about Fetterman's mental competency reached fever pitch before he was even elected to the Senate, when he appeared to struggle to finish his thoughts during a debate with Republican rival Mehmet Oz in October

New Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | June 17, 2023
There is enormous power and wealth in the hands of the pharmaceutical companies producing these products. The ultimate question is, can they produce the miracle of motivating people to lead healthier lives?

The bond of trust between presidents and Secret Service agents is being violated

The Washington Post also this week attempted to downplay the relationship of Bud Light's rapid demise to the boycott. Like CNN, the newspaper also attributed Modelo's rise to long-term market trends

Amnesty International has said the updated agreement creates an even more dangerous and unfair situation for people seeking asylum in Canada

Tourist survives 'after "sex attacker" American killed her friend'

"Our public safety personnel, working together with the Cobb County Police Department, will continue to monitor, patrol and prosecute those unwilling to follow our code of conduct”

Playtime is over with the left, and we all need to grasp that reality

Biden held a Pride event on the White House lawn Saturday that featured the replacement of the American flag with the Pride progress flag and led to at least one transgender influencer parading topless on the grounds

It was the second day in a row that powerful storms struck the U.S. On Wednesday, strong winds toppled trees, damaged buildings and blew cars off a highway from the eastern part of Texas to Georgia

For many Canadians, the bus brought back haunting memories of the deadly 2018 bus crash in Saskatchewan, when a bus collided with a truck, killing 16 people from the Humboldt Broncos minor league hockey team

No complications occurred during the surgery or while the pope was convalescing in Gemelli’s 10th-floor apartment reserved exclusively for hospitalization of pontiffs, according to the pope’s medical staff

Streaming platform and Sussexes agree to part ways with royal pair set to lose full payout due to low productivity

You need fresh ideas

It’s time to be on red alert. Substandard medical publications were used to push and promote narratives and squash other narratives. AND NOW those publications are being silently deleted

“This dynamic indicates a complex and nuanced political environment in Canada, reflecting a broad dissatisfaction with the current Liberal government, yet also a degree of apprehension about alternatives”

Senators hang fancy art on their walls, taxpayers foot the $500,000 bill Canadian Taxpayers Federation | June 16, 2023
The cost of running the Canadian Senate has exploded under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Banner should have read: 'Doddering Brainless Corpse, Barely Alive

America Hasn't Forgotten

Harvard’s discriminatory and holier than thou attitude has surely permeated all areas of its staff and procedures

Meanwhile, we can Detour past the Muddy Road ahead, knowing for certain that Barack Obama’s 3rd term in office is not as the media describes him, “The Big Guy” because God Almighty is

We have Steven D’Antuono caught wide-eyed and scared, doing his best to cover his bases before the whole sordid plot unravels

Cat Pottery News on the Net | June 15, 2023
Make me a chinese set

BIDEN: "Why'd you ask such a dumb question?"
