
None of your business.

The best renewable energy investment Marita Noon | July 6, 2015
If you are tired of having your tax dollars raise your electricity costs, benefitting the 1 percent while the 99 percent pays twice, the best investment you can make is to vote accordingly.

Answer the WHY? of it all Sarge | July 6, 2015
I prefer to think of life as a fabric woven over time into a cloth covers me in during times of trouble and tribulation. Life isn’t meaningless or empty. It’s full of hope and the brilliance of endeavor.

Beware of stage 1 thinking policy makers Yoram Ettinger | July 6, 2015
US policy makers assume that a nuclear Iran would act rationally and could be contained

This article highlights only one aspect of its problematic nature and does not offer an exhaustive review of all the relevant criticism.

Britain’s Climate Change Department May Be Cut To The Bone

The controversy with his book began in late 2014, when gay activist groups caught wind of the literature and demanded that Cochran be dismissed.

Surgery for Swinging-Door Heart Valves W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | July 6, 2015
How mitral valve prolapse is treated depends on several factors. The great majority of patients with MVP have no idea it is present and normally do not need surgery.


Sanctuary cities and the growing movement to frustrate federal immigration enforcement will get more innocent U.S. citizens like Kate Steinle killed

Leftists truly would rather reign in Hell than serve in Heaven: People are more worried about the Confederate flag flying in America than the Mexican flag flying here

Obama administration blindly pushed for an intervention in Libya, switched sides in the War on Terror, and passed over an opportunity for a truce with Muammar Qaddafi

Donald and other things George Giftos | July 6, 2015
Politically correct America

The Governor says Obama has destroyed the economy, shunned our greatest ally in the Middle East (Israel) and made our allies mistrust us while our enemies have ceased to fear us

The region with the largest number of people unable to travel abroad due to unpaid debt is Sverdlovsk.

A spokeswoman for the agency said many details are still under investigation, the Gainesville Sun reported Saturday.

Time for Civil Disobedience, Christians Matt Barber | July 5, 2015
One can imagine nothing more “out of harmony with the moral law,” than the twisted and oxymoronic notion of so-called “same-sex marriage.”

In addition to identifying the Islamic State as a major threat, Israel must consider the implications for its neighbors and allies

River of Fire Smoke Darkens Sun and Moon News on the Net | July 5, 2015
Fires raging in the forests of northern Alberta and Saskatchewan have poured tremendous amounts of smoke into the atmosphere

The documents were released in response to a court order in accordance with a May 15, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit

Happy Fourth!

She's not coming back, is she? Darn that shroud of secrecy!

Where in the hell was Hispanic “Love” in the person of Francisco Sanchez, the seven-times convicted felon, and five times deported Mexican illegal alien, who shot and killed an innocent American tourist in San Francisco recently, Mr. Bush?

Mission accomplished: Obama's state-driven, command-and-control economy

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Pope Francis asks: "What type of world do we wish to leave for our children who are now growing up," It is global communism ordered around the redistribution of wealth and around a one-world government under the guise of planet stewardship

Independence Day - July 4

For Independence Day: A Review of Emerson’s “Concord Hymn” Arthur Christopher Schaper | July 4, 2015
The American Revolution sparked a spirit of individual liberty resisting imperial tyranny, a movement which inspired rebellion in Europe, Latin America, and even Vietnam (though not with the same results).

SCOTUS Ignites New Level of Resistance Lloyd Marcus | July 4, 2015
I pray that there is a silver lining in the Supreme Court's betrayal, the igniting of a new intensity in the level of resistance to Obama and his minion's fundamental transformation of America.

John Gerard was born about 1545 in Nantwich, Cheshire. Like many from the northern shires, he came south to London where he maintained a large herbal garden in the suburb of Holborn.

The Darkness Hormone W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | July 4, 2015
There are several prescription drugs for insomnia. But it makes more sense to try a natural remedy first. They have been tested by tincture of time and safer than prescription drugs.
