
"I plan to do whatever I can to stop them and will introduce an amendment to pending Senate legislation to immediately strip every dollar of Planned Parenthood funding," he added.

Agenda 21 advocates replace farmers in droves Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | July 18, 2015
Conservation Easements in Ohio and in Montana 17 Years Ago

Smith grew up in Paulding, Ohio. Beside his wife he leaves behind three young daughters.

Breivik’s application was rejected two years ago after the university said his qualifications were insufficient

Why Trump is Winning Daniel Greenfield | July 18, 2015
Trump isn't fighting this as a battle of ideas or policies. He's talking about what people feel.

“I haven’t spoken to the president” about the video, Earnest said.

France's interior ministry said it was sending two water-bombing Canadair planes and a reconnaissance aircraft following the appeal.

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez may have recently lived and worked in Cleveland suburbs

Ted Cruz, time for your close-up.

Cuban Flag Goes Up at State Department on Monday News on the Net | July 17, 2015
President Eisenhower had the Cuban embassy closed in January 1961 and severed diplomatic relations with the communist government of Fidel Castro

Stars And Bars Fanatic Is Now Behind Bars News on the Net | July 17, 2015
Edward Lee West's Confederate flag collection now on its own

Nucatola is currently employed at Sexual Health Innovations, founded by former Obama White House staffer Jessica Ladd

Andy Richter Reveals Progressive Attitude Douglas V. Gibbs | July 17, 2015
The authoritarian ideas of today's liberal left

Why Social Issues Ray DiLorenzo | July 17, 2015
Social issues are the key to either destroying or conserving our nation. Any effort in an attempt to preserve this great country will come to nothing if we do not get our moral house in order

To know Hillary is to hate Hillary Jeff Crouere | July 17, 2015
Other than her last name and big donors, the only advantage Hillary has is her gender. Some Americans will vote for her only because they want to see the first woman President in our history

UN Set to Officially Endorse Disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | July 17, 2015
The United Nations Security Council is being used to midwife the legal instrument that legitimizes the path to a possible nuclear holocaust.

Democrats Circle Wagons On Planned Parenthood Video News on the Net | July 17, 2015
When asked about the video Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner said, “I could talk about the video, but I’d vomit.”

Walker was referencing an undercover video released on Tuesday by the Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola

Jindal was ready to go a step further.

I'm so loved and admired.. what the hell happened? The public has a better grasp of reality than you.

Performing an important public service.

Ramping up the monstrosity.

EU Decarbonisation Policies Could Cost UK Steel Industry £300 Million A Year

Obama’s age of nuclear chaos Caroline Glick | July 17, 2015
One day the nuclear Furies Obama has unleashed may find their way to New York City.

“Our top priority is the passionate care that we provide,” Richards adds.

U.N. Security Council sanctions are not U.S. statutory sanctions, but the clear intent of the legislation is to prevent any sanctions relief until Congress has reviewed the deal.

Were Zimbabwean baby elephants bootlegged to China? News on the Net | July 17, 2015
36 elephants captured

Barack Obama promised he would fundamentally change America and it seems that is exactly what he has done

Critics, including a majority of Japanese constitutional specialists, say the legislation violates the country’s postwar charter, which renounces war

Obama’s Iran Audacity Douglas V. Gibbs | July 17, 2015
Jihadism is being emboldened right here in the United States by the Obama administration's dealings with Iran, and the President's anti-Israel positions
