
It is time for Christians to stand up and be salt and light in our culture.

"The 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Palawan" is to be celebrated and for their sacrifice, the men who died in this place will be finally honored.

"...to be a climate change denier is not fresh and new.”

Is it part of your plan to wear the shroud to bed, too?

Stealing thunder? Speaking with a real heart.

Another (Christian) Viewpoint George Giftos | April 14, 2015
Reformation of Islamic nations to join the civilized world is not occurring. Slavery and other abominations still prevail, giving the Jihadist radicals credence by Barack Obama's ideological naivety and inexperience in dealing with critical matters

Ms. Wijsenbeek’s shocking defense of this regime’s record on women’s rights is an insult to the women of Iran and to human rights defenders worldwide. She should should be fired.


"The State has no authority to silence only one viewpoint on same-sex attractions, behaviors, or identity,"

"The one place on Earth where the aspirations of people like them could be more than just dreams."

The least of many evils Sarge | April 14, 2015
Political parties and their belief the Senate should produce a president.

Cooler relations between Israel and the US, while complicating prospects for negotiations, open the door for greater and more tangible Russian influence on the political process

Boeing is one of the bank’s largest beneficiaries.

Protest against Kathleen Wynne's graphic and age-inappropriate sex-ed curriculum

We’re ALL Out of Africa Alan Caruba | April 14, 2015
Everyone is African: How Science Explodes the Myth of Race

Judge was more upset at a little girl for being scared by armed robbers than he was at the armed robbers

The Lies of Hillary

Will the State Department finally examine the disturbing background of Huma Abedin?

Davis’s communism had an impact on Obama as well. Perhaps racism was the hook that got Obama into the Marxist movement. Like Davis, it looks like Obama does see Marxism as the answer to white racism

Gunter Grass and the Left’s Red Flags Daniel Greenfield | April 14, 2015
International left goes back to smashing Jewish windows and crowds gather with megaphones outside Jewish stores

Forbes Op-Ed: Can The ‘Tyranny Of The Status Quo’ Be Broken? Institute for Energy Research | April 13, 2015
It’s time for Congress to step up and take the lead in doing away with this ill-advised policy — and presidential aspirants, Republican and Democrat, should stand up to the tyranny of the status quo.

The Bogus Temperature Scare Viv Forbes | April 13, 2015
What global crisis could justify this global revolution?

Castro’s words of praise are proof positive that Barack Obama’s thinking and loyalties are decidedly anti-American and treasonous!

Islamic State Morphing Into Global Gehenna David Singer | April 13, 2015
Growing support for - and pledges of allegiance to - Islamic State

Support Canada Free Press


President Obama and Democrats have decided to cater to anyone and everyone except Americans

Obama’s Faustian framework deal with the Devil will ultimately lead to Obama’s inglorious downfall both as to his presidency and as to his legacy

Scene 3: To Be, or Not to Be - Forthright Gary Hunt | April 13, 2015
Camp Lone Star - Act Two: The Contradictions

Ridiculous narrative building.

Trust them.

It was a mystery? Sarge | April 13, 2015
Hillary Clinton running for president
