
New Report: UNHRC Candidates China, Cuba, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Jordan, Vietnam are "Not Qualified"

A continuation of most of the intelligence operations in spite of criticism

Valerie Jarrett, Obama and Michelle Dag Barkley | November 4, 2013
Who advises you what to do?

These extensive emails and other materials provide a disturbing window into the activities of two out-of-control federal agencies: the IRS and FEC

The Obama administration engaged in the governmental form of a temper tantrum

If ever there were a time to de-militarize and de-weaponize local police forces, it’s now

Restoring the Republic Sandy Stringfellow | November 4, 2013
Fatal political dynamic Progressives and Progressive Marxists

The real American blackout Frank Gaffney Jr. | November 4, 2013
There are steps we can take to prevent or greatly reduce the horrifying consequences of long-duration blackouts due to electromagnetic pulse, cyber attacks and terrorism

"I do not believe the relevant members of the administration understand the president's vision or have the capability to carry it out."

Irresistable force meets immovable object.

Security Violation Just the Tip of the ObamaCare Iceberg Heritage Foundation | November 4, 2013
ObamaCare is a deeply flawed law, and its flaws have become more apparent with each passing day

Morsi Trial

Stabbing Israel in the Back Alan Caruba | November 4, 2013
Monday, November 4th, marks the 34th anniversary of Iran’s seizure of U.S. diplomats in 1979. To this day Iran’s slogan has been “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”

Libertarian Voters: The Key to a Cuccinelli Victory Deroy Murdock | November 4, 2013
The wild card here is Libertarian-party nominee Robert Sarvis

How Obama Abandoned Iraq Arnold Ahlert | November 4, 2013
Re-energized the AQI terrorist movement in Iraq, We are now arming Syrian rebels affiliated with al Qaeda

DMV Doctors Arnold Ahlert | November 4, 2013
Stay healthy, my fellow Americans.

The Cloud Dwellers Daniel Greenfield | November 4, 2013
There are two Americas; the America of the working class and the Obamerica of the government class

Mr. Hall’s 8 Ball Jimmy Reed | November 4, 2013
Life in Leland, Mississippi

They won't change their ways, but people are finally waking up.

A system of ideological deceit Rolf Yungclas | November 4, 2013
The foundation of falsehood can only hold a nation captive for so long before it either returns to a pragmatic system that actually solves problems, or it collapses

He didn't lie, you see. He "misspoke" hundreds of times over a period of years.

Is Mohamed Morsi losing it? Ali Al Sharnoby | November 3, 2013
The Morsi Interviews:

Ending anonymous and unverified comments on the Internet is long overdue

Obama’s Tsunami of Lies Alan Caruba | November 3, 2013
Is Obama a dupe or a totalitarian, megalomaniacal liar?

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Tears Of A Clown Richard Cameron | November 3, 2013
Utopianism ain’t all that and a bag of soybeans.

Australia’s unstinting support for Israel Barry Shaw | November 3, 2013
Australia remains the only nation, apart from Israel, whose founding fathers included Jews

A God Primer Jim ONeill | November 3, 2013
Decline of the cultural health of my country: Steady growth of incivility, crudeness, crassness, mean-spiritedness, greed, dishonesty, violence, narcissism, willful delusion, arrogance, lust, insanity

Britain is headed down a street with no u-turns. If things go beyond a certain point there will be no turning back

Bound by Honor?
 Gary Hunt | November 3, 2013
Secrecy vs. Honesty: What happens when government officials break the law and lie about it

It’s De Blasio Time Daniel Greenfield | November 3, 2013
Because this isn't the New York City you wanted, even though it's the one you voted for. Bill de Blasio is not the New York City you needed, it's the one you deserved. And it's the one you got
