
“On behalf of all Canadians, Laureen and I offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who perished in this murderous attack

Michael Kaene, local police officer

The games show dog brainpower isn't measured like man's - with an IQ test.

“Not once was the self-driving car the cause of the accident,”

The United States and Israel oppose recognition, arguing that it undermines U.S.-led efforts to negotiate an Israeli-Palestinian deal on the terms of Palestinian statehood

Pope’s top adviser blasts US climate skeptics News on the Net | May 13, 2015
The Heartland Institute has taken the lead on countering Francis’s encyclical.

Aloha! to ObamaCare Exchange in Hawaii! John Lillpop | May 13, 2015
Like the Obama presidency itself, the ObamaCare exchange needs to be left alone to die of it’s own accord, hopefully before much additional harm is imposed!

Search change costs sites real money

Hop Aboard! Wes Porter | May 13, 2015
Hops were formerly widely grown as a commercial crop in North America, including from coast to Canadian coast

To be shuttered this year.

The New Detroit

Disposable wipes are costing sewage systems millions of dollars American Chemical Society | May 13, 2015
Flushing wet wipes down the toilet might not be such a good idea.

Once this new payroll tax is implemented by 2017, it will mean less money for families who are already being squeezed

Urges World Leaders to Oppose “Oppressive, Fundamentalist Regime”

“The costs of screening are likely to outweigh the benefits, so Canadians would be economically better off if the screening process was abandoned, except perhaps where national security is a concern,”

No nation has invested more in water technology than Israel. With California facing chronic drought, major cooperative measures are taking root.

Oil inventories in the U.S. are still at 80-year highs, which should keep a lid on prices. That will continue to inflict damage on U.S. drillers

The federal government spent approximately $2,174,368,000,000, leaving a deficit of approximately $282,766,000,000.

According to reports, the federal government told the HHC in March that the exchange was out of compliance with Obamacare because it was not financially self-sustainable

A Vote Of Confidence In Shale Gas Guest Column | May 13, 2015
New Energy Minister ‘Expected To Prioritise Shale Development’

Can't resist finishing that burger? Researchers are developing a compound that could help control appetite.

How used coffee-grounds could make some food more healthful American Chemical Society | May 13, 2015
Extracts from leftover coffee grounds are full of antioxidants

Barack and Michelle the Poverty Pimps Judi McLeod | May 13, 2015
Crying poor mouth by the Obamas has about as much validity as the rich-by-billions Clintons trying to get away with crying poor mouth

Endless Racial Discord Alan Caruba | May 13, 2015
most racially divisive leader in America is our first African-American President

Arab Leaders Revolt Against Iran Nuke Deal Arnold Ahlert | May 13, 2015
The Obama narrative that Israel poses the only opposition goes up in smoke

Eight passengers remain in critical condition at Temple

Using anti-aircraft ammo, no less.

Post-Cold War honeymoon is long over. It was a geopolitical honeymoon that the West should have never taken in the first place

There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | May 13, 2015
North Americans have been programmed for illness. Today, a well person is someone who hasn’t seen enough T.V. ads, been examined by enough doctors and had enough tests done.

Amtrak train derails killing 5 News on the Net | May 12, 2015
Amtrak train crashes in Philadelphia, wreckage 'pretty bad'
