
If blacks lives have not improved under Democratic rule, then why not make a change? Why not take a chance and try a vote for a Republican. You might be surprised.

This latest ISIS video leaves no doubt regarding the motivation for martyring these Christians

Even in the short time that same-sex marriage has been officially recognized in some states at home and abroad, man-woman marriage rates have declined.

We're 100% sure he'll lose.

And astonishingly, the MSM seem interested in the story.

All hyperbolic claims about environmental collapse at the hands of mankind: Mother Nature is remarkably resilient.

A somber anniversary: 100 years of chemical weapons (video) American Chemical Society | April 20, 2015
Reactions presents this sobering look at the chemistry behind the modern world's first chemical weapons.

The Prison Called Cuba Alan Caruba | April 20, 2015
Cuba: Utterly failed economic and social system that can only stay in power by jailing or executing anyone who resists

Erdogan’s autocratic tendencies and worrying signs regarding the Turkish economy make the Turkish model much less enviable, and mark one more reason for the relative decline of Turkey’s regional influence.

What Oscar Knows That Doctors Don’t Know W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | April 20, 2015
A cat's sensitivity to patients' death

Day after day, the middle class keeps leaving California. The wealthy areas such as San Francisco and the Silicon Valley boom. Yet the state has nearly the highest poverty rate in the nation.

Obama's Green Obsession Opens Door For China's Global Energy Strategy

Christians Accept Execution Rather Than Islam Raymond Ibrahim | April 20, 2015
Slaughter of Christians and other "infidels" will continue--regardless of whether we call the jihad "al-Qaeda," "ISIS," "Boko Haram," "Al Shabaab," or "Lone Wolf."

Britt McHenry: Let’s hear the rest of the story Arthur Weinreb | April 20, 2015
There is plenty of blame to go around for both McHenry and Advanced Towing. People should not be demanding her firing unless and until the complete and unedited tape is released.

This is Islam, folks. Islam IS terrorism. It is endemic to the faith

Cult of personality.

Liberals are lying about the death tax Herman Cain | April 20, 2015
And we've got them busted.

Jeb Bush should call it quits and formally join the Democrat Party…. perhaps as a far-left alternate to Hillary?

Anti-Ccmmunist Parade in Brazil Andre Leal | April 19, 2015
Video with translated English subtitles of Anti-Ccommunist Parade in April 12, 2015

Perverts for a fast buck in the media, entertainers, sport figures of dubious character peddle this behavior as exciting and normal.

Already in the first report on the agreement the Secretary of State will be asked to include a verification assessment report on Iran’s obligation and what sanctions should be lifted, whether by the United States or other nations and the UN.

Fraser Institute spotlights schools that succeed with different characteristics

Pious, holier-than-thou Pelosi is about as much a Catholic as Barack Obama is a sincere Christian

What Today’s American Politics Tells Us Alan Caruba | April 19, 2015
America is at risk of becoming a place where our founding morals, values, and traditions are being cast aside

Barack Hussein Obama—A Legacy of Desecration Obie Usategui | April 19, 2015
Barry Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama, or whomever this obscure character is, I chose to call him out on everything he has done to destroy our nation

Free Range Children Timothy Birdnow | April 19, 2015
Agenda 21

Russian Orthodox Patriarch:

The Death of the Left Daniel Greenfield | April 19, 2015
The left is winning, but for the left winning is indistinguishable from dying

Who are your VIPs, Mr.VA Secretary? Joanna Rosamond | April 19, 2015
Yet another ugly report emerges, dealing with very unglamorous insects and rodents’ infestation, “ignored claims, manipulated records, and cost overruns” as a bonus.

Too Many Wild Cards in the Climate Game Viv Forbes | April 18, 2015
Obviously there are too many Jokers and Wild Cards in the climate game for one simple carbon-centric theory to win a forecasting game, except by cheating or chance.
