
Modernizing the Access to Information Act Canadian Taxpayers Federation | April 28, 2015
It may not be the sexiest political issue during an election year, but transparent and accountable government is extremely important in any democratic society

Global Prayer Call for USA Goes Viral Christian Newswire | April 28, 2015
Seven Days of Prayer & Fasting: USA 30 April - 6 May 2015

Cardinal Pell: Be Prudent With Climate Claims

Headlines downplay importance of this super-heated water by calling it a "warm blob," -- which covers one million square miles! -- can help explain the deceptive claims of "warmest year on record." It could also trigger the next ice age

Baltimore mayor blames media for twisting her words Arthur Weinreb | April 28, 2015
What is currently taking place in Baltimore. Hopefully, Rawlings-Blake will be held accountable for her words that could only have been interpreted as giving the thugs the green light

Global Warming to replace Gospel at church Judi McLeod | April 28, 2015
Meanwhile, the intrusion of Climate Change in community churches will spread like wildfire. Going to church will never be the same again.

March for Marriage

Israel Will Attack Iran Soon Alan Caruba | April 28, 2015
Netanyahu has achieved close coordination with the most important Arab leaders that include Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates

Baltimore Burns While Obama Plots Matthew Vadum | April 28, 2015
Total failure of leadership: If Barack Obama and his ilk get their way, Baltimore may become a cautionary tale for the ages

From liberal Democrats and the radical left, the mindset of tax, borrow and spend has been their legacy throughout American history

He's just their excuse

But there's a new way to help.

The scenarios analyzed in this essay can serve as the foundation for a comprehensive, professional strategic discussion that should be held now between Israel and the United States

Hispanic Catholics Are Not Conservative Sierra Rayne | April 27, 2015
Outside of America, Catholics are overwhelmingly liberal -- not conservative, and inside America, Hispanic Catholics are most certainly not conservative in their political views. To suggest otherwise would be ignoring decades of electoral data

With the Constitution under constant attack, the military's power, influence and authority have grown dramatically

In 1963, my father Rev. AD King, after the firebombing of our home in Birmingham, Alabama, urged hostile protestors to abandon violence and turn to God in prayer instead

It is clear President Obama doesn’t want to work with Congress because we may thwart his plans

Always wait for the other shoe to drop George Giftos | April 27, 2015
Obama administration gaffes

Just SAY NO! to Hillary and her old, dirty baggage!

Another bar patron stands in front of the woman to shield her from the barrage of refuse thrown by the mob

Another expensive stimulus project on the rocks James Simpson | April 27, 2015
The “Not In My Backyard” phenomenon – well known to Los Angeles residents – contributed to the LA-RICS quandary.

“We’re dedicated to making sure that the constitutional right to keep and bear arms is protected for citizens and legal resident aliens alike,”

But just the unclassified ones, if that makes you feel any better.

Media’s Ongoing Attempts to Downplay VA Scandal Roger Aronoff | April 27, 2015
Rachel Maddow’s transparent attempt to cast the VA scandal as the fabrication of right-wing political forces bent on destroying an embattled institution serves as a red herring


What part of 'peaceful' don't they understand?

Keep up.

"Any policy that expressly prohibits meetings based on the religious viewpoint of the program is simply unconstitutional,"

A message for Pope Francis Paul Driessen | April 27, 2015
It’s not climate change – but energy restrictions based on climate fears – that threaten the poor

Earlier this year, West Virginia became the first state to repeal its RPS
