
Two Americas.

How to Fix Canada’s Unemployed Doctor Problem C.D. Howe Institute | February 5, 2015
Five solutions to Canada’s healthcare paradox

Rise Of The Vulture Investing Class Oilprice.com | February 5, 2015
The onerous terms on new debt obviously makes it even less likely that oil drillers will be able to get back on their feet

“…this organization”? Jim Yardley | February 5, 2015
Rabid dogs must be killed, as rapidly as possible. The diseased in the world that kills, maims, rapes and tortures must be eradicated with no short measures being acceptable.

To remedy potential changes to and the delivery of tax credits, the IRS requested more than $305.6 million, or 818 new employees, to implement technology changes

Friendly Thugs William Bedford | February 5, 2015
Saudi Kings

Keystone XL is an investment in our future energy and economic security. We can’t afford to delay it any longer.

The Real White Privilege and My Radio Race War Selwyn Duke | February 5, 2015
White Privilege: Myth or Reality.

Can You Handle the Truth About Vaccines? Cliff Kincaid | February 5, 2015
If news organizations on the left and right can’t even dig out the facts in life-and-death matters involving children, then what can they be trusted to report accurately on?

The Ghosts of Auschwitz in the Middle East Daniel Greenfield | February 5, 2015
Eichmann found support for Auschwitz in the "surahs of your Koran." So did the Jihadis who murdered Jews in Paris. If we forget that, then we forget the real lesson of Auschwitz.

Louisiana Gov. Jindal Calls Islamic Terror What It Is Warner Todd Huston | February 5, 2015
Jindal had the guts to speak this truth and he deserves recognition for it.

Gallup Polling Org Rips Obama’s Fake Recovery As Jobless Warner Todd Huston | February 5, 2015
Obama has made it a practice to lie about every policy he inflicts upon the country. So, why the "educated" have taken six years to learn this is beyond me

In reality, however, in Egypt, it is the Christian Copts who are most targeted due to their sheer numbers

The Big Lie Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | February 5, 2015
While you lost your doctor, your premiums skyrocketed, the deductibles went through the roof, co-pays were larger than ever, your medical care took a dive

Killing Qaddafi: Hillary’s Secret Role Matthew Vadum | February 5, 2015
Hillary lied; innocent Libyans and Americans died.

Fog of memory' and whatnot

Accepting Truth and Living by it A. Dru Kristenev | February 5, 2015
Fear, confinement by relying on our feelings, or; Faith and Freedom through what is spelled out in the Written Word. Weigh it word for Word and see for yourself

No, Now Is NOT a Good Time to Raise the Gas Tax Institute for Energy Research | February 4, 2015
Carbon emissions, gas prices, gas tax, Obama Administration

Two Hulks agree!

The president is attempting to destroy America Guest Column | February 4, 2015

More than the creation of additional government welfare programs or increased funding for existing ones, marriage—raising children with a married mother and father in the home—will protect them against poverty.

A judge who understands the Charter Gerald Hall | February 4, 2015
Tolerance is a hallmark of a democratic society. It is the legal community that is guilty of disrespect for the Charter, not Trinity Western University.

Climate crisis? No chance.

Liz Whiteside from Newcastle

Motoring: VW Golf SV Tim Saunders | February 4, 2015
Overall, while there is a feeling of quality and robustness about the vehicle one cannot help feeling that it is lacking some useful features that would be really appreciated.

It is no accident that a Council notorious for applying double-standards to Israel embraced Schabas, or that a lawyer like Schabas embraced the Council

Burn the platforms of both the terrorists and the cowardly politicians who refuse to name them--and do it ASAP

This is what they understand

The vital nexus of energy, water, and national security Thomas S. Mullikin | February 4, 2015
We need to rebuild a strong America with a sound energy policy ensuring strong energy security. Our energy and national security are too important to lose this opportunity.

A posh escape situated on the southeastern coast of the Dominican Republic, Casa de Campo attracts financial moguls, politicos and Hollywood’s elite with choice accommodations in hotel rooms, suites or villa homes
