
“Reproductive freedom:” Libertine license. The left’s sacred “right” to have sex with, and/or to dismember alive in the womb, their own children

Lee possessed every virtue of other great commanders without their vices. He was a foe without hate; a friend without treachery; a victor without oppression, and a victim without murmuring.

Muslims also at risk by Obama dodging the I-word Judi McLeod | January 18, 2015
Why Obama goes into metaphoric pretzel mode all to avoid calling the scourge of the day what it undeniably is: Radical Islamic Terrorism

NASA Keeps Telling “Warmest” Lies Alan Caruba | January 18, 2015
Government agency desperately trying to keep the global warming hoax alive

“I Stood Shoulder to TV with the Paris Marchers” William Kevin Stoos | January 18, 2015
Was there in spirit…..Says the President

Some have lambasted Pope Francis who is accused of appeasing immigrants—mostly Muslims—to wild extremes

Why not think about this year as a turning point for greater government accountability and more power to the people? And as for we the people, let’s make it a year for greater self-reliance

Gender is a wide and varied experience? What an idiotic claim.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we miss you Herman Cain | January 18, 2015
A legacy of faith, love and leadership.

A New Year: Why Mr President, Why? Lloyd Marcus | January 18, 2015
Who are you Mr President? Why are you always on the wrong side of what is best for America and her people? What is your ultimate goal?

Damage done in the name of shame Diane Weber Bederman | January 18, 2015
It was not a sexual assault. Not a rape as Rehtaeh’s parents want so desperately for us to believe. Rape of course takes away shame and responsibility from Rehtaeh and her parents

To Frack or Not to Frack: That is the Question? Chuck Lehmann | January 17, 2015
Common sense seems to be the exception rather than the rule that drives this Administration’s energy policies.

The problem is not a lack of policy, or rearranging the circle of advisers—it’s Obama’s ideology and actual policies themselves that have us in this mess

Remembering Robert E. Lee: American Patriot and Southern Hero Calvin E. Johnson Jr. | January 17, 2015
Robert E. Lee was a great American who should not be forgotten: "I grieve for posterity, for American Principles and American liberty"

Merchants of Smear Paul Driessen | January 17, 2015
Obama, Gore other climate alarmists refuse to debate, but love to vilify--and love their money

Just a Simple Question Jim Yardley | January 17, 2015
Exactly what are we getting for our tax dollars with regard to education?

Je Suis American Dag Barkley | January 17, 2015
Now is the time to come to the aid of our country

Islamic Violence, the MSM, and I Raymond Ibrahim | January 17, 2015
Is Islam Worse than Other Religions?

Do Building Efficiency Standards Work? Institute for Energy Research | January 16, 2015
Building codes, California, electricity, energy efficiency

Who Will Defend Free Speech in America? Cliff Kincaid | January 16, 2015
Turning Christian love into “hate” This is how political correctness, a form of cultural Marxism, works in practice. The homosexual lobby has perfected this tactic of intimidation

Should We Avoid Saying Islam Terrorist Even If Known? Jerry McConnell | January 16, 2015
Or in order not to offend the followers of Islam should those observers of the crimes just forget about seeking justice? I don't know, you tell me

In the case of the hibernating OWS members, the weather is helping the rest of us.

Food Lines Coming? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | January 16, 2015
Venezuela: Price controls imposed by government will guarantee that the lines and shortages will continue

The Three Amigos of GOP Defeat in 2016 Jeff Crouere | January 16, 2015
If Bush, Christie or Romney wins the nomination, millions of conservatives will stay away from the polls or vote third party. The days of holding one’s nose and voting for the Republican candidate as the “lesser of two evils.” are over.

Are elections no longer relevant? Is the notion of government “by, for, and of” the people just a foolish myth from Old School dreamers?

The singer paid tribute to the victims of France's recent attacks

Supreme Court will Rule on Marriage Case Liberty Counsel | January 16, 2015
Marriage is not merely a creation of any one civilization or its statutes, but is an institution older than the Constitution and, indeed, older than any laws of any nation. Marriage is a natural bond that society or religion can only 'solemnize,

Neeson joins the already sizable contingent of Hollywood hypocrites when it comes to firearms

Climate Alarmists turn back the Clock Viv Forbes | January 16, 2015
The worst air pollution in the world today is the Asian smog

As the Equal Voting Rights Institute says in its press release, the “Voting Rights Act prevents that kind of disenfranchisement of an out-of-favor race, regardless of what race it is.”
