
‘We All Now Look Like Terrorists Before the World!” Raymond Ibrahim | January 11, 2015
Adib asked his viewers, “Are you, as Muslims, content with the fact that today we are all seen as terrorists by the world?

As long as they do nothing to strengthen their lax immigration laws that allow Islamic terrorists over their borders, the leaders of Western nations have no place in protests

Our Muslim President Alan Caruba | January 11, 2015
No other American President has ever been so partial to Islam and Muslims as Obama and it is not beyond the reach of logic or the imagination that he too is a Muslim

2016 Election: American on the Precipice… Obie Usategui | January 11, 2015
Enormity of importance of the 2016 elections

We have seen how great the government runs internet-based systems; just look at healthcare.gov.

Letting My Freak Flag Fly—Again Jim ONeill | January 11, 2015
Oath Keeper Patch: Wordlessly making a statement supporting freedom, individualism, free speech, and anti-establishment views

Christians Burned Alive Raymond Ibrahim | January 11, 2015
Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2014

Establishment GOP is beholden to the US Chamber of Commerce. GOP leadership is lying to the people to get their votes, while taking their 30 pieces of silver from the Chamber to implement amnesty

Vetoing bipartisan energy, job and economic growth Paul Driessen | January 10, 2015
President Obama makes it clear that the only “common ground” he respects is his liberal turf

Passionately kissing the man seated next to her.

Bill Whittle: Terrorist Nation News on the Net | January 10, 2015
Students for Justice in Palestine

“#” is what Morgan does best because he’s a world class wuss

Hollow comments coming from our own leaders are steeped in the stench of appeasement and cowardice

New Study on “Unburnable” Energy Reserves Belies Carbon Tax Rhetoric Institute for Energy Research | January 10, 2015
Foolish for anyone to believe that a carbon tax will be a "market solution" that will humbly keep allocation decisions out of the hands of political officials

Declaration of Independence that has, in effect, been outlawed by a despotic government.

Submission: What is the meaning of peace in Islam Diane Weber Bederman | January 10, 2015
Peace in Islam means submission to Allah. The ultimate meaning of Islamic peace is all of us living in Dar-al-Islam -- the house of submission

To Islamist demands, the British media submits Al Kaltman | January 10, 2015
In response to the killing of the journalists at the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, the British media shows their true colors, and they are all shades of yellow

While Al Jazeera was asking me if I knew the names of terrorists that had crossed the border, we are ominously reminded that it only takes one

Just as Kristallnacht targeted the Jews of Berlin, the sound of terror and broken glass were the alarm signals to Jews and civilization everywhere

The Boehner Bounce Went Bust (Why?) Arthur Christopher Schaper | January 10, 2015
Although frustrated with Boehner as Speaker of the House for the 114th Congress, I refuse to gut the conservative credentials of the following Congressmen

When a leader of the Muslim community stands up and defends the murder of innocents in the name of Islam, we all need to listen, take him at his word, and respond appropriately

Beyond that, he helps the situation a lot by staying out of it.

Let’s Laugh at Islam Daniel Greenfield | January 9, 2015
Men who are so insecure they would kill over a stray word here or there, can't stand up to being laughed at, to being ridiculed, to have their cherished values transformed into a laughingstock.

Why Free Community College Is Anything But Free Heritage Foundation | January 9, 2015
Just 20 percent of community college first-years complete their program within three years.

Overly Zealous Foreign Affairs Advisor


Suspects in Charlie Hebdo massacre dead Dan Calabrese | January 9, 2015
Killed by French police in hostage standoff. Four hostages also killed.

So why won't he fight?

"We look to the major democracies to show moral leadership and to defend the integrity of the United Nations and the cause of human rights."

Live Feed: Hostage situations in France News on the Net | January 9, 2015
Dual hostage crisis in France
