
Shutdown Clown Dr. Brad Lyles | November 14, 2014
Republican Party's leaders perform no better than matriculants of a clown school, McConnell chief among them. Engender a despair born of surviving one Establishment Clown after another, since 1988

One professor’s million-dollar campaign against conservatives, courtesy of the taxpayer

The third intifada

Enough is Too Much Already! Dr. Robert R. Owens | November 14, 2014
This is a bold attempt to organize the anarchy of the militantly apathetic

The 10-Point Immigration Plan Obama Should Follow Heritage Foundation | November 14, 2014
The rule of law says that laws should apply to everyone and should be equally and fairly enforced, not tossed out on the whim of the president.

Obama knew it was going to be a problem, and they all agreed to lie about it.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi denies knowing who Jonathan Gruber is, despite video that says otherwise ... while the White House distances itself from his 'stupid' voter comments

Video: Did military ‘steal’ soldier’s hero dog? News on the Net | November 14, 2014
Wounded Spc. Brent Grommet was separated from his working dog Matty, despite a law that allowed him to adopt him

Columnist says immigration overhaul is 'clearly illegal'

Bold Lies as an Art—Nancy is what Stupid does Dag Barkley | November 14, 2014
Out of Time...

Super-Amnesty Will Turn Every City into Detroit Daniel Greenfield | November 14, 2014
Entire cities will fall into gang violence. Their economies will collapse and that will have a ripple effect on their suburbs and on entire states

Other agents figured bushes would stop him. And that doesn't mean George W.

Pundits, architects, supporters of Obamacare tried to deceive the American voter through obtuse, tortured legislative language. Decision to conceal the real failures of Obamacare didn't stop when the law passed; such efforts are ongoing

GOP must be rock steady to fight the spin Tom DeLay | November 14, 2014
Fighting the spin, conservatives should also take on the spin-meisters. Mainstream media are all too willing to parrot the left's positions, and it's time someone called them on it

Welcome to EbolaCare—but the Website is Down Selwyn Duke | November 14, 2014
Obama will keep his walls and open our borders. For some Americans this will mean death from disease, and at the hands of illegal-alien criminals, but Obama doesn't care

Brightsource Energy, federal loan, google, Ivanpah, NRG, solar power

PAKISTAN: Misunderstanding Leads to Overwhelming Tragedy News on the Net | November 13, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

It remains to be seen what modifications, if any, in Chinese behavior this iteration leads to

Just how'stupid' do you think we are, Nancy?

The Marxist/UN threat for One World Government became reality on November 10, 2014

Intifada in Ferguson Matthew Vadum | November 13, 2014
Why supporters of Palestinian terrorists have made common cause with the rioters in Missouri-- The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution

The perils of Obama we refuse to face Doug Hagmann | November 13, 2014
Obama's sociopathic behavior

Walking Wounded—government victimizing disease A. Dru Kristenev | November 13, 2014
Happiness is having health insurance only institutionalizes the idea that one can’t enjoy life if they don’t have coverage

Hopefully the Beijing babble will give way to serious business in Brisbane

Our Federal Debt: The Elephant In The Room Canadian Taxpayers Federation | November 13, 2014
Whatever direction future governments decide to take, the size of our debt will affect their ability to pay for government services

Screw plentiful energy.

Too bad she quotes him on her website.

Alternate headline: "But their name is the only offense they've been able to muster!"

Alternate headline: He's leaving office anyway so what the hell.
