
Great health insurance not allowed by Democrats Herman Cain | August 17, 2014
If people actually like it, tax it out of existence

How to Write About Israel Daniel Greenfield | August 17, 2014
Genocide can go to the back page, but, when a rock flies in the West Bank, there had better be a correspondent with a fake continental accent and a khaki shirt to cover it

Death In The Electronic Age W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | August 17, 2014
Obesity, diabetes, heart disease

Arab World, Gulf States, Terrorism

A riderless horse, with boots reversed in the stirrups, has become the indelible symbol for life under the heartless regime of Barack Hussein Obama

How Many Gaza Homes for a Tunnel? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | August 17, 2014
For each tunnel, Hamas could have built 86 homes, 7 mosques, 6 schools, and 19 medical clinics. Instead it invested in terrorism

Greens are the Enemies of Energy Alan Caruba | August 17, 2014
America could literally become energy independent given its vast reserves of energy sources

“I was in a coma for four days” Patrick D Hahn | August 17, 2014
Part 1: “IT’S A NIGHTMARE” After the Avandia debacle, is history about to repeat itself?

Another round of climate alarmism that does not appear supported by the data

The group began kidnapping boys and forcing them to fight and abducting girls as sex slaves as the jihadists became less and less popular

Obama should not have criticized the police while he vacationed in his opulent Martha's Vineyard retreat

Tell Them "NO":

Obama on Rick Perry Indictment Dag Barkley | August 16, 2014
Gotta Love How Democrats protect the rights of our belligerent drunks

Obama on Ferguson, Missouri Dag Barkley | August 16, 2014
White People Inherently Bad, Black People Inherently Good. No Matter how much they raise Hell and Loot

ISIS and Obama Guest Column | August 16, 2014
America divided

Rick Perry Defense in Two Words: Tom Delay! John Lillpop | August 16, 2014
Two simple words which tell the story of another wretched abuse by Texas Democrats

Calling Elvis Guest Column | August 16, 2014
A Weekend By The Lake

UGLY DUI video of the District Attorney that Rick Perry got INDICTED over

Israel is NOT also adequately leafleting liberal enclaves and universities

Babe in the Bunker lands in the Pod News on the Net | August 16, 2014
Barbara Simpson, the Babe in the Bunker, the Babe in the Talk Pod!
 We’re on line, NOW

California's Troubled Climate Policies

Asteroid-1950-DA Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | August 16, 2014
Collision Extinction Events

The climate activist community keeps blaming severe rainfall events on climate change, but they fail to offer the evidence

FERC, electricity, Harry Reid, Obama

Support Canada Free Press


Oil Export Ban is Bad Economics Institute for Energy Research | August 15, 2014
free trade, gasoline prices, oil, oil export ban, oil exports

MSM Once Again Furthers The Big Lie Lloyd Marcus | August 15, 2014
When blacks commit crimes, the mainstream media bends over backwards to avoid mentioning the criminals' race

Clarifying the Changing Climate in Kamloops Sierra Rayne | August 15, 2014
Letters to local newspapers by academics in south-central British Columbia highlight some fundamental problems in communicating science to the public

Castro’s Spy, the CIA, John Kerry and AP Cliff Kincaid | August 15, 2014
“The Associated Press cannot be trusted when reporting on Cuba,”

By order of Gov. Jay Nixon, the Missouri Highway Patrol yesterday took control of the town under the command of Capt. Ron Johnson, who is black, the Associated Press reported.

Whatever the reason why Obama is returning to the White House on Sunday, in the middle of his latest vacation, it isn't for the good of anyone other than BHO
