
Wind turbines contaminate Guest Column | July 2, 2014
Wind turbines not only attract and kill raptors, hirundines and bats: they make people seriously ill, and they contaminate the environment

Obama’s Obeisance to Cult of Vain Valerie Judi McLeod | July 2, 2014
“Economy for the 21st century” imposed by her number one protégé Barack Hussein Obama is not helping women but only killing America

My correction for the ills of corrupt politicians

White bread helps boost some of the gut’s ‘good’ microbes American Chemical Society | July 2, 2014
Pectin, a compound in citrus fruits, lowers the levels of some helpful bacteria

The Gardens of the Castle of Mey Wes Porter | July 2, 2014
July gardening: The Prince of Wales takes great interest in the development of his grandmother’s garden

Rooting for Horseradish Wes Porter | July 2, 2014
July gardening: In the garden, it may also become a pernicious weed

Pension reform championed by Christie in 2011, which he once called his “greatest governmental victory”, is in danger of unraveling at the seams

Since 2007-2009 revenues have grown more than 117 percent

CYBER SCHOOL: Companies and universities are working to prepare the next generation of cyber warriors

Hold Cuban government accountable for its crimes, demand respect for fundamental rights of Cuba’s citizens to life, personal security, right to leave their country

Obama to Congress: ‘So sue me’ Dan Calabrese | July 2, 2014
Not exactly chastened by SCOTUS defeats.

Murrieta Patriots Reject Busloads of Illegal Aliens Douglas V. Gibbs | July 2, 2014
Local patriots turned back the buses. Somewhere between 200-300 people swarmed the street, with cars parked on both sides, blocking the buses

Too many Americans still believe Obama is doing a good job despite ample evidence of the “transformation” of America has harmed the nation

FOIA request seeks hidden data and analyses that agency claims back up its climate rulings

The Compassionate Racism of Liberals Elvira Fernandez Hasty | July 2, 2014
The worst form of racism is the demeaning of a race by using paternalistic approaches

Illegal Immigration Bio-Warfare Douglas V. Gibbs | July 2, 2014
Securing the border, as required by Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution, is also a national security issue

Infectious diseases: HHS “Brown Shirts” have been tasked with keeping this vital public health information secret

Abandoning Capitalism Douglas V. Gibbs | July 2, 2014
Plutocrats accused capitalists of being the plutocrats, calling for a global system to control the economies of the world, and to stop capitalism

The Time Has Come for America to Stand Up Caroline Glick | July 2, 2014
U.S. funding of Palestinian terrorists must cease.

Hillary's insane argument

It ain't the law of the land unless I say it is!

True The Vote Files Suit Against Mississippi News on the Net | July 1, 2014
State Republican Party Requests Immediate Access to Election Records Ahead of Certification

SCOTUS Says “No!” to POTUS Arthur Christopher Schaper | July 1, 2014
President Obama's abusive expansion of executive arrogance

Krugman Ignores IPCC on Climate Economics Institute for Energy Research | July 1, 2014
Climate change, climate consensus, climate economics, IPCC, Paul Krugman

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Capitalism and free-enterprise been so close as being doomed to fail, as it has under the aegis of this cultured charlatan by the name of Barack Obama

Death by Delay Viv Forbes | July 1, 2014
The anti-industry, anti-carbon zealots who control the EPA and other arms of the US federal government.

A Thousand Footfalls Go Unheard Wes Porter | July 1, 2014
July gardening: Both the names ‘centipede’ and ‘millipede’ are misleading. Neither have either a hundred or a thousand legs

Pamela Harris fought the law, and she won Watchdog.org | July 1, 2014
HE LOST: Gov. Pat Quinn was defendant in the case Harris v. Quinn, which challenged a state rule forcing home-care workers to pay labor union dues

WELCOME TO AMERICA: Upwards of 170,000 immigrants have flooded into Texas for claiming free education for children

Defender of the poor and the downtrodden? Gerald Hall | July 1, 2014
The Hypocrisy of Olivia Chow
