
Provincial Pension Bailout Costs Skyrocketing Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 13, 2014
Civil service pension plan: 38% increase in amount taxpayers put in over last 3 years, Teachers' pension plan: 35% increase in amount taxpayers put in over last 3 years

Government Subsidies in Canada: A $684 Billion Price Tag

Climate Hysteria Down Under Sierra Rayne | May 13, 2014
Precipitation in almost all of southern Australia is not declining over the historical record

About Single-Payer… Arthur Christopher Schaper | May 13, 2014
Health care reform, ObamaCare Horror stories

The Progressive Red Guard Daniel Greenfield | May 13, 2014
The 50th anniversary of China's Cultural Revolution

"You are supposed to provide oversight. That's why you have special liberties and that's why you have special protections."

Quick, everyone, circle the wagons around Hillary!

Obama's boondoggle: Squander, squander, squander

Holocaust message exploited for Palestinian cause Dr. Ashraf Ramelah | May 13, 2014
Irrational rants for the Palestinian cause have no limit of publishers and present a danger for the preservation of the Jewish state

Lavish DC Lifestyles Guest Column | May 12, 2014
We are paying for this

Obama has emboldened America’s enemies and made them much more likely to take action against the U.S. and the West

In only two days, 26,763 sign petition of TFP Student Group

No teacher, no politician, no Common Core has more influence over children than their parents and relatives

Getting to the “Foggy Bottom” of Benghazi Doug Hagmann | May 12, 2014
We are engaged in a proxy war, where the stakes are the future

My Dad Was Left to Die 25 Years Ago Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | May 12, 2014
Victim of Ceausescu’s totalitarian, brutal regime, Death of 100 million other innocents who died at the hands of Bolsheviks, Stalinists, Maoists, Castroists, other Marxist dictators

Feverish Little Brains Arnold Ahlert | May 12, 2014
Twitter hashtag war against Islamist thugs, a boycott of hotel power-lunches, or celebrating one’s abortion with a video posted on the Internet

Thune’s amendment would require the EPA to consider costs and feasibility and use a model that does not include co-benefits associated with a reduction in ozone

This is another case where SAF is winning firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time

"I'm not so worried about myself, but the veterans that have no place to live."

Fascists pretty much running the NFL at this point.

Squander, squander, squander

Sixteen years later, Drudge is once again headlining sensational news

One Way or Another, Voters Will Force Politicians to Reform the Senate Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 12, 2014
Canadians want a vote on getting rid of the Senate. They’ll vote for politicians who respect democracy as much as they respect the courts

Abortion As Performance Art Michael R. Shannon | May 12, 2014
Emily Letts is the new face of abortion

Promotion of Marxism Disguised as Income Inequality Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | May 12, 2014
This administration is creating two Americas, one that works and one that does not work but votes for entitlements they have not earned

The Middle East Cannot Be Ignored Alan Caruba | May 12, 2014
Facing a common enemy in Iran. They now know that the United States, so long as Obama is President, will not come to their aid

The Billion Dollar Boondoggle Continues Dennis R. Young | May 12, 2014
The Conservative Government is spending of $57 million a year and keeps a staff of 500 to run the Liberal Government's Firearms Program

Environmental Shakedown Marita Noon | May 12, 2014
Groups like Center for Biological Diversity have twisted the intent of the Endangered Species Act

GOP Suicide Watch Frank Gaffney Jr. | May 12, 2014
Amnesty, Congress, immigration, National Defense Authorization Act

Antarctic Sea Ice At Record Levels Guest Column | May 12, 2014
Most Himalayan Glaciers Stable And In A Steady State, New Study Finds
