
Deeply unpopular President is persona non grata in Kentucky

Vigilantes with a Badge: The War Against the American People John W. Whitehead | February 25, 2014
We the citizenry have become the nails to be hammered by the government’s henchmen, a.k.a. its guns for hire, a.k.a. its standing army, a.k.a. the nation’s law enforcement agencies.

Amendment 2

Greenpeace Co-Founder Tells U.S. Senate

Carbon-centric Climate Models fail Consistently Viv Forbes | February 25, 2014
There is no measurable evidence that carbon dioxide (CO2) controls global warming. In fact it may be the reverse

Very Little Children Trust: Do You Trust Holy Mother Church? Father Paul Nicholson | February 25, 2014
Homily for February 25th

Gutting the Army Arnold Ahlert | February 25, 2014
The Obama administration’s warped priorities

Voter’s Remorse Over Obama Alan Caruba | February 25, 2014
That members of Congress, pundits, and others now routinely call Obama a liar is a good sign because he is

When A Simple Apology Isn’t Enough Bob Parks | February 25, 2014
Ted Nugent on CNN

Government Power is an Economic Inequality Daniel Greenfield | February 25, 2014
Real concentration of wealth: Like electricity passing along copper wire, it jumps among unions, political machines, companies, non-profits and back again

Afghanistan- Narco Nation Jack Dini | February 25, 2014
Afghanistan's drug output is up by nearly 50 percent in the last year and opium profits totaled $68 billion globally


Battleground Texas’ illegal data mining News on the Net | February 25, 2014
Battleground Texas has yet to respond to the illegal activity caught on tape

The goal of achieving pan-Canadian harmonization has remained elusive

The Republic We Decided NOT To Keep J.D. Longstreet | February 25, 2014
The Sellout of Ben Franklin, et al

The waste awards are gilded pig statuettes awarded in four categories; local waste, provincial waste, federal waste and lifetime achievement

Governments of at risk countries should act now to protect their citizens

Flooding Of Somerset Levels Was 'Deliberately Engineered'

I want to be an advocate for other pregnant mothers so they don't have to go through what I went through,"

ObamaCare’s Dumping Ground Heritage Foundation | February 25, 2014
Needy Americans who depend on Medicaid deserve a reformed program that can serve them better

Potential to rock the Labour Party to the core with Euro elections less than three months away

Climate Change Matt Shipley | February 25, 2014
John Kerry reiterated President Obama's 2014 State of the Union Address claim that, the debate is settled. Climate change is a fact

Why Obama is Uneducated Selwyn Duke | February 25, 2014
Our republic is now beset by millions of fiction voters who elected a fiction president based on fairy-tale promises

Julie Boonstra has become a target not only for Democrat Congressman Gary Peters but even more so his liberal media allies

NBC’s Russian Propaganda on Display Cliff Kincaid | February 25, 2014
The cost of the games was $50 billion, with $30 billion of that stolen and diverted into the private bank accounts of the ruling elites

The Israeli Solution Caroline Glick | February 25, 2014
In The Israeli Solution, I fill in the blanks that plague the American discourse on Israel and the Palestinians.

"Quis costodiet ipsos custodes?"--"Who will watch the watchers?"

Counting the Medals Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | February 25, 2014
In total, the hockey count alone comes to 40 gold medals for Canada and would easily propel Canada into the top spot for “value adjusted” medals!

No parent should suffer as the Pelletiers are suffering

An Increase in Coal-Fired Plant Retirements Means Fewer Coal Mine Jobs Institute for Energy Research | February 24, 2014
Coal, coal mines, EIA, EPA, mercury and air toxics standards, mining jobs, Utility MACT
