
Pivoting Right Past North Korea Claudia Rosett | February 2, 2014
North Korea has twice already on his watch demonstrated that a rogue state can conduct nuclear tests with relative impunity

CA and DC GOP for Amnesty: at Their Peril Arthur Christopher Schaper | February 2, 2014
Restoring Constitutional, limited government, expedited naturalization for legal residents, demolition of the welfare state, market forces (along with basic security measures) will ensure a peaceful, lawful, and moral immigration policy

Fixing the News Daniel Greenfield | February 2, 2014
The news doesn't need to be fixed. It needs to be freed

The establishment's nightmare

Super Bowl or Super Taxes? Jim Yardley | February 1, 2014
Good move, New Jersey!

Groundhogs, Feeding Birds & Valentines Wes Porter | February 1, 2014
February gardening: National Bird-Feeding Month

Game Over For Climate Campaigners?

Before considering amnesty, Government needs to determine how many illegals are here, what medical, criminal, financial, social questions must be answered before anyone is allowed to bypass the rule of law

Snatching Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory ... Again? J.D. Longstreet | February 1, 2014
So Near And Yet So Far

Cameron’s EU hokey cokey continues David C. Jennings | February 1, 2014
Cameron and Obama favour the idea of going forward with an EU-NAFTA bi-lateral agreement possibly moving toward a merger

NBC to Air “Festival of Corruption” Olympics Cliff Kincaid | February 1, 2014
Winter Olympics in the Sub-Tropics: abuse, corruption, petty tyranny, cronyism, non-professionalism and irresponsibility

ObamaCare, Healthcare reform could and should unleash innovation, not stifle it

Solar Panel Degradation Jack Dini | January 31, 2014
Growing scandal at the heart of the solar power industry

Grammy Values Versus American Values Jeff Crouere | January 31, 2014
America has come a long way from the 1950s of “Ozzie and Harriet” and as we can see from the Grammys on Sunday night, it has been a rather unpleasant trip

Wall’s Procrastination Puzzling Canadian Taxpayers Federation | January 31, 2014
While the Wall government’s inactivity on this issue has been puzzling, the solutions are not so complex

Four key elements, all of which fix the mess ObamaCare has created.

Democrats begin their nightmare year

I’m IN! Sarge | January 31, 2014
Just how damned stupid are you, Boehner?

Line in the sand.

California, we need to talk about your little "left-wing crazies" problem.

Immigration Plan: Trust Obama? Heritage Foundation | January 31, 2014
Policymakers have no real reason to trust the President to uphold any new immigration laws

Into the black hole of obscurity

Trying to scare us Caroline Glick | January 31, 2014
Kerry is waiting for Netanyahu to agree to his framework. Until he does, Kerry, his allies and agents will escalate their threats and subversion

Diverting their funds to an increasingly shaky hold on the Senate

Support Canada Free Press


Progressives Without Progress Daniel Greenfield | January 31, 2014
The only way to resume progress is to fight the progressive movement

Bracing for Amnesty Arnold Ahlert | January 31, 2014
A jab at the Tea Party?

The State of the Union is Mendacity Roger Aronoff | January 31, 2014
So who cares if Obama is lying, if he is serving the noble majority?

Senators Call Attention to Obama Policies That Increase Energy Costs Institute for Energy Research | January 30, 2014
Climate Action Plan, Coal, electricity prices, President Obama

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Home of Liberal MPP father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett’s daughter:
