
And so it begins.

Kid Rock 1, Ariana Grande 0 Jeff Crouere | July 11, 2015
Thankfully, most Americans still appreciate artistic freedom. It is one of the reasons why we should not hate America, but continue to fight for its survival.

Coal Was King In The U.S. And Is Still King Worldwide Institute for Energy Research | July 11, 2015
Coal, EIA, electricity, EPA, natural gas, Obama Administration, renewable energy, Wind

The tax measure comes ironically as Seattle City Council President Tim Burgess is proposing a new city tax on firearms and ammunition sales to finance so-called “anti-violence” efforts that are just gun control by another name

Appearing at this morning's forum were Dr. Ben Carson of Maryland, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio

China’s Nuclear Comprador for Iran Claudia Rosett | July 10, 2015
Much of the haggling at the Iran nuclear talks has focused on how to monitor activity inside Iran itself

Manitoba will pay more to borrow as credit rating dives Canadian Taxpayers Federation | July 10, 2015
Bond rating agency concerned that Manitoba won't be able to balance the budget and the debt burden will get to heavy.

Kelly pointed out that the absence of any comment on the part of the administration is unique in comparison to Obama’s reactions to other recent murders around the country.

Subaru Impreza PZEV - surprising fun despite lack of oomph Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 10, 2015
The Subaru Impreza starts at $19,995 Canadian, which is a pretty good deal for an all-wheel drive vehicle. The top of the line five door 2.0i Limited with the Technology Option starts at $30,295.

Jukebox King revisits the joy of pay-to-play music of days gone by Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 10, 2015
Taking one of these trips down memory lane is going to set you back quite a bit, but if you're into it you might find it worthwhile

OMB’s Whitewash on the Social Cost of Carbon Institute for Energy Research | July 10, 2015
Unfortunately, the problems with the Working Group’s estimates of the “social cost of carbon” aren’t limited to a suppression of discount rate reports. There are several other major problems, which the recent OMB document does not solve.

Investor sentiment remains risk averse as market-calming measures from regulators only serve to mask narrow nature of day's rebound

Tax funding for Medicare advance care planning was a part of the original House bill for Obamacare that was dropped amidst controversy over critics’ charges that it was designed to save money by pushing senior citizens to agree to forego costly treat

“I apologize to the couple for the delay they experienced and wish them the best,” Judge McConnell says.

Israel is no longer a non-partisan issue Ted Belman | July 10, 2015
What Israel can’t afford, is to pander for Jewish American votes in 2016 rather than for Jewish Israeli votes in Israel. It’s our lives that are on the line

The Associated Press explained that Pope Francis actually just needed a pre-Mass wardrobe change

The major media won’t report on this because major Republicans and Democrats are in on it. Much of the scheme was hatched under the Republican administration of George W. Bush, but it is now being carried forward by President Obama.

Long live liberal hypocrisy and intolerance!

Some Catholics never thought the words of the St. Michael the Archangel prayer...”cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls” would someday include the Vatican

Latin America’s Leftist Slide Arnold Ahlert | July 10, 2015
Bad ideas take a long time to die

A lack of genuine international will to stop Islamic State--and its threat to international peace and security - dead in its tracks

A physician offers sanity-based perspectives on EPA's "Data Derangement Syndrome"

Germans: Why should we believe you'll actually do what you say?

Why it's time to take criminal aliens out of the shadows, shackle their hands and feet, and put them on airplanes

The US-Israel Strategic Partnership Yoram Ettinger | July 10, 2015
An Israel-like ally in the Persian Gulf would've reduced, dramatically, the US military involvement in the Gulf.

Why Islamic treachery in the Middle East should concern Americans.

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Originally, the case was filed by four plaintiffs from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Oklahoma

So why do we have them in the first place?

Apparently they've run out of flags to denounce.
