
A rebel victory in the battles in the Daraa district, on the other hand, or no decision, will leave the balance of power in the region as it is now

White House Bid Announcement

Taxing unlawful marriage, medicine and eating Oreos?

Congressional Democrats and Vatican join White House and Leftist assaults on basic rights

Glyphosate is used in more than 750 agricultural, household and forestry products

Democrat sense to destroy America Guest Column | May 2, 2015

The level of appeasement towards both the Soviets and China during the Kissinger foreign policy era is stunning

The Color of Justice In Baltimore Nadra Enzi | May 2, 2015
Vulgar, violent chaos!

The Left, Right, and Baltimore Jim ONeill | May 2, 2015
The difference between enlightened self-interest and nihilistic narcissism is the difference between the conservative and liberal viewpoints

Israel’s economy Guest Column | May 2, 2015

The charity commission has contacted the charity which runs the Mosque “urgently” to remove the mural, as it contravenes UK charity laws on political campaigning.

Where are the accountable leaders Guest Column | May 2, 2015
Hillary Clinton, LBJ, Democrat Party

Israel’s economy defies common sense Yoram Ettinger | May 2, 2015
The long-term viability of Israel and its economy is also reflected by its economic indicators, which refute conventional "wisdom."

Obama directing the racial riot movie

Story of police, bureaucratic and ministerial misconduct and cover-up that belongs in the third world, not in Canada

Israel is the Rainbow Nation Barry Shaw | May 2, 2015
Communist Blade Nzinmande, champion of the dogma of academic boycotts

Gardening gets underway again Wes Porter | May 1, 2015
Weeds, bugs, even accumulating ice a problem? Not to worry U.S. company Ion Productions may soon have the answer for you

What Will it Take to Right the Ship of State? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | May 1, 2015
Why would useful idiots riot to turn our country into a third world basket of lawlessness, corruption, and racial hatred egged on by professional agitators who make the empty promise of non-existent communist social justice?

Illusions of Freedom Sierra Rayne | May 1, 2015
The notion that there is a threshold above which authoritarian nations would democratize is attractive, but our experience since the end of the Cold War suggests this view is too simplistic and results in a risky foreign policy stance for the West

Chasing the Rainbow of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | May 1, 2015
Obama administration is heading down a path with Iran that ultimately will make further nuclear proliferation more likely, not less

Why Does ‘Never Again’ Keep Happening Again Dr. Robert R. Owens | May 1, 2015
It often seems that no one has the courage to say anything until after the fact.

Jameis Winston, NFL’s newest criminal? Jeff Crouere | May 1, 2015
The new quarterback for the Tampa Bay Bucs is no stranger to the criminal justice system

No, Obama Isn’t Facing Activist Conservative Judges Heritage Foundation | May 1, 2015
Under the guise of “prosecutorial discretion,” the administration will decline to enforce the law against an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants

Torah and the rabbis were very careful to avoid any form of a cult of personality.

Boxed in.

Who saw this "unexpected and serious challenge" coming?

The United States has already radically cut carbon dioxide emissions—more than any country on earth since 2006

Two other officers have been charged with several counts, including involuntary manslaughter. And two other officers are charged with several counts, including second-degree assault.

Socialist Riots Douglas V. Gibbs | May 1, 2015
Socialism is also the drive behind the rotting of America, the upheaval in politics, the killing of liberty, and the riots we've been experiencing, be it Ferguson, or Baltimore

The Sun Is Almost Completely Blank Guest Column | May 1, 2015
Weakest Solar Cycle In More Than A Century
