
Please don't tell me, 'Bummer, Comrade'!

Why is everybody picking on me? Dag Barkley | April 23, 2015
ou're a freakin' idiot, Bill... I'm not singing, I'm whining!

Abandonment of Christian Victims of Genocide Today Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | April 23, 2015
President Obama is quick to condemn acts he considers to be demonstrations of Islamophobia. However, he remains on the sidelines while the genocide of Christians goes on unabated during our lifetime

Christians will soon be the Pariah to Eradicate Dr. Laurie Roth | April 23, 2015
You had better start figuring out who you are and what you are made of. There are legacies to be made. There are wrongs to be righted and stark evil to confront.

President Ronald Reagan is one of the most famous Americans of the 20th century.

The U.S. continues to face a dangerous and complex global terror threat. The U.S. must adopt a strategy to match this threat

Hope that a final deal will pacify Tehran and its leaders reflects the triumph of dreams over reality.

Transparency and vetting. Good things.

"I have a clear message for any corporation that contemplates trying to bully our state: Save your breath."

. . . and has now been forced to admit that's not true.

Spectacular hypocrisy.

But . . . science!

Soulless eyes Sarge | April 23, 2015
Hillary Clinton; so out of touch with what the middle class is about, she just didn’t feel these kids need to survive on anything more than $2.13 an hour

India: No Climate Deal Without Western Climate Finance

Hallelujah! Will be the throaty cry of we the Faithful who comprise the Vast Right Conspiracy and who function at the Right Hand and Mercy of the Almighty!

Supreme Court has anti-religious agenda Guest Column | April 23, 2015

The financial exploitation evidenced on this website was sanctioned by Clark County Family Court Judge Charles Hoskin and his appointed "Guardianship Commissioner" Jon Norheim.

Ramadi and Obama’s Phony Air War Against ISIS Michael Fumento | April 23, 2015
Obama is keeping both of America's arms tied behind its back. Under his leadership, we're no sleeping giant --we're downright comatose

Could You Spot a Potential School Shooter? Alan Caruba | April 23, 2015
There is no one way to prevent school shootings-- Most school shooters leave a trail of warning signs that are either not noticed or not responded to

Mary’s Garden and Henry Ross for Congress Lloyd Marcus | April 23, 2015
The only way we stop Obama and his fellow Leftist's anti-America and anti-God agenda is to replace Democrats, betrayers and spineless Republicans with rock-solid courageous conservatives; one race at a time.

The Oversight and Government Reform Committee passed a resolution disapproving the law along party lines last night, and it will now move to the House for a full vote.

Introducing Spot News on the Net | April 23, 2015
Spot weighs about 160 lbs.

The liberal media have and will likely continue to label Benghazi as a "phony scandal," despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary

At 67 Israel exudes long term optimism Yoram Ettinger | April 23, 2015
Happy Israel Independence Day

Once again, the Obama administration is deceiving the courts, and the American people, about its plans for amnesty for millions...

On the Ethiopians who were killed in Libya, and why we should expect more to come

Horray for Hollywood!

Our wayward planet George Giftos | April 22, 2015
The lack of American leadership the past six years has emboldened our enemies wishing us harm to challenge our Judeo-Christian ethic way of life
