
Is a picture worth a thousand words? Bruce Wiseman | January 5, 2015
So tell your story, and tell it visually, and tell it well.

Conservatives demanding action to stem the tide of Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America. They can’t count on the major media to investigate the Obama administration

Arabs and Palestinians will always have the left to bail them out of their failures, and use Israel as the Jewish whipping boy

House Conservatives Revolt Matthew Vadum | January 5, 2015
Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.), conservative champion Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) plan to challenge Boehner (R-Ohio) for the Speaker’s gavel

Racial Magic Jim Yardley | January 5, 2015
If their followers stop believing in the magic, they will suddenly stop paying for admission to the racialist magic show.

“I can’t enjoy anything” Patrick D Hahn | January 5, 2015
Part 4: A Walking Nightmare--Antidepressants and suicidality

And I'm talking bear-selfie stupid

Tax preparers are girding for the wave of anger they will face over all this, of course. But it isn’t the your tax guy’s fault, America

A more sophisticated Palestinian political leadership may well make the US decision to vote a new resolution in the Security Council more difficult to predict and achieve.

Resist socialism because resisting socialism is fighting communism

De Blasio should resign but of course he won’t Arthur Weinreb | January 4, 2015
Police are only making arrests when they have to and are letting a number of minor crimes go. Those that laughed at the broken windows theory of crime are now panicking

White House Climate Lunacy Alan Caruba | January 4, 2015
How the Earth is getting both colder and warmer at the same time defies reality, but that is of little concern to Dr. Holdren

The Bad Christian and the Good Secularist Selwyn Duke | January 4, 2015
Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult, and left untried.

Should John Boehner be the Speaker of the House? James Lampe | January 4, 2015
Speaker Boehner's non-confrontational attitude is enabling President Obama to implement his socialist policies and regal fiats without any Congressional restraints

Coptic Christian family — mother, father, and daughter — killed in Libya

Dead bodies Patrick D Hahn | January 4, 2015
Part 3: "A Walking Nightmare"-- Antidepressants and suicidality

Many factors are at play, and demographics is but only one of them

Reflection on Conservatism, Tolerance, and Extremism Arthur Christopher Schaper | January 4, 2015
Social conservatives should not lie down for these unfounded attacks, but rebut the strain of extremism with the truth

"It looked like the abominable snowman because its fur was so packed with snow and it looked at us, shook the snow off it, and off it went."

Saving lives in the Middle East Paul Driessen | January 3, 2015
Faith-based groups race against time, winter cold and Islamist butchers to reduce the slaughter

Species Extinction Claims Are Overblown Jack Dini | January 3, 2015
Someone should notify all the doomsayers that they need to find something else to scare people about.

Budget Battle Looms, Boehner Approval Dwindling Douglas V. Gibbs | January 3, 2015
The federal budget will be where a lot of the war will be fought between President Obama and the new Republican Congress in 2015

Better than well Patrick D Hahn | January 3, 2015
Part 2: "A Walking Nightmare"-- Antidepressants and suicidality

Despite how much the mainstream media wants one, the Canadian electorate is not leaning towards carbon taxation

Stelzer Shows How Sloppy the “Conservative” Case is for a Carbon Tax Institute for Energy Research | January 2, 2015
Carbon dioxide emissions, carbon tax, climate change, Irwin Stelzer

The father has been fighting against the arrest for months and finally the courts have come to agree with him; his arrest was illicit.

The persecution of Christians in the Islamic world has become endemic

Some one should advise our deluded leader that there MUST be an easier, less dangerous way to reach his coveted goal of pushing gasoline to $7 a gallon

Senator Rubio on the Bad Deal with Cuba Dag Barkley | January 2, 2015
Castro's Communist slobber all over it
