
Why We Need a Third Party Dr. Robert R. Owens | December 5, 2014
We must to break the logjam of an imperial presidency, an abdicating legislature, an activist court, a suffocating bureaucracy, and the strangulation of regulation

Fanning the flames of unrest Guest Column | December 5, 2014
Irresponsibility of the media in Ferguson, Missouri

Republicans Lose Round 1 to Obama on Immigration Heritage Foundation | December 5, 2014
There is no good reason for the House NOT to take real action now.

Baby elephant comes back to life News on the Net | December 5, 2014
Latest Wildlife Sightings

Japan’s CO2 Emissions Hit Record - Germany Set For Near Record Coal Imports

Nicely done.

Just kill it from the inside by ignoring it. No need for repeal.

Obama’s China Deal Backfires Guest Column | December 5, 2014
Emboldened China Plays $100 Billion Trump Card

Women Are Having Fewer Babies Than Ever in the US Heritage Foundation | December 5, 2014
In America, a high ideal fertility rate remains the cultural norm: People still want children, even if they do not have them—which means that it is still possible to find a way back to the replacement level

Black Lives Don’t Matter Daniel Greenfield | December 5, 2014
If black lives truly mattered to the protesters, they would fight crime instead of supporting the criminals taking black lives

A picture that’s in reality, a holy card Judi McLeod | December 5, 2014
Iraqi martyrs for Jesus:

Rushing the National Defense Authorization Act Arnold Ahlert | December 5, 2014
lame-duck Congress puts military lives on the line.

A Surveillance State for Cops Cliff Kincaid | December 5, 2014
How can you monitor the police without monitoring the civilians at the same time?

Mr. President, let’s stop demonizing the police. Let’s have that task force, let’s have a real debate. We might just find that the problem doesn’t lie with the police or the community, but with your own world view.

What is Social Justice? News on the Net | December 5, 2014
The Redistribution of Wealth

Bush v. Obama on Consulate Attacks Arthur Christopher Schaper | December 5, 2014
President Obama and his liberal supports cannot rebut their massive foreign policy/terrorism failures by pointing to the consulate attacks under the Bush Administration

Could falling oil prices spark a financial crisis? Oilprice.com | December 4, 2014
Low oil prices are not just a problem for oil companies. Investment funds, hungry for yield in a low interest rate environment, have poured money into oil and gas

U.S. government winks at illegal aliens stealing the identities of citizens sometimes going as far as obtaining credit cards and bank loans

That was before I got voted into office

Obama and Boehner Immigration Plan Dag Barkley | December 4, 2014
Now John, how about more cuts to the military

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Footage has emerged of the fighting in Grozny Chechnya today.

Support Canada Free Press


Neil Macdonald provides yet more reasons why we need to defund Canada's state broadcaster

Manipulating identity to feed mob politics A. Dru Kristenev | December 4, 2014
Identity politics and identity religion are tearing at the very fabric of our nation.

Lapid’s political crack-up Caroline Glick | December 4, 2014
By finally exposing the Left as incapable of ever moving toward the Center, Lapid has taught us what we need to do to get the government we want

ObamaCare and a fist full of dollars Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 4, 2014
Nationalized health care in Western Europe, the model for the Affordable Care Act

The bill also includes provisions creating a number of new national parks and a federal commission to come up with a plan for a National Museum of Women’s History.

The Obamavirus Dr. Brad Lyles | December 4, 2014
Obamavirus is the most deadly strain of the family of Liberal Viruses
