
A candle for an Unknown Soldier Joanna Rosamond | November 1, 2014
If you really care for our fallen heroes, then do something to thank them: love your country, put up a fight for our veterans and protect the gift of freedom. Never give up

IPCC to Emphasize New Marketing Campaign Institute for Energy Research | October 31, 2014
Climate change, IPCC, United Kingdom

Iran was praised glowingly by many delegations, including from Syria, Yemen, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Belarus, Vietnam, and Palestine

Take responsibility for however you decide to mark your ballot, but don’t lay the results at God’s feet when you had a deliberate choice to make, be it for right or wrong

What Liberals Think James Sharp | October 31, 2014
The list goes on. And the liberal drumbeat goes on right along with it.

Dollarpocalypse Now Anthony J. Tarquinto | October 31, 2014
Federal Reserve is losing control. They cannot keep interest rates low forever. Nobody can. And when rates rise, the results will be devastating

Senator Stereotype Haunts Louisiana Jeff Crouere | October 31, 2014
U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu: Strongly implying that people of her home state are both racist and sexist

Like many Democratic hopefuls, incumbents or not, Landrieu is struggling to distance herself from the increasingly unpopular President Obama

Bradlee used freedom of the press for partisan political purposes. That’s his real legacy.

Liar’s Poker Sarge | October 31, 2014
Mary Landrieu, Louisiana, 2014 midterm elections, U.S. Senate, racism

Province Clueless about Colossal Problem Canadian Taxpayers Federation | October 31, 2014
The federal government has been studying how demographic shifts will impact government bodies in Canada for quite some time.

Mob tactics from the Democrat Party....

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Almost perfect!

Being safe while isolated Caroline Glick | October 31, 2014
An attempted murder in Jerusalem underscores the danger of Obama’s subversion against Israel

The Kentucky Republican answered questions on President Obama’s plans to implement administrative amnesty following the election

Growth is for the Sake of Humans, not Just “for the Sake of Growth” Institute for Energy Research | October 31, 2014
air pollution, Brazil, China, energy use, EPA, India, oil, ThinkProgress

Tell them I'm busy. They have satellites sir. They know when you're not.

Katusa's U.S. dollar reference shows that any developments that point to a move away from the dominance of the greenback are not going un-noticed.

Obama on bringing Ebola patients to America Dag Barkley | October 31, 2014
There's nothing fair about being crazy!

Baby’s first crawl with her dog News on the Net | October 31, 2014
Labs are the best family dog ever!

Whom Will Obama Blame If Democrats Lose Senate? John Lillpop | October 31, 2014
The solution: Another Trillion dollar stimulus and degradation and destruction of all borders between the US and Mexico!

There is no room for half-measures or dissembling. Benjamin Franklin’s sentiment during the Revolution holds true today. We must “either fight or die.” Now

Holder Pushing to Oust Ferguson Police Chief? Arnold Ahlert | October 31, 2014
While the lynch mob promises death and destruction if an indictment isn’t delivered

Thoughts on the Coming Election Dr. Robert R. Owens | October 31, 2014
Twilight of our Republic and about to enter the sunset of liberty and the dawn of an America with a living constitution, a herd mentality, and a cradle-to-grave welfare state

Warmth is Good; Cold is the Killer Viv Forbes | October 30, 2014
Life on Earth has never been threatened by greenhouse warming

Even if They Are Republicans'

When the Jobs Fairy Visited My Business William Kevin Stoos | October 30, 2014
Hillary Was Right: Businesses Do Not Create Jobs...

Best Interests of Whom? Armand C. Hale | October 30, 2014
Quarantine: I didn't know the virus has the intelligence to discern between a volunteer and a non-volunteer before infecting. Unbelievable.

Prediction: A very good Tuesday for the GOP Tom DeLay | October 30, 2014
If Mrs. Clinton does run, the 2016 Republican commercials will just write themselves.
