
They could have at least used Obama's "workplace violence" angle...

We are sick of the egomaniac who has taken over the White House. We demand that real men be real men…not this fake ‘metro-sexual’ garbage

Obama brand would be degraded and destroyed so thoroughly

Ebola Pandemic: Risks and Realities James Simpson | October 23, 2014
The monstrous Islamist group, ISIS, shares the lunatic left’s enthusiasm for Ebola

Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was fatally shot at the War Memorial in Ottawa

Feds Scramble for Risky Vaccine Cliff Kincaid | October 23, 2014
Whether the mandatory vaccines work or not, they will most likely be covered under Obamacare

Knock, Knock!!

You Can’t Reform Islam Without Reforming Muslims Daniel Greenfield | October 23, 2014
To change Islam, we would have to understand why its ugliness still speaks to Muslims

Statement By The Prime Minister of Canada in Ottawa News on the Net | October 22, 2014
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today delivered the following remarks:

SAF Sues Illinois Over Restrictive CCW Residency Requirements Second Amendment Foundation | October 22, 2014
“Our plaintiffs have qualified for carry permits or licenses in their own states, which means they have gone through background checks and other requirements that show they are responsible, law-abiding citizens

Greens Licking Their Lips Over Carbon Tax Revenues Institute for Energy Research | October 22, 2014
Carbon tax, environmentalists, Kristin Eberhard, Sightline

The inescapable conclusions of negligence or corruption or both cannot be simply swept aside for the sake of political correctness

Amnesty for 34 Million Illegal Aliens Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | October 22, 2014
One thing is certain, once the cards are issued, the already dire unemployment figures among America’s blue collar workers are going to balloon and the welfare rolls are going to swell

Shooting in Canada’s Parliament building News on the Net | October 22, 2014
Shooter identified | Soldier killed Identified | Gunman killed, others still sought | Canada Parliament Locked Down After 'Multiple Gunmen' Attack Ottawa

John Kerry Regurgitates Falsehood to Revive His Failed Peace Talks Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | October 22, 2014
Kerry’s remarks at the White House Eid al-Adha ceremony

No Ebola Panic Despite Media Hysteria Alan Caruba | October 22, 2014
The outcome of the midterm elections will have a dramatic effect on Obama’s ability to continue his destruction of the U.S. economy and other policies.

Can Michael Brown’s death save the US Senate for Harry Reid and Barack Obama?

Message to Detroit:

Pledge for the Preservation of Life and Liberty

Canadians shocked at shooting incident in Ottawa News on the Net | October 22, 2014
Police investigating attack on Parliament Hill

"It's clear it was a terrorist attack, the only question is, who perpetrated it"

Obama will follow through on his “promise and threat” to “violate the constitution"

Looks like 'War on Women' may be a political loser...

Welfare state.


Low Oil Prices Hurting U.S. Shale Operations Oilprice.com | October 22, 2014
Rig counts are starting to drop, but due to the long lead time for most oil projects, it could be a while before production begins to decline in a significant way

Georgina Gibbons

Frank Gaffney and Doug Feith analyze Iraqi WMD scandal Frank Gaffney Jr. | October 22, 2014
Critics of the war were not contradicted by the white house so the "lie" was perpetuated

Getting pithy Sarge | October 22, 2014
Our local, regional and national representatives (at all levels of government) might need to be pithed

ACS Ebola resources available to journalists American Chemical Society | October 22, 2014
Scientists play a major part in stemming any infectious disease outbreak, including the current one
