
Why Global Citizenship and Not American Citizenship? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | February 17, 2014
Why would colleges then mandate preparation of our American students for global citizenship, should colleges not prepare students for American citizenship?

Venezuelans have had it with the corruption, shortages, censorship, 56% inflation rate, crime and general privations brought on by the late Hugo Chavez' Bolivarian Revolution

Banker Suicides: The JPMorgan-CIA-NYPD connection

Bama Students for Life

When Presidents Upheld the Law Heritage Foundation | February 17, 2014
President Barack Obama’s “I can do whatever I want” attitude toward the rule of law

Republican reductionism, or How to not take a stand Rolf Yungclas | February 17, 2014
Speaker of the House John Boehner doesn't know how to fight a political battle - he always puts up a front and then caves

Does Navy Map Alter the Benghazi Narrative? Roger Aronoff | February 17, 2014
If these military assets were actually not available to support Benghazi in the face of ongoing threats, we must ask, Why not?

Government meddling generates predictable results

Arab World, Gulf States, Arab Spring

A Tale of Two Cities Doug Jeffrey | February 16, 2014
Ottawa and Washington

Wisdom Abandoned: American Children Thrown to the Wolves Kelly O'Connell | February 16, 2014
American society is badly damaged by a lack of virtue and the rejection of wisdom--Does not Wisdom Call Out? Does not Understanding Raise her Voice?

"War of the Letterheads" adds a new dimension to the conflict between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation

Trudeau: “budget will balance itself” Ezra Levant | February 16, 2014
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has somehow come to believe that budgets balance themselves

Green Fear-Mongers Climate Ambulance Chasing

Mighty Mitch McConnell’s Hat Trick Mike Henkins | February 16, 2014
Three goals on his own net

Shameless Communist Propaganda from the Left Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | February 16, 2014
The Cold War was a "colossal battle between good and evil, freedom and slavery, and democracy and totalitarianism." Revisionist presentation of communist atrocities is a sad distortion of truth and of history

The Inequality of Access Daniel Greenfield | February 16, 2014
In a city or a country run by income inequality campaigners like Barack Obama or Bill de Blasio, the inequality of wealth takes a back seat to the inequality of access

Bitter End to the Modern Labor Movement Arthur Christopher Schaper | February 16, 2014
The union hall-statehouse corruption-collusion is coming to a bitter end in the United States, the final death-throws of the Modern Labor Movement.

Carbon benefits exceed costs by up to 500:1 Paul Driessen | February 16, 2014
EPA "cost of carbon" analyses ignore huge benefits of hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide

Industrialized world is moving in the exact opposite direction of our President and Vice President, away from the Obama traditions of dangerous government debt and economy-killing environmental zealotry

Liberal Media in Free Fall Alan Caruba | February 16, 2014
Even the most blatant liberal coverage has been unable to hide the tide of scandals

Beetrootburgers, To Lower Blood Pressure and Boost Amour W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | February 16, 2014
Nitric oxide, beets, cardiovascular health, Superbeets

Rand Paul vs. Hillary Clinton:

Normalcy Bias Guest Column | February 15, 2014
Our founding fathers had a dream and we've turned it into a nightmare.

Support Canada Free Press


Earn the trust of those you wish to lead or continue to die the slow death you seem so intent to bring upon yourselves and the Republican Party

A Presidents’ Day reminder of why we must fight Herman Cain | February 15, 2014
What if they had given up?

We see his lies but not the way out Judi McLeod | February 15, 2014
Cold harsh reality of Mr. “Not a Bad Guy” only “misunderstood” Barack- Teleprompter-Pen-and-Phone Obama

My Phony Valentine Judi McLeod | February 15, 2014
Romeo Barack dispatched his husbandly Valentine thingy by tweeting a Valentine message,

It’s Your 5th Birthday, Tea Party Robin Rohr | February 15, 2014
Uniquely American character has been forged by overcoming adversity, strengthened by an honorable resolve, and continues to grow with the message of true freedom and liberty

A New Enemy To Unite the GOP Arthur Christopher Schaper | February 15, 2014
The Public Sector Union Lobby as Public Enemy No. 1 can conserve Conservatism and re-unify the Republican Party.
