
Global Warming-Energy-Environment

Smart Meter Battles in Nevada Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 15, 2011
Health complaints about electro-magnetic radiation and radio frequency exposure

Told You So: German Solar Industry Faces Bankruptcy Guest Column | December 15, 2011
EU carbon plunges 10 percent to record low of 6.30 euros

American energy can jump-start US recovery Paul Driessen | December 15, 2011
Tapping abundant US energy deposits would create jobs and restore prosperity

Ban Ki-moon: Durban pact ‘defied’ skeptics Steve Milloy | December 14, 2011
"We have just four months. Four months to secure the future of our planet."

Exxon predicts U.S. oil imports have peaked Institute for Energy Research | December 14, 2011
IER has estimated that North America has 1.7 trillion barrels of technically recoverable oil

House Votes to Expedite Keystone XL Decision Institute for Energy Research | December 14, 2011
U.S. continues to spend $700 million per day on oil from overseas suppliers at today's price of almost $100 per barrel

AG seeking to preserve right of Oklahoma to determine energy and environmental policies

Rebecca Wodder to be Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks at the Department of the Interior

Federal Commissioner of the Environment and of Sustainable Development indicated potential gaps in regulatory oversight

Scientists reconstructed human additions of mercury to the atmosphere using historical data and computer models.

The decision of Canada to exercise its legal right to withdraw from the protocol has dealt a blow to the spirit of the Durban deal.

At this point, the greatest obstacle to American jobs and energy security is President Barack Obama

Chairman Jaczko's actions severely undermine the mission of the NRC to ensure the safety of the American people.

"Our Nation's Water Infrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities."

The truth behind the trickery is only revealed in a hard-to-find video among dozens of clips on the BBC website.

Green Bubblings Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | December 13, 2011
Green promises, Guilt Money, Green Money

Failure of global warming alarmism and the complete collapse of the Kyoto process

The Twelve Days of Durban Peter C. Glover | December 12, 2011
On the first day of Doomsville, alarmists gave to me...

The Wind Power Pipe Dream Alan Caruba | December 12, 2011
Slaughter of birds and bats by these Cuisinarts of the Countryside

Court: Process more important than EPA health claims Steve Milloy | December 11, 2011
Rulemaking for emissions from cement kilns

The wind turbine syndrome has become pandemic. Guest Column | December 11, 2011
Health warning to governments

'Sponsorship of Global Warming Prevention Act of 1989' -- Gingrich a committed warmist in the 1980s!?

As the economic squeeze tightens, the case for a drastic slimming down of the BBC gets stronger every day.

Climate fraud proves insanity of extending Kyoto, renewable subsidies and economic mayhem

In Case You Missed It...

Can anyone figure out President Obama’s job creation strategy?? Institute for Energy Research | December 9, 2011
He claims he wants to see more Americans working, but then he rejects private sector projects that would create tens of thousands of American jobs

The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal Guest Column | December 9, 2011
"The costs to Britain of trying to combat global warming are horrifying, and the BBC’s role in promoting the alarmist cause is, quite simply, shameful."

'Climate debt' -- Also seeks 'rights of Mother Earth' & 2C° drop in global temps

The Loons are Running the Asylum Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 8, 2011
We permit the indoctrination of our children in schools into the leftist agenda of globalism, environmentalism, diversity, socialism, and communism

Bring the Oil Employees Back Home! Institute for Energy Research | December 8, 2011
U.S. will be the top global oil and gas producer, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia
