

Thus making it easier for cops to protect themselves against threats

The UK’s Libyan Jihadist Problem Daniel Greenfield | May 31, 2017
We must ensure that the girls who died in Manchester will be the last of our casualties in that Islamist war

Sick and tired of teddy bears and flowers Klaus Rohrich | May 30, 2017
The next time there’s an event that calls for teddy bears and flowers, it would be nice instead to look for and elect leaders capable of seeing and dealing with these threats

To Carry a Gun Greg Penglis | May 29, 2017
Stay free, stay strong, do your part for the civil defense, and we will have an ever increasing, responsibly armed citizenry against the forces of evil, and maintain our unique country, free in a world of oppression

Report: 23,000 jihadis living in Britain James Simpson | May 29, 2017
President Trump was elected largely on the strength of his promise to restore sanity to our immigration policies, build a wall, end mass illegal immigration and rein in the corrupt, dangerous, out of control refugee resettlement program

Fascist leftism, a death cult embedded in a Democratic Party

Bloody Hands in Manchester Daniel Greenfield | May 27, 2017
It may even be possible that in their final dying moments, the victims of the Manchester Arena attack were afraid of Islam. If only they could be prosecuted after death.

Famous Jihadists Who Were Potheads Cliff Kincaid | May 26, 2017
In addition to using marijuana to inspire and wage jihad, there is evidence that Islamic terrorists are funding their activities by selling dope

They deceived Seattle citizens about how much their tax would raise and what it would accomplish, and they should be held accountable

The nation's cybersecurity strategy is twofold: improve our resilience to cyber incidents, and reduce the cyber threat

ISIS calls the now-aerosolized bomber a "soldier of the Caliphate"

Because of course he was


Why Expecting Subway Passengers to Pay Is Racist Michael R. Shannon | May 23, 2017
Regardless of whether government tolerates broken windows or broken turnstiles, it always leads to broken heads in the end

Good vs. Evil in the Supreme Court Daniel Greenfield | May 18, 2017
Serial rapist and murderer Ledell Lee: The left stands with the hunters, the robbers, the rapists, the killers and looters. Justice Gorsuch stood with the hunted

Ransomware is the third generation next development after Denial of Service (DOS) and data breach theft,

Nonstop accusations, incarcerations, murders, tortures, death penalties meted out to non-Muslims on the mere accusation of “blasphemy”—at the hands of mobs, vigilantes, court judges— call into question any claims of tolerance, modernity, or pluralism

Holder furious that Sessions is fighting crime again Daniel Greenfield | May 13, 2017
If you want to see Holder’s policies in action, go to Baltimore. Try not to get shot.

The former is but one of many temporal and historical manifestations of the latter, which, as an integral part of Islam, transcends time and space

Solutions to protect the electrical grid against these ominous threats already exist, but they have not been widely implemented. Dr. Pry believes that the grid should be hardened against these threats, adding that people should take action to prepare

Good guys with guns.

Soros Partners with CAIR to Sabotage Sheriff Clarke Rev. Austin Miles | May 8, 2017

Gunshot, not Lethal Injections, Is Most Humane Michael Fumento | May 3, 2017
Capital punishment in the US needs to be debated on its own merits and may eventually go the way of Canada. Until then, a humane society needs to choose the most humane method of employing it

Party Animal is recalling two lots of its Cocolicious dog food because it might contain pentobarbital

Why would civilized Western societies deliberately rebrand terrorism as mental illness and become apologists for the barbarity of terrorists and sharia law?

Chicago shooting victims Bob Christie | May 2, 2017
Gangbangers vs Gangbangers: This screams for big time organization. Prime time stuff! Major media publicity! Domestic and international cable subscriber sales could go through the roof!

A steady aim

Why Islamists and Fascists Persecute Christians Raymond Ibrahim | April 29, 2017
Authority vs.. Freedom

ISIS fighters killed by wild boars Matthew Vadum | April 28, 2017
Guess who's not getting into Paradise

SAF, OTHER GROUPS FILE FEDERAL LAWSUIT v. CAL. MAGAZINE BAN Second Amendment Foundation | April 28, 2017
“Enforcement of this ban, would immediately place thousands of law-abiding California gun owners in jeopardy of criminal liability, subjects their personal property to forfeiture, seizure, permanent confiscation
