

Cyber Security: Millions of devices can serve as the potential means for DDoS cyberattacks

What Will Replace ISIS? Daniel Greenfield | November 4, 2016
This is a war to determine whether the future will belong to the West or to Islam.

“Does Chicago want to curb the violence and empower its citizens to fight back, or does the city want to stay the present course? Haven’t enough people been sacrificed on the altar of gun control?”

The more people understand that banning guns for law-abiding citizens will not prevent criminals from breaking the law

Treachery Christians have suffered from their longtime Muslim neighbors and "friends"

Scholars of Genocide Studies from Across the Globe, Human Rights Activists, Anti-genocide Activists, and People of the Cloth

You cannot treat a civil right like a communicable disease

Islamophobia? Where is Hinduphobia? Diane Weber Bederman | October 14, 2016
If we are called to fight against the caste system in India and not attacked as racist, xenophobic, fearmongering Hinduphobes then why are we in the West attacked for pointing out the intolerant treatment of millions through the teachings of Islam?

The growing mayhem is the result of Chicago police officers' withdrawal from proactive enforcement, making the city a dramatic example of what I have called the "Ferguson effect." [...]

Warning from a Chicago Police Officer Nadra Enzi | October 8, 2016
Law abiding citizens, in all communities, should heed this warning from a Chicago police officer. If law enforcement second guesses itself while under attack, everyone loses our supposedly inalienable right of self-defense

Are Tennessee Church Shootings Jihad? Matthew Vadum | October 7, 2016
Evidence points to alleged shooter being a Muslim convert

Muslim Persecution of Christians, June 2016

Eligible Ballistic and Training EBT card

Preparing for (another) biological attack American Chemical Society | October 4, 2016
After Amerithrax: The state of modern biodefense

The Obama administration and its media cheerleaders should understand that gun owners have privacy rights, too


Driver Ameer Abbaf Fakhraldin told police the collision was caused by Donald Trump"s improper treatment of minorities

Judge Walker used his courtroom to campaign against a civil right he is sworn to uphold and defend as an officer of the court

Black Racism Goes Mainstream Matthew Vadum | September 30, 2016
A movement based on race-hatred gets the thumbs up from the government, the media and the culture-at-large

The Real Evil in Charlotte Daniel Greenfield | September 30, 2016
Obama and the left want a nation of Keith Lamont Scotts. But now it’s our turn to choose

Anti-Gunners Already Exploit Mall Tragedy CCRKBA | September 28, 2016
Exploiting this tragic event to press for more ineffective laws that simply erode the rights of honest citizens is dishonest

Color us shocked: Shocker, Omar Mateen wasn't a gay-hating gun nut inspired by decades of right-wing talk radio

Leaked document reveals the staggering breadth of domestic terrorist activity -- and the administration's cover-up.

It’s time to stop white-on-white violence Herman Cain | September 27, 2016
These predators may be the worst criminals in our society, and no one is standing up to them

Why ‘Infidel’ Women are Jihad’s Greatest Victims Raymond Ibrahim | September 27, 2016
It should be noted that even in Europe, it is the indigenous females who are suffering the most from the influx of Muslim migrants

Regarding Charlotte, Black & Blue Lives and Lies Lloyd Marcus | September 24, 2016
Red, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. This means ALL LIVES MATTER!

Lock & Load

All just part of a "protest" right, media?

Charlotte Burning Matthew Vadum | September 22, 2016
Soros-funded Black Lives Matter inflicts its terror in a sleepy Southern city.

Muslim Refugee Terror is Changing America Daniel Greenfield | September 21, 2016
You can have religious freedom or Islam. You can have the Constitution or the Koran. But you can’t have both
