

Islam’s Many Murders of Americans Alan Caruba | October 22, 2012
Presidency that encourages Islamic militancy, sinking further into an abyss of national poverty, loss of our position in the world as a power for freedom and democracy

Judge Pro issued the first of several ORDERS instructing an annuity holder to comply.

Anti-gun Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

For Everything Else, There’s al-MasterCard News on the Net | October 15, 2012
MasterCard's dalliance with shariah finance plays into the hands of Islamist terror

Federal Court Cripples Rizzolo Steve Miller | October 15, 2012
Freezes fraudulently transferred U.S. and off shore assets

New York appeals court has ruled that --the companies that made and distributed the handgun can be sued

Federal Court Cripples Rizzolo Steve Miller | October 12, 2012
Freezes fraudulently transferred U.S. and off shore assets

CBS Reporter Says Islamic Terrorists Are Winning Cliff Kincaid | October 12, 2012
Lara Logan

BREAKING:  Judge Pro Rules in Kirk Henry’s Favor Steve Miller | October 10, 2012
Injunctive Relief Against the Dissipation or Transfer of Assets

Remington Arms, New York

“There’s a problem in Cook County, alright, but law-abiding gun owners didn’t create it, and should not be taking the rap for it, financially or otherwise.”

Lisa Rizzolo’s Amazing Reasons Steve Miller | October 8, 2012
Why She Should Be Allowed To Spend Kirk Henry's Restitution Money

Richard Branson: US War on Drugs is ‘Racist’ Warner Todd Huston | October 7, 2012
"It is a war against black people in America"

"Why in the world would any sane person wish to take terrorists from a prison surrounded by water and separated from Americans and transfer them into the middle of the United States?"

Making The World Safe For Terror Daniel Greenfield | September 29, 2012
Muslim Brotherhood

“This dangerous attack serves as a reminder of the need for ongoing vigilance by all segments of the Jewish community"

Islamic Violence Needs No Spark Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | September 18, 2012
Islamists do not need an excuse to incite violence against the "infidels"

1.5 Billion Bin Ladens Alan Caruba | September 16, 2012
The history of Islam reveals a pattern of conquest by a cult that venerates a self-proclaimed prophet

No Apologies but the Toll Keeps Mounting Dr. Norman Berdichevsky | September 14, 2012
Violent Islamic acts

US Was Warned of ME Embassy Threats, But Ignored Them Guest Column | September 13, 2012
Today, the world continues to wait for a strong American response to these attacks and the growing unrest in other parts of the Middle East

Attacks on American installations and personnel in Egypt and Libya

9/11’s Aftermath of Lethal Tolerance Alan Caruba | September 11, 2012
The lesson of 9/11 is that Islam cannot be tolerated

Methamphetamine production and trafficking across the U.S.-Mexico border

“In his city, under his Draconian gun regulations, it is nearly impossible for a private citizen to have a gun in his or her pocket for personal protection, and he knows it.

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Charged with criminal trespassing by the federal government

The Statist Tower, 2012 John Longenecker | August 20, 2012
Though officials are superb at various tasks, they cannot be effective against violence when they are absent.

Islamic Revolutions Devour Their Own Children Daniel Greenfield | August 15, 2012
The Jihadists are the children of the Islamic Revolution
