
This fetid swamp urgently needs draining - Israel and Jordan are the parties that can make it happen. President Trump--over to you to weave your proven negotiating skills

Mexico’s Right should stop antagonizing Trump News on the Net | July 21, 2017

MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Barry Shaw | July 21, 2017
For too long emotional language has been used by Palestinian politicians and Islamic religious leaders to stoke the flames of violence in the name of this holy place

BP Predicts Global Oil Demand Will Peak in 2042 Institute for Energy Research | July 21, 2017
BP expects oil, coal and natural gas to provide 75 percent of the world's energy in 2035 despite the growth in non-carbon energy sources

The oil and gas industry is losing the competition for talent recruitment to industries that are more appealing to Millennials, and U.S. oil and gas firms will face the talent crunch first

Israel - a cybersecurity powerhouse Yoram Ettinger | July 21, 2017

President Trump reverses Obama’s anti-Christian refugee policy Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | July 21, 2017
Christian refugee admissions increase during the first five months of Trump presidency

Abortionist Emma Bonino is proud of the 6,000,000 babies she is directly or indirectly responsible for killing since 1968

Black Bloc inauguration rioter sentenced BombThrowers | July 21, 2017
Thirty-one-year-old Dane Powell of Tampa, Florida

Corrupt to the core, Obama's hatchet-man is on the move
