

An anti-glare, anti-reflective display for mobile devices? American Chemical Society | July 16, 2014
One of the most promising developments involves layering anti-reflective nano-structures on top of an anti-glare surface

A more productive way to reuse the popular packing material — as a sheet of small, test tube-like containers for medical and environmental samples

Four Science Secrets About Money - Reactions

LG introduces a 4K TV to lust after Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 11, 2014
At a MRSP of only $2999 Canadian I can see 4K quickly becoming the format of choice for those in the market for a new HDTV

One secret of ancient amber revealed American Chemical Society | July 9, 2014
Even today, some of its secrets remain locked inside the fossilized tree resin

Toward a new way to keep electronics from overheating American Chemical Society | July 2, 2014
Microchannel heat sink

The Chemistry of Fireworks: Fourth of July Science (video) American Chemical Society | June 30, 2014
Chemistry of Pyrotechics

Acer aspires to ultimate flexibility with Aspire R7 Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | June 19, 2014
Acer's Aspire R7 does a terrific job and is the most flexible computer/tablet I've ever used

Current methods are not very specific or sensitive or can leave a residue on a document

Reactions, Ice Crystals

This Darbee edition of the BDP-103 continues that fine tradition, and the Darbee capability is definitely worth the extra hundred bucks

Parabens and formaldehyde

Israel rides high on wearable technology wave Guest Column | June 11, 2014
‘I think a lot of the wearables will come out of Israel,’ predicts Robert Scoble, one of America’s most highly regarded tech evangelists

Sphero 2.0 Tech Toy News on the Net | June 11, 2014
Kids will love to play with this robotic ball indoors and outdoors during their summer holiday.

The Galaxy S5 is a really neat phone, one that does a good job of everything that's important

A more earth-friendly way to make bright white cotton fabrics American Chemical Society | May 28, 2014
A novel compound that, when used with hydrogen peroxide, drops the bleaching temperature down to 140 degrees Fahrenheit from 200 degrees

Deploying high-altitude balloons to strengthen knowledge of high-energy particles from space storms

Bose SoundTouch series streams tunes from your network Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | May 15, 2014
If you "feed" the SoundTouch units well, they'll "purr-form" for you very nicely

A new approach to treating peanut and other food allergies American Chemical Society | May 14, 2014
Of the 170 foods that cause allergic reactions, peanuts can be the most dangerous

Find out how you can ditch reading glasses Guest Column | May 14, 2014
An Israeli study shows that training the fovea may help many people who suffer from ‘visual crowding.’

A new family of solid polymer electrolytes

Vaccines Save Lives Jack Dini | May 11, 2014
Fear is more infectious than any virus, and it has permitted politics, not science, to turn one of the signature achievements of modern medicine into fodder for talk show debates and marches on Washington

Amistad and Honeymooners offer fascinating time capsules of Americana Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | May 8, 2014
If you want to see The Honeymooners as it was meant to be, you can't go wrong with this Blu-ray set

Bee researchers had already observed that honeybees, including Africanized Apis mellifera, better known as “killer” bees, divide tasks by age

Energy device for flexible electronics packs a lot of power American Chemical Society | May 7, 2014

A couple of products that may be right up your alley: Bose SoundLink Mini, Tunes for the tub, Abco Tech's Waterproof Wireless Bluetooth Shower Speaker

Tiny gold nanoparticles can join together in chains, and disrupting these chains results in a change in color

DNA-based barcodes

Israel’s hairy high-tech fairies Guest Column | April 16, 2014
TestFairy helps app developers assess how their product performs on thousands of different types of Android mobile devices.
