
GOP, Are You Ready To Reach Out to Blacks Yet? Lloyd Marcus | September 2, 2014
We conservatives must find a way to bring our good news to black Americans. It is the moral and right thing to do for America

Energy Storage Technologies, Lithium-ion battery technology, Chemical energy storage

The Nuclear Option for Ukraine’s Defense Sierra Rayne | September 2, 2014
While the rest of the world may not like it, Ukraine needs nuclear weapons to deter Russia

The Deadly Israeli House Strikes Again Daniel Greenfield | September 2, 2014
You can shell Israeli houses, bomb them and break inside to massacre the people living inside, but then after all that, Israel goes and builds more of those damn things.

The Unfinished War Caroline Glick | September 2, 2014
The war with Hamas is not over. What we are experiencing today is a temporary cease-fire

Stop funding and propagating the “poisonous and extremist ideology”

Why the Abortion Rate Is Declining Heritage Foundation | September 1, 2014
The “Roe Effect”

All Species are Threatened Viv Forbes | September 1, 2014
We should not hasten our own demise with self-inflicted injuries

States: "ISIS 'Lenient' on Yazidis"

VP Biden: Time to Take Back America! John Lillpop | September 1, 2014
Biden would do well to limit his participation to funerals and other mundane affairs where his tendency to do really goofy things can be minimized.

Cultivating the Beard Garden Wes Porter | September 1, 2014
September Gardening

The Democrat Party is proving that, when it comes to elections, there is no standard of decency which cannot be violated in order to get out the vote for liberal politicians

September Gardening: Spinach gave Popeye super strength, but it also holds the promise of a different power for a group of scientists

Sending low-level mission on ISIS

The Vacant Presidency Obie Usategui | September 1, 2014
United States of America is hopelessly led by an unfit and improvised charlatan, whose South Side of Chicago spin-politics style have all but propelled this nation to unparalleled disarray and turmoil

“Down with Satan!”

Witnessing a Failed Presidency Alan Caruba | September 1, 2014
Increasingly evident that Obama does not want to fulfill the role of the Presidency to provide leadership in times of foreign and domestic crisis

It’s Extortion, Stupid Sarge | September 1, 2014
Making nothing but a mess of American foreign policy seems to have back-fired at the point of initiation


Imagine if President Obama had done this—instead of an apology tour

A staged approach to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would also make it possible to include Gaza in this solution

How Cities and Counties Can Free Workers from Bullying Unions Heritage Foundation | September 1, 2014
Right-to-work laws

Obama AWOL again – on energy terrorism Paul Driessen | September 1, 2014
The president fails to prepare for anything, except vacation, golf and climate change

Republican leadership lies about being conservative Rolf Yungclas | September 1, 2014
True conservatism goes against the group mentality that today's Democrat and Republican leaders try to corral us into

Climate Change Claims on the Cheticamp River Sierra Rayne | September 1, 2014
Yet again, Canadian government agencies make public claims that appear to contrast with their own data

National Post column: Learn Islam or die! Arthur Weinreb | September 1, 2014
If everyone is like the National Post editor or editors who okayed this column, the radicals can take comfort in the fact their caliphate will soon be a reality in Canada

Putin’s Unchecked Aggression Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | September 1, 2014
If we do nothing but add a few more sanctions, Putin will not stop his aggression with eastern Ukraine.

What happened to “Never Again” amongst our own people? If we don’t act, why should we expect others?

It’s probably a little late at this point to expect Obama to turn into a serious world leader, but at least we can limit the damage by not letting the reset button presser succeed him
