
The Real Crisis Michael Oberndorf, RPA | August 11, 2014
Republican system of government designed by the Founders has been co-opted by big money interests--fascists

Taking Credit for Iraq, then Blaming George Bush

Nixon had the Watergate Scandal. Obama is a Floodgate of Scandals Arthur Christopher Schaper | August 11, 2014
Whatever Nixon perpetrated then is nothing like the flood of crimes and scandals dominating the White House today.

Hiroshima’s Lessons for the War on Terror Daniel Greenfield | August 11, 2014
Now America faces an enemy whose chief power is hate. The Islamic terrorist has no other real asset except his hate. Unfortunately hate is our weakness

The solution is to replace the tax code, not to beat up businesses for responding to it rationally

Terrorists taking over large sections of Iraq Guest Column | August 10, 2014
Obama's catastrophe

It’s Racist to Not Die for Obama Sher Zieve | August 10, 2014
Choose him or choose God. And remember…only one of the two gives us free will to make the choice. Guess which…

Part 2 of 3: Do Christians Have a Duty to Remove Bad Officials From Office?

When Obama lied, people died Judi McLeod | August 10, 2014
No acronyms for the Islamic State:

Beauty and the Beast: Mom’s Latest Child Ian Nunn | August 10, 2014
Canada, Goods-producing sector, Services-producing sector, economy, jobs, CANSIM

Material Planned Parenthood and others in the abortion industry distributed as sex education was designed entirely to encourage abortion

Gaza—Hamas Evil Must Be Confronted And Defeated David Singer | August 10, 2014
Not a battle of Jew vs Arab or Israeli vs Palestinian. Rather, it is a battle between those who celebrate life and those who champion death. It is a battle of civilization versus barbarism

The culture at the NHS needs to change if more unborn children are to be given a better shot at life

Is It ADHD, or a Problem With The Eye? W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | August 10, 2014
The difficulty for parents is that children will usually not complain of problems with eye teaming as they may not be aware of what to report

The Associated Press and Cuban Tyranny Toby Westerman | August 10, 2014
The AP does a disservice to those who are risking their lives to resist Communist oppression in Cuba

Ultimate power lies with us, or that we are subject to the laws, no matter how ridiculous or impractical, when they are made in violation of the intent of the Constitution?

Obama-Kerry policies would perpetuate energy poverty, malnutrition, disease and death

Spectacularly Wrong Alan Caruba | August 10, 2014
Obama's Cairo Speach: A self-deluded fool gave it, a man determined to avoid confronting the enemies of mankind until an Islamic-inspired genocide required it

Elections matter. President Obama proves it every day as he willfully seeks to wreck our nation. But this is very evident elsewhere, too.

The Breakdown of Family and the Degradation of Society Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | August 9, 2014
Family must now exist, function in a country that is no longer a constitutional republic but a crony system of third world banana republic corruption with 100 million Americans unemployed or on the dole

USASpending.gov: Inability of our government to be both accurate and transparent

The UN formula for ravaging Israel by ignoring the criminal actions of its foes – and the foes of the civilized world – is breathtaking.

Self-Loathing Progressive Jews: Support, defend terrorists who seek the extermination of their own people

The Last Comic Standing Dr. Robert R. Owens | August 9, 2014
Successor to Washington, Jefferson, Madison is doing a stand-up routine with one-liners such as, "So sue me," and "You're not going to get me impeached are you?"

Why the Liberals Hate Israel Timothy Birdnow | August 9, 2014
Israel shows the world the bankruptcy of Leftist beliefs

The Invasion of the Booty Snatchers Jeff Crouere | August 9, 2014
Nightmare at the border: Illegal aliens taking advantage of a system that is costly, unsustainable and dangerous

Meanwhile there’s plenty of food and water where the elitist Obama family is going

George W. Bush: Vindicated Arthur Christopher Schaper | August 9, 2014
Bush lied, people died? No. Obama lies, and a lot have died with it? Yes

Genocide: the Communist and Islamic Versions Cliff Kincaid | August 9, 2014
Obama called ISIS "terrorists" or "militants" but did not use the words "Islamic" or "Islamists."

Border Patrol Agent: Stop Offering Free Stuff Douglas V. Gibbs | August 9, 2014
Stop giving illegals incentives to come here illegally
