
THE MOUSE IN QUESTION: The meadow jumping mouse has recently been listed under the Endangered Species Act

State essentially has no choice in the matter thanks to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Obama administration.

REGULATORY POWER: A new proposed FDA rule could extinguish a Tampa legacy and 130 jobs.

Obama and 4th of July Celebrations Dag Barkley | July 3, 2014
What's to Celebrate

Obama and his Executive Orders Dag Barkley | July 3, 2014
So Sue Me!

CBO Analyzes RFS: Expect Higher Gasoline and Diesel Prices Institute for Energy Research | July 2, 2014
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), The system is broken, with missed deadlines and increasing costs

Krauthammer on Illegal Immigration: ‘Fences Work’ Heritage Foundation | July 2, 2014
Immigration crisis taking place at the U.S.-Mexico border

It is time to begin the restoration of justice and our Republic.

The Obama administration's proposed carbon dioxide restrictions for the coal industry in the US

It’s Not the Occupation, It’s Islam Daniel Greenfield | July 2, 2014
There can be no peace until Muslims understand that the Mohammedan conquests were a genocidal atrocity that destroyed entire peoples and cultures

Seeds of self-destruction

Voters sure do wish they'd elected Mitt Romney....

What doesn’t break you makes you stronger Tim Saunders | July 2, 2014
British artist Penelope Timmis

Bioelectronics could lead to a new class of medicine American Chemical Society | July 2, 2014
Shock Therapy

Toward a new way to keep electronics from overheating American Chemical Society | July 2, 2014
Microchannel heat sink

California can’t participate in a crosscheck to determine how many multiple voters are in the state, because it doesn’t even have it’s own statewide database.

Apparently fences are great for punishing Americans, just not for protecting them

If you think you're insured, don't be so sure.

How to age successfully with diabetes Guest Column | July 2, 2014
‘We put an emphasis on sleep, depression and sexual function,’ says Dr. Tali Cukierman-Yaffe, director of this one-of-a-kind clinic in Israel

"Pro-life, not to lie, you don't care if women die,"

Motoring: VW Tiguan Tim Saunders | July 2, 2014
As with all VWs it feels solid and dependable from the clunking of the doors to the high quality interior

The Sun Also Rises Sarge | July 2, 2014
I see a new dawn for America

“Going green on the border”

The U.S. has been caught unprepared for Russian aggression

Support Canada Free Press


Wind turbines contaminate Guest Column | July 2, 2014
Wind turbines not only attract and kill raptors, hirundines and bats: they make people seriously ill, and they contaminate the environment

Obama’s Obeisance to Cult of Vain Valerie Judi McLeod | July 2, 2014
“Economy for the 21st century” imposed by her number one protégé Barack Hussein Obama is not helping women but only killing America

My correction for the ills of corrupt politicians

White bread helps boost some of the gut’s ‘good’ microbes American Chemical Society | July 2, 2014
Pectin, a compound in citrus fruits, lowers the levels of some helpful bacteria

The Gardens of the Castle of Mey Wes Porter | July 2, 2014
July gardening: The Prince of Wales takes great interest in the development of his grandmother’s garden

Rooting for Horseradish Wes Porter | July 2, 2014
July gardening: In the garden, it may also become a pernicious weed
