
News Headlines

Violence broke out in the former French colony in March 2013 when mostly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power.

“Israel is a very strong country with a very strong economy, and a very resilient public,” Dermer said. “We didn’t come back from 2,000 years of exile to see a bunch of fanatical ayatollahs cut the thread of Jewish history. That’s not gonna happen.”

The vote for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act broke down on mostly partisan lines with Republicans supporting the ban on late-term abortions and Democrats opposing it.

The U.N. has consistently defined “reproductive health” to include abortion as well as contraceptives.

“After long hours of intense debate on the House Floor, the Pro-Life movement in Texas saw a huge victory through the passage of House Bill 3994

The US plan seeks to turn over this function to what Chehade calls a "global multistakeholder community."

Canada’s largest national pro-life event, commemorates Canada’s “day of infamy,” when Pierre Trudeau’s Liberal Omnibus bill legalized abortion in Canada on May14, 1969

Net Neutrality

People ask what the Republican Party has done for the Negro

Not being 'appropriately multicultural'

Yahya Jammeh made the threat during speech on safeguarding the young

Ministry of Defence insisted that the jets did not pose a military threat

‘Sister Wives’ Take on Pro-Polygamy Crusade News on the Net | May 14, 2015
To the Supreme Court

Zuniga’s attorney, Alan Levine, told the newspaper Zuniga is now considering legal action to challenge her firing.

Fox News has extended an open invitation to Admiral Mullen to explain his recollection of events during his December 2009 trip to Afghanistan

This is the first major accident on Amtrak’s Northeast corridor—which carried 11.6 million people last year—since 1987.

Jacob Conway claimed lack of payment kept him from enjoying Kentucky Derby

Why don’t we recycle Styrofoam? (video) News on the Net | May 14, 2015
Host Sophia Cai explains that EPS actually can be recycled, but the prohibitive costs have prompted cities to ban the pesky product instead.

"We've done investigative work here at ABC News, found no proof of any kind of direct action,"

Students for Life of America

The fact that the Wisconsin DA is biracial himself doesn’t appear to be of significance to protesters.

Jhally is a prolific filmmaker and author whose work spans decades, and he continues to be an academic darling among leftists.

Latest News on Baltimore Protests News on the Net | May 14, 2015
Damage Caused During Baltimore Riots Estimated At $9 Million | Horror injuries of man, 61, after near fatal attack by pack of FIFTY teens, including girls, when he tried to break up a fight

Andrew Klavan: Obama’s Nuclear Disaster News on the Net | May 14, 2015
Andrew Klavan takes a very serious look at President Obama's very serious mistake in Iran

The train's engineer was injured and has declined to give a statement to investigators

The lifetime donation ban dates from the early years of the AIDS crisis and was initially intended to protect the blood supply from what was a then little-understood disease.

Michael Kaene, local police officer

The games show dog brainpower isn't measured like man's - with an IQ test.

“Not once was the self-driving car the cause of the accident,”

The United States and Israel oppose recognition, arguing that it undermines U.S.-led efforts to negotiate an Israeli-Palestinian deal on the terms of Palestinian statehood
