
Please Pope Francis, Save America

Prayer for Pope Francis To Save America

By Judi McLeod ——--July 14, 2014

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From a far-flung from the Vatican, lonely post in Canada, Canada Free Press (CFP) is asking Pope Francis where did all the money go to help the “poorest of the poor” in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala before their mass exodus to the southern borders of the United States of America?
We humbly ask does the Holy Father know that the Catholic Church has become one of the key advocates behind the portrayal of the influx as a natural and spontaneous Humanitarian Crisis? Pope Francis, more popular on the World Wide Web than even President Barack Hussein Obama, could do so much to right a human tragedy that inevitably leads to the end of the most generous people in the world, the Americans. Rumors are flying that between December 2010 and November 2013 the Catholic charities Diocese of Galveston, Texas received $15,549,078 in federal grants from Health and Human Services for “Unaccompanied alien children project with a project description of “refugee and entry assistance”. (Liberty News, July 10, 2014). If true, this means that the American government--with the primary help of the Catholic Church--was planning to abolish American sovereignty as far back as four years ago. While the Diocese of Galveston purportedly has more than $15 and a half million for “refugee and entry assistance”, its city hall fathers and mothers are fighting off the federal government from bringing immigrants to their area by ordinance.

“From League City to Galveston, local and country government leaders are standing their ground and sending the federal government a message as tensions mount over the growing humanitarian crisis at the border. League City council members passed an ordinance that would ban the processing and detention of immigrants caught crossing our border illegally. While there were protests and legal arguments against the measure, the ordinance passed by a 6-2 vote Tuesday.” (Click2Houston.com, July 8, 2014). The Holy Father has been roundly criticized for his spoken aloud worries about crony capitalism. Isn’t the Catholic Church’s role in teaming up with the Obama administration on open border immigration, crony capitalism on steroids? Aren’t American citizens at risk from the diseases, crime and financial hardship brought on by the ‘sudden’ influx of illegal aliens worth protecting? American citizens, including Catholics, are being overwhelmed by undocumented illegal aliens, some of them proud members of MS-13 and jihadists with adopted Hispanic names, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops are in on the act? “Talking about really caring about immigrants is now a cottage industry. If the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (UCCB) were as faithful to the Gospel of Christ as they are to the Gospel of Immigration, their churches wouldn’t be tanking towards empty.” (CFP, July 6, 2014). For some time now, the Gospel of Christ has been transcended by the cry of Marxist Social Justice from the Catholic pulpit. Indeed, it has become increasingly difficult for devout Catholics to find a church where the Gospel is the sermon. Is it possible that the bishops are confusing charity with politics? It is the politics of the Obama administration and not charity of heart that is driving the rush of Central Americans to the U.S. southern border. Surely the bishops should be more concerned about saving souls than participating in the kind of politics that hurt average people. We’ve come a long way from the age old axiom that “Charity begins at home”. Pope Francis is rightfully loved and admired worldwide: “He always seems to be hugging a disabled child, washing the feet of prisoners, embracing a disfigured person, or making uncommonly compassionate comments about a marginalized people group, and scooping up people’s adoration as a result. (Religious News Service, July 11, 2014) Since the days when John Paul II as Karol Wojtyla courageously stood up to communism in Krakow, Poland, the Catholic Church remains the last bastion against an evil that masquerades under the cover of Social Justice. In all weather, the archbishop, who was to become a popular pope celebrated Holy Mass in a field at Nowa Huta, the same field where a Catholic Church was built with a crucifix made out of shrapnel taken from the wounds of Polish soldiers, which still hangs over its altar. (CFP, April 1, 2005) “I was the first Western journalist inside the KGB headquarters in 1990. The generals told me that the Vatican and the Pope above all were regarded as their number one, most dangerous enemy in the world.” (Eric Margolis, Vatican Biography). “Again and again, people told us that it was John Paul II’s 1979 trip (to Poland) that was the fulcrum of revolution which led to the collapse of communism. Timothy Garton Ash put it this way: ‘Without the Pope, no Solidarity; without Solidarity, no Gorbachev. Without Gorbachev, no fall of Communism. (‘In fact, Gorbachev himself gave the Kremlin’s long-term enemy this due:’It would have been impossible without the Pope.’”) The Catholic Church can save America. From the prayers of millions, including CFP’s fervent one to Saint Isidore of Seville, the patron saint of the Internet” ‘Please Pope Francis, Save America’.


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Judi McLeod—— -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
