
Charles Adler

Join Charles Adler as he takes the issues important to you and presents them in a way that provokes thought and reaction.

Most Recent Articles by Charles Adler:

Jack Layton is not an Idiot

Dear Jack, Haven't written you in quite some time now - As you know I sent Michael Ignatieff a bit of a rocket a few days ago. Reaction was strong from all sides of the aisle. 1) It's hard to find any rational Canadians who want this country to have it's fourth election in six years.
- Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Colour us Crazy About Canada

We continue to hear from various people in the Tamil community in Canada and most of these folks are CANADIAN. Let's be clear about that. We are not talking about people who are NOT CANADIAN, but in Canada, like it or not, we now have been hyphenated, not just by sociologists and political scientists and political parties, but by the government itself.
- Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Happens When Michael Ignatieff Abandons the Tamils?

I have in my hands the document that for some reason is still up on the Liberal Party of Canada's website. It is the document sent to the Governor General requesting that she take what I called the Three Stooges of Coupscam seriously. Michael Ignatieff's signature is on this document and it is still up on the Liberal Party of Canada’s site, despite the fact that the leader wants people to forget that he was part of this ridiculous political adventure.
- Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ruby and the Slumdogs

The Big Dog of the Liberal party Michael Ignatieff, so visible in recent weeks, has fallen under the radar. He’s been as rarely seen as a Canada goose during a Manitoba January. I throw in these Canadianisms because Michael is educating himself on how best to impersonate a Canadian. They feed him my commentaries and while I am not a Harvard professor, I try to be instructive.
- Friday, May 8, 2009

Fake it Until You Make it Patriotism

Dear Michael, I don't want you to mistake me for an admirer. But I do admire a good speech no matter who it comes from, no matter the circumstances. The speech on Saturday night left me colder than a Prairie January. You have been promoted by the candy cane salesman of the Liberal Party as a man of ideas, Canada's answer to Obama, a public intellectual, the second coming of Trudeau.
- Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Has the Canadian down turn turned into a nation of bitter little skunks

Every now and then, as you know, I check up on the dark siders, the merchants of doom, to see what they are saying in order to keep the doom bus rolling. Lately there have been reports of so-called green chutes in the world economy. China is still growing and still ordering stuff from the rest of the world and apparently still selling stuff to the rest of the world.
- Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Nation of Beggars is Not my Canada

Ladies and gentlemen, you probably don't get told enough how fortunate you are to be living in this country. In these relatively uncertain times, with all sorts of predictions of the national unemployment situation deepening and possibly the recession deepening, you may not be feeling terribly lucky just to be a Canadian citizen. Last night while watching CBS's 60 Minutes, I had one of those proud moments and I am sure every Canadian watching had one of those “Geez…are we ever lucky to be living in Canada” moments.
- Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Don’t Stop Thinking About Clowns

Even Dr. Doom, Nouriel Roubini is becoming more positive. Almost nobody has been more negative about the economy in the last ten years than Nouriel Rubini, the professor from NYU who was seen as a clown, up until two years ago when he was among the first to identify the great big Ponzi scheme that later became known as the Global market.
- Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Real Justice Cuts like a Knife

Bernard Madoff is in jail after stealing $55-billion from investors...I said BILLION...I said 55-billion times more money than the human imagination can even contemplate, far more than all the great bank robberies and train robberies and stage coach robberies combined. Let's be clear here. Madoff isn't just a thief. He is a Financial Cannibal.
- Saturday, March 14, 2009

The National Coalition Against Crap That Passes for News

Ladies and Gentlemen, I may not be the most reliable watch dog on the block, the most reliable whiffer when it comes to so-called NEWS – you know, the stuff that doesn't quite pass my sniff test. But every time I see a headline tied to the word stimulus, my whiffer gets itchy.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The only Voice I hear is Tim’s

Vince Li has been found not criminally responsible for the gruesome murder and beheading of Tim McLean on a Greyhound bus last summer because he is mentally ill.
- Friday, March 6, 2009

Please Call Me Dirty Oil

"Now there are some in your country and some in Canada who feel Canada's Oil Sands is ‘Dirty Oil’ because of the extraction process. What do you think? Is it Dirty Oil?" A direct quote, ladies and gentlemen, from the host of CBC's The National, Peter Mansbridge, in an interview with the President of the United States, Barack Obama. To the president's credit he refused to take the bait.
- Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wedding for Jayla

imageIn a World that is at times so terribly cruel, it's good to know that there are some people who find ways of finding inspiration and creativity and inspiration does not require university degrees, or wealth, or influence or even a great deal of maturity. There are times when a nine-year-old knows where to go for a cup of inspiration, and I want to share that cup with you right now.
- Thursday, February 26, 2009

Political Correctness – A Cancer on Common Sense

It's probably my reaction to your reaction to the essay on the Death of Common Sense. It's opening my sometimes jaded eyes, to the hunger on your part for some push back to the biggest mind invasion of our generation, political correctness, which I will define here and now as The Oppression of the Independent Mind by those who would want to modify our behavior by controlling our thoughts and speech.
- Thursday, February 19, 2009

Last word on the CBC, the Anthem and the Principal

Ladies and Gentlemen, Before we do anything else, I want to offer you a warning. You may be disappointed in something I have to tell you. I have to tell you that I have to move on from some of the things that have occupied a considerable amount of time here.
- Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sorry Heather I like my Steel and my Cheese Canadian

Ladies and Gentlemen, Something revolutionary has happened to the Mushy Headed Canadian Politicians and commentators in the era of Obama. Back in the Bush era, which ended only days ago, everything the U.S. administration did was unworthy of Canadian respect.
- Wednesday, February 4, 2009
