
Rev. Michael Bresciani

New American Prophet is listed as one of the [url="https://magazines.feedspot.com/christian_magazines/?feedid=7261734" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]30 best Christian Magazines[/url] to follow. - [em]Michael Bresciani[/em] is the editor of [url="https://new.americanprophet.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]new.americanprophet.org[/url] since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Bresciani along with some of America’s best writers and journalists. Visit us at [url="https://usa.life/micapusa" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]USA.Life[/url], [url="https://twitter.com/amprophet" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]Twitter[/url] and [url="https://www.facebook.com/AmericanProphet" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]Facebook[/url].

Most Recent Articles by Rev. Michael Bresciani:

Italy’s Georgia Meloni Rips Woke Extremists to Shreds – Are You Watching America?

Since October of 2022, Georgia Meloni has been serving as Italy’s Prime Minister. She is a 46-year-old woman and the first woman in Italy’s history to become Prime Minister. She is head of her party, which she founded known as the, <em>Brothers of Italy</em>. (Fratelli d’Italia)<

She is a conservative firebrand that holds nothing back, but rather than blather she drives home the need to retain the national Italian identity that took centuries to develop. 

Italians love her!

- Monday, February 13, 2023

Prophecy 2023 – America is Drifting Too Far from the Shore

Every year since 2008, the New American Prophet website has given a brief analysis of the events of the past year with a prophetic eye toward the upcoming year. This may be the hardest year ever to make assessments and predictions because tumultuous events are going from a steady drip to a torrential downpour.

Evil events and trends are now erupting like a volcano, and keeping up with it all is a gargantuan undertaking. The list is overwhelming. We will use a general list of the top seven worst events and general changes that have transpired in recent months.

- Sunday, February 5, 2023

Davos? Do We Save the Planet or the Souls of Mankind?

Davos? Do We Save the Planet or the Souls of Mankind?Men like John Kerry are telling us that we need to fine tune the earth’s temperature to keep it at a crisp 1.5 degrees Celsius above the evil pre-industrial highs of our recent past. WEF founder Klaus Schwab says companies and corporations that will not get on board the climate change world view will be on the wrong side of history. Like an idea that has sprung up out of an episode of the Simpsons,  Europe is all in with alarmism, panic and worry mongers who have unilaterally decided that our planet needs saving. All this is based on climate models and science that is as dubious as the alleged source of the Covid-19 virus.
- Saturday, January 21, 2023

Wokeism, Transgenderism, Child Abusers - Death and Hell are About to Give Up Their Dead

Wokeism, Transgenderism, Child Abusers - Death and Hell are About to Give Up Their DeadJust as the doctor diagnoses our medical condition, and the vet diagnoses our pets, so do the true prophets diagnose our future. Because this is true, the scruffy little man on the corner who is carrying the "End Is Near" sign, will one day be recognized as one of the most important voices of our time. But it has never been easier to predict America's trajectory along the path to its own demise.
- Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Pelosi, House Democrats and 39 Republicans Voted to Defy the Counsel of the Living God

Pelosi, House Democrats and 39 Republicans Voted to Defy the Counsel of the Living God
"Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside."  ~ John F. Kennedy, 1961
Kennedy spoke these words during his inaugural speech in 1961, and he presumably was speaking about communists. But the meaning can be utilized for all who play power games and use any means to gain power. Without doubt people like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Fetterman, Hobbs and many others have ridden the tiger right into power, but the cat has worked up a powerful appetite carrying all those who lust for power and position.
- Monday, December 12, 2022

Why Libs, Dems, LGBT and Trans Activists Can't Identify the Source of Their Own Deep Confusion

Lucifer's fall from graceWhat do we call a generation that decided there are over 150 genders? This is a generation that thinks they are better educated and scientifically minded, but spirituality, morality, and the inclination to take God at his word are transcendent. It is a case of giving to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. Conversely, it is also a case of getting from God the things that are God's and getting from Caesar the things that are Caesar's.
- Sunday, December 4, 2022

No Red Wave? – Were Americans Checking the Wrong List?

No Red Wave? – Were Americans Checking the Wrong List?Democrats two-point list was democracy and abortion. Democracy was never at risk and abortion is still murder in God's eyes. Anyone that believes that killing a perfectly healthy human being in the womb is a need, a right, or a political point, has something wrong with them akin to leprosy of the conscience. It is moral decadence that has crossed the line into total reprobation. It is a gangrenous rot that cannot be reversed.
- Thursday, November 17, 2022

It's Democracy at Work Mr. Biden, Not a Fearful Fuzzy Mega Maga Monster

It's Democracy at Work Mr. Biden, Not a Fearful Fuzzy Mega Maga MonsterNever was a clearer definition lent to the question of what democracy is, than that given by Tucker Carlson on Thursday October 3, 2022. Tucker said the great red wave, the change the people want, the very act of voting is not a threat to democracy – the change is democracy. That's how it works, that's what it is! The mumbling, the madness and the continued hype about the great Red Mega Maga Monster is dark, divisive, and discouraging rhetoric at best.
- Monday, November 7, 2022

Will New York City Start Fresh with Zeldin or Slide Back to the Mud and Vomit?

Will New York City Start Fresh with Zeldin or Slide Back to the Mud and Vomit?
“But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.” (2Pet 2:22)
It is no secret that Lee Zeldin’s gubernatorial campaign is doing well throughout the state of New York but lagging a little behind in the Big Apple.
- Saturday, November 5, 2022

Democrat’s Demon Platform for 2022 – Codify the Death of Unborn, Transgender the Rest

Democrat’s Demon Platform for 2022 – Codify the Death of Unborn, Transgender the RestDuring every election cycle politicians make promises, some are possible, while a great deal of them are blather and hype. Joe Biden has taken it one step further, and makes not a promise, but a “vow”. The Guardian says, “With Democrats’ congressional majorities at risk this November, Joe Biden vowed on Tuesday that the first bill he would  send to Capitol Hill next year would codify Roe v Wade – if Americans return his party to power with wide enough margins to pass abortion protections.”
- Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Dangers of Liberalism from the Cradle to the Grave

The Dangers of Liberalism from the Cradle to the GraveThe dangers begin in the womb. The chances of surviving a death planned and executed by your mother has decreased somewhat by the removal of Roe V. Wade, but now the lib politicians are laboring to find loopholes in the new Supreme Court decision to abandon Roe. Next, having survived the horrors of Roe, you may be assaulted and transformed by transgender activists, which may after all - turn out to be your own parents. If you pick up one of your sister's dolls, beware what they may do to parts of your anatomy.
- Monday, October 17, 2022

Are Mid-Terms the Cure for Coddling Criminals, Cutting Up Gender Confused Kids, and a Failing and Disgraceful Presidency?

Are Mid-Terms the Cure for Coddling Criminals, Cutting Up Gender Confused Kids, and a Failing and Disgraceful Presidency?We hope so! But if we take the right and privilege to vote seriously, we will not have to trust in hope. In the last nearly two years we have witnessed horrendous and disturbing scenes both at home and around the globe. Many of them, are a result of a democratic president and congress that has a socialistic or liberal agenda, which is bringing America to its knees – but not in prayer.
- Friday, October 14, 2022

Prophecy and the 2022 Mid-Term Elections

Prophecy and the 2022 Mid-Term ElectionsIf you are expecting a specific passage of the Bible to refer to the upcoming mid-term elections – don’t hold your breath. But as the bible refers to the general decline of nations in the last days, our midterms are part of the web and weave of it all. We love to repeat the worn-out phrase about how religion and politics don’t mix but, trying to extricate the will and counsel of God from our history is an act of pure futility. Everything we do, including our involvement with politics, enters the realm of God’s responses to us in real time.  
- Friday, September 30, 2022

Fentanyl Kills America's Kids While Joe Biden Fights Imaginary MAGA Monster

Fentanyl Kills America's Kids While Joe Biden Fights Imaginary MAGA MonsterFentanyl seizures at the southern border have increased 233% since Joe Biden took office.  It is easy to see this as just another statistic waiting to be balanced out by the continued pressure from the agencies and laws that are in place to deal with it--but with the present administration that is not likely to happen. The Biden border policy is no policy at all, but the death and mayhem it is bringing to America is a complete catastrophe.
- Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Biden says, 'Something is going on in America that is just not normal' He is right, it's demonic

Cartoon by DAG Barkley
Biden says, Something is going on in America that is just not normal He is right, it's demonicThursday night September 1, 2022, Joe Biden addressed the nation from Philadelphia. The speech was heavily laced with anger and insults toward a whopping 74 million Americans who have supported Donald Trump in the past. It is painfully obvious that in the absence of any successful accomplishments since Biden took office, that all that is left, is to pitch the usual anti-Trump rhetoric, and hope the gullible and media whipped leftists will bite.
- Monday, September 5, 2022

Christians: Help Your Country, Stop Hiding Behind  the Phrase--"God is in Control"

Christians: Help Your Country, Stop Hiding Behind  the Phrase--God is in ControlCommon wisdom sometimes is so readily accepted that even if it has taken a serious turn for the worse it is still received and repeated as gospel truth. Perhaps the most common example is the saying--"God helps those that help themselves". No, God helps the helpless, the hapless and the worst of the worst. In fact, the words "God is in control" cannot be found anywhere in the Bible.
- Saturday, August 13, 2022

Taiwan, Pelosi's Attention Getting Distraction - A Political Stunt

Taiwan, Pelosi's Attention Getting Distraction - A Political StuntIt is beyond belief that the speaker who tore up the copies of Donald Trump's State of the Union Address on national television, expects us to take her trip to Taiwan seriously. Known for bizarre contradictions and stunts, Pelosi long ago set the stage for most Americans to see her as something between a selfish and typical grandstander and one of the worst speakers in the history of our nation. We can only speculate which distraction she had in mind. Was it a deliberate attempt to take the nation's focus off her husband's drunk driving charges or his insider trading?
- Friday, August 5, 2022

The Gay Gateway to America's Moral Wasteland – Now Another Blow Against Marriage?

The Gay Gateway to America's Moral Wasteland – Now Another Blow Against Marriage?For many decades now we have been told that marijuana is a gateway drug. We have not been told that many acceptable behaviors of the day, also are gateways or doorways. The best voices in our society warned that popularizing the gay lifestyle would serve to open the floodgates to other perversions like pedophilia, same sex marriage and a host of others. But as the gay lifestyle became more readily acceptable in the great American moral decline, the rest of the aforementioned perversions  found little resistance as witnessed by the continued and almost endless additions to the acronym for the gay lifestyle, now commonly referred to as LGBTQ plus.
- Friday, July 29, 2022

Americans Marching for the Right to Kill? The Cry of the Omega Generation

Americans Marching for the Right to Kill? The Cry of the Omega GenerationWe know full well that this generation is most often referred to as Generation Z, but that is only for those who are living exclusively in a secular world. Among those who know and trust the scriptures and the prophetic aspects of the Bible, there is an Omega generation, otherwise referred to as the last generation. In fact, it is not the last generation to ever be, but it is the last in the world as we know it today. The will of God, and the wheel of time bring about that generation, and it could no more be stopped than a hurricane or a tornado.
- Sunday, July 17, 2022
