
Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie, has been revised and re-released. The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity, has recently been published, and his most recent book, Poor Lenin's Almanac: Perverse Leftist Proverbs for Modern Life can be viewed here: outskirtspress.com.

Most Recent Articles by Bruce Walker:

The Left’s War on Free Speech

The left pretends to be the biggest champion of free speech. When the New York Times writes articles about how our government was tracking the activities of terrorists, an action which directly endangered the lives of Americans by providing intelligence information to those terrorists who are at war with us, the sanctimonious left insisted that this newspaper was simply exercising its constitutional right of free speech and free press.
- Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Nebbish Nominee

Elena Kagan seems a pleasant sort. She has drifted through those familiar paths to power which lawyers have pursued, especially, as I noted in my article, “The Lawyers Party,” those paths which Bill, Hillary, Barack, and Michelle – lawyers all – followed. She went to notionally “good schools,” rather like a member of the British Establishment ninety years ago might have been pulled through the “good schools.”
- Friday, May 14, 2010

San Francisco’s Unconstitutional Boycott

San Francisco and other city governments have jumped on the bandwagon of formally “boycotting” business with Arizona in response to that border state’s new law to assist the enforcement of federal immigration laws. Boycotts are an honorable way to influence governments or citizens.
- Sunday, May 9, 2010

More Than Just Government

What vexes conservatives most? We often think our only foe is too much government, but that is a mistake. The leftist giants of privately owned media, almost en masse, advance a cultural and moral agenda utterly at odds with what we believe. Private colleges indoctrinate young adults with hateful propaganda. The entertainment industry coarsens our morality, savages our faith, and mocks our patriotism.
- Thursday, May 6, 2010

Nazi Oaks Book Review

It is odd, really more like eerie, how similar many of the fetishes of dead totalitarian systems of the last century are to the curiosities of modern leftism. The Nazi war on tobacco, for example, mirrors modern jihads against smoking, which invariably portray tobacco companies as evil. Mussolini, the leader of Fascism, prided himself on not smoking or drinking, just as Hitler, the leader of Nazism did, who was also a vegetarian. (Winston Churchill, by contrast, drank, smoked, and ate copiously.)
- Sunday, May 2, 2010

Obama’s Demoralized Democrats

The Gallup Poll generic congressional ballot of registered voters shows that those supporting Republicans and Democrats are in a statistical tie, with Republicans at 46% and Democrats at 45%. The real story, though, is the huge advantage that Republicans have in enthusiasm about voting. Gallup shows 57% of those supporting Republicans very enthusiastic and only 37% of those supporting Democrats as very enthusiastic.
- Friday, April 30, 2010

Rethinking Education

One of the most reflexive responses of the left to any social problem is to blame under-funded education. What the left means by this, of course, is not really education but the re-education which is the primary purpose of public education and college education in America today. The vast transfer of wealth from parents and taxpayers to the public schools and universities is one of the most regressive sorts of social tariff in our society.
- Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big Nature and Tiny Us

Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull Volcano has forced tens of thousands of airline flights in Europe and the North Atlantic to shut down. The last time this volcano erupted, in 1821, it continued for two years. No one knows when the eruption will stop this time. This uncontrolled and unpredictable explosion of nature’s power steps across our puny civilizations with frightening ease.
- Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Battleground Poll and Hiding Elites

The April 2010 Battleground Poll results have just been released. The poll contains the usual list of topical questions, which ask respondents about which political party they support, what issues are most important to them, what they think of certain political personalities -- the answers to these questions matter, in the short run, and political junkies pay close attention to these polling results.
- Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Parties and the Republican Party

The Tea Party movement is trying hard to separate itself from the Republican Party, even to the point of threatening to run as a third party in some races. If Tea Party supporters consider that they are acting in the finest tradition of the American revolutionary spirit, then they should reject a third party movement except in extraordinary circumstances – like supporting Doug Hoffman in the New York House race last year.
- Thursday, April 1, 2010

Democracy and Freedom

We often confuse democracy with freedom. The greatest good of government is freedom – that is what our Declaration of Independence emphatically states. Simply implementing the “Will of the People” is no more noble, true, or decent than the will of a kind and wise autocrat: democracy has no value at all, except to help keep us free.
- Monday, March 29, 2010

Stupak and His Sheep

Bart Stupak has found a higher value than preserving human life: lockstep partisan loyalty. No serious adult can believe for an instance that the microscopic fig leaf of a meaningless executive order really persuaded this “Pro-Life” Democrat. Discussions about some sort of executive order had been floating around Washington for weeks.
- Saturday, March 27, 2010

Process IS Liberty

The current endless blather of Obama and his henchmen in the Democrat Party can be summed up thus: massive health care "reform," as constructed by Democrat leaders, must pass, no matter how the processes of government must be contorted. The media pets of the left echo this message. Despite the overwhelmingly popular opposition to health care as proposed by Obama,presumably neutral carriers of internet news, like Yahoo, do not even show photos of the vast opposition to health care--only its minority advocates.
- Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hanks, Hollywood and History

Tom Hanks has said that our war on Islamic terrorism has the same flaws as he perceives our Pacific War against Japan had seventy years ago. America, in both conflicts, made crude racial stereotypes of our enemies, feared the strange gods they worshiped, and sought to annihilate them. Hanks’ comments reveal, for those of us who still needed evidence, the appalling ignorance of Hollywood and its performers.
- Friday, March 19, 2010

Citizen Cadres of Conservatism

Herb Meyer wrote an excellent article in American Thinker describing how our nation is undergoing a quiet, peaceful removal of a ruling class from power. Elites have become obsessed with the perks of power. They will be replaced by a new governance of ordinary Americans seeking to preserve the blessings of America. What Mr. Meyer wrote, I believe, will happen. Here is why.
- Friday, February 26, 2010

Truth, Power, and Leftism

The greatest danger to our wealth, our liberties, our values, and our safety today come from the deconstruction of truth. We live in a world driven by information. Almost all real wealth today is based upon information and knowledge. Almost all real power today is based upon mass communication, education, and entertainment. Even military power relies upon data and intelligence, not brute force.
- Sunday, February 21, 2010

Congress Through the Next Two Elections

The decision by former Hoosier Senator Dan Coats to seek his old seat again ought to inspire conservatives. His lifetime voting record with the American Conservative Union is 90%, which is much more conservative than Indiana Republican Lugar at 77% and vastly more conservative than Evan Bayh at 20%.
- Saturday, February 20, 2010

Our Broken Constitution

The recent news stories that Obama intends to implement much of his health care agenda through executive orders shows just how broken the Constitution of the United States has become. The foundational document of American government provides no legislative power in the presidency – none, zero, nada. George Washington felt that even the presidential veto should be used only in opposition to congressional bills that were unconstitutional.
- Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fabian Conservatism

Conservatives , the overwhelming majority of Americans, are angry with the Republican Party leadership and how politics has been played since Ronald Reagan left office. Often Republican nominees have seemed to copy Bill Clinton’s “triangulation” or strategically placing themselves as the arbitrators between conservatives and leftists.
- Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The History of RINO’s

As a Republican victory in 2010 becomes increasingly like, conservatives need to understand that the fight to keep the Republican Party really stand for something is not new. In the last eighty years, except for Reagan and Goldwater, every Republican presidential nominee has been what we today would call a RINO. Does that statement sound extreme? Consider the history.
- Saturday, February 13, 2010
