
Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie, has been revised and re-released. The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity, has recently been published, and his most recent book, Poor Lenin's Almanac: Perverse Leftist Proverbs for Modern Life can be viewed here: outskirtspress.com.

Most Recent Articles by Bruce Walker:

There is no Pravda in Izvestia

The miserable former citizens of the old Soviet Union had an expression – “There is no Pravda in Izvestiya and there is no Izvestiya in Pravda” – which, roughly translated, reads “There is no Truth in News and there is no News in Truth.” Pravda was the news organization of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union and Izvestiya was the news organization of the Soviet government. Pravda is “Truth” in Russian and Izvestiya is “News.”
- Thursday, July 17, 2008

Judging Bush

It is common these days, among Republicans as much as among Democrats, to follow the public opinion polls and judge President Bush as a grand failure. Is he? I have a different opinion than the public, and here are my reasons.
- Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Why We Should End State Marriages

The present assault on Judeo-Christian marriage is a blessing in disguise. Judeo-Christian marriage is a religious, not a legal, institution. The ancient world had many legal marriages which Christians and Jews found abhorrent. Sibling incest was normal among the royal family of Hellenistic Egypt – Cleopatra married her brother Ptolemy, just as a Cleopatra had married a brother Ptolemy for generations. Before the Greek rulers of Egypt, pharaohs of Egypt would marry their daughters. This ancient Egypt was not odd and barbaric: Egypt was among the most cultured societies of the past.
- Monday, July 14, 2008

The Supreme Obstacle

The recent spate of Supreme Court decisions, some good and some bad, focus attention on the critical role which the federal judiciary has come to play in public policy. Civics students have been spoon fed the notion that our Founding Fathers constructed the Constitution upon principles of “separation of powers” and “checks and balances” with three co-equal branches of government.
- Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Nazi War on Christianity in Public Schools

The atheist Left in America considers itself the polar opposite of the Nazis of Hitler’s Germany, but the Nazis were viciously radical Leftists who hated any belief system that preached the existence of a loving Creator who enjoined his creatures to love one another.
- Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Celebrating the Second of July

All good Americans celebrate the Fourth of July, and some good Frenchmen celebrate the Fourteenth of July (Bastille Day), but I know people who celebrated the Second of July, an independence day with a very special, personal meaning. Those born in America (or France) have a country, but what about a baby born in Bergen-Belsen who never really had a home at all, except that Displaced Persons Camp which had before that been a horrific Concentration Camp? What home did that baby have?
- Friday, July 4, 2008

The Supreme Court versus Women and Children

On June 25, the Supreme Court issued two opinions that helped obviously guilty men who committed heinous acts of violence against women and children. These two decisions are not so much unconstitutional, as was the June 13 decision to allow enemy combatants outside America to have access to federal courts, as the two decisions were lame legal reasoning and profound general silliness.
- Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Scrutiny on the bounty

The oil crisis has become a hot topic of the presidential campaign. Obama and McCain have both tossed out a number of ideas to address high energy costs. Most of them, like taxing oil companies more, are awful. Other ideas, like a temporary reduction in gasoline taxes, are harmless efforts to win votes. Then there are the predictable efforts to nationalize refineries (this is particularly awful: why not create a national oil company to just explore in produce in those areas prohibited to private enterprise – that would do some good – while nationalizing refineries will simply insure that our refining capacity does not expand along with market demand, even though refining oil does not cause pollution at all.)
- Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nazism, Marxism and Islam

There is an invidious desire by those on the atheist Left to pretend that Hitler and the Nazis were some sort of rogue Christians and that many devout Christians accepted the Nazis and Hitler as protectors against Bolshevism and Jews.
- Tuesday, June 24, 2008

All Evil is on the Left

When men like Senator McCain, who I give the benefit of doubt in his moral seriousness, seeks a moderate position, when anyone seeks the “middle ground” in political debate, it is clear that the old bogeyman of evil on the “Far Right” and evil on the “Far Left” has enthralled them.
- Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pre-Nazi Germany was an Unchristian Nation

Few myths warm the hearts of Leftists as much as the myth that Germany was a Christian nation which voted Adolph Hitler and his National Socialists into office. This allows Leftists who hate Judeo-Christian moral traditions, which almost, all Leftists do, to cow Christians into silence (didn’t you Christians let Hitler take power?)
- Monday, June 16, 2008

Another Blow to Leftism in Europe

I recently wrote an article, The Decline of Leftism in Europe, which outlined just how badly the Left in Europe has done in elections since Operation Iraqi Freedom: A conservative ousted a Leftist as President of Germany, then a conservative ousted a Leftist as Chancellor of Germany, then a conservative pro-American ousted an anti-American (Chirac) as President of France, then a conservative pro-American ousted a Leftist as Prime Minister of Italy .
- Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Paul C’s history lesson for Barack O

Obama, like most Democrat candidates, knows very little. Gore thought his state elected a “President Knox,” although America has never had a “President Knox.” Howard Dean thought that the Soviet Union was still around – twelve years after the Soviet Union disintegrated. Kerry spoke of a nonexistent “Pope Pius XXXIII.”
- Wednesday, May 28, 2008

McCain’s Best Running Mate

John McCain is beginning the process of selecting a running mate. My long time friend Steve, when I wrote an article several months ago about McCain selecting John Kasich as a running mate, thought instead that I might have chosen Bobby Jindal, the Governor of Louisiana. I think Steve has a point.
- Friday, May 23, 2008

How About an Operation Sanity Next Time

Operation Chaos, Rush Limbaugh’s campaign to do maximum damage to Democrats during their nomination, appears to be working. But there is a much better way to address the continuing radicalization of the Democrat Party: A genuine, moderate conservative Democrat should mount a serious campaign for the Democrat nomination in the next election cycle.
- Saturday, May 17, 2008

Gunsmoke and The Rifleman

My wife and I find almost nothing to watch on television. Even Fox News is repetitive, covering the same stories that are easily available on the Internet in greater depth over and over again. The political correctness that permeates all contemporary shows is just plain offensive. The silliness of other new programming makes Romper Room seem sophisticated. Perhaps, most of all, it is the self-absorption of the endless stream of models, pretty boys, and celebrities that makes watching most television less interesting than watching paint dry on walls.
- Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Waiting for Jeremiah Wright to Apologize to Us

Jeremiah Wright owes us an apology. This is not because black people have not been the victim of enslavement, legal discrimination and bigotry – most people in history have been the victim of those vices.
- Friday, May 2, 2008
