
Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie, has been revised and re-released. The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity, has recently been published, and his most recent book, Poor Lenin's Almanac: Perverse Leftist Proverbs for Modern Life can be viewed here: outskirtspress.com.

Most Recent Articles by Bruce Walker:

Creeping Marxism died with Solidarity

imageTwenty years ago, the Kremlin lost its own Battle of Stalingrad: Communist Poland formally legalized Solidarity, a labor union that truly was a labor union. In 1943, after the Battle of Stalingrad, it was certain that Hitler could not “win” the war (i.e. he could not achieve the sort of military advantage which would force the democracies to make peace with him.) The Red Army, growing stronger by the day, would fight the bulk of the German land forces until the overwhelming material superiority of America would lead to the absolute defeat of the Axis. There would be respite for the Wehrmacht, like the destruction of the Soviet Sixth Army in the Spring of 1943, but the Germans could do nothing to prevent the inevitable conquest of their country.
- Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Grimness of True Social Justice

What is the oldest mantra in the Cult of the Left? Fairness: the odd idea that the function of government is to make life fair. Social justice is another name for this jihad in favor of absolute equality. The Left begins with redistribution of wealth and progressive tax rates, but it usually stops there too. The Left is too timid. Life is unfair, but in many more ways than wealth. If the function of government is to even out what Providence has distributed unevenly, then why stop at wealth. What is a fat bank account and big income anyway, except a more immediate means of acquiring wealth?
- Saturday, January 24, 2009

Christianity and the Round Planet

Many people, like me, grew up believing that when Columbus sailed to America in 1492, Christians at the time thought that he would fall off the edge of the world. Not only were we taught this in school, but even serious historians like Daniel Boorstein, in his book, The Discoverers, states as historical fact that European Christians thought the world was flat. This sure makes Christians sound ignorant, doesn't it? There is only one problem: there is not a lick of truth to it.
- Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Never Again! Again

“Never again!” was a message hammered into my head from the earliest memories of my youth. The ghastly films of concentration and death camps, the limp bodies of living skeleton, the reduction of humans to something much less than ill treated livestock – this, the civilized world vowed, would never happen again.
- Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fifty Years After Batista

Fifty years ago, the forces of Fidel entered Havana and Batista left. Fifty years ago, freedom left Havana and it has never come back. There was an odd sort of celebration in many parts of America when the Batista government collapsed. There was an even odder sort of canonization of Castro in the subsequent twenty years. Radical students from American colleges used to travel to Cuba during the 1960s to help Cuban harvest its sugar crop. Rock stars today wear tattoos of the monstrous twerp Che Guevara, something as surreally immoral as poets writing odes to Reinhard Heydrich. The Maximum Leader, Fidel, attracts the fawning adoration of every sort of American Leftist silliness.
- Friday, January 2, 2009

The Diamond Anniversary of Dehumanization

Seventy-five years ago, on January 1, 1934, one of the most insidious laws in human history came into effect in Nazi Germany. The innocent sounding name was The Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseased Offspring. It was the ghastly pinnacle of an unholy theory of human eugenics. Darwinism – not the Theory of Evolution, per se, but the sinister notion that natural selection made God superfluous – liberated man from his obligation to treat fellow men as special creatures in a divinely ordered universe.
- Thursday, January 1, 2009

Draft Ditka

The Illinois State Legislature is going to quickly remove the power of senatorial appointment from its latest disgraced governor. That means some other politician will fill the seat held by another politician, all of whom are steeped in the corruption that is Illinois politics. The bipartisan slime includes the oldest and biggest city machine in American history, Daley and Son. In the 1920s, Mayor Daley’s office was held by a hand picked candidate of Al Capone. It includes Blagojevich’s imprisoned Republican predecessor. It includes the whole rotten mess, and it is safe to say that almost no one who is the next Junior Senator from Illinois will take office with clean hands. Except Mike Ditka.
- Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our Foolish Infatuation with Change

Barack Obama won the presidency based upon the theme of change. We already live in a world of constant change, and we assume too easily that change is good. Politicians, professors, pundits, self-proclaimed champions of the oppressed - those with vested interests in change - repeat the lie that change makes things better. But these cheerleaders of constant change are unhappy people, by and large.
- Saturday, December 6, 2008

Celebrating a Quiet Victory of Democracy

The Second World War is supposed to have “really” started in 1935, when the Fascists, opposed by the Nazis and virtually all the rest of the world, invaded the Christian Empire of Ethiopia, and conquered it with the aid of Moslem subjects who Mussolini was purporting to liberate under his title “Defender of Islam.” Ethiopia was ultimately “freed” from the rule of Fascists, although it is hard to conceive how this freedom was an improvement on anything. Ethiopia remains one of the worst places in the world.
- Thursday, December 4, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For

There is danger to Democrats in basing their victories upon winning seats in Red States. There is little reason to believe that North Carolina, Georgia, Alaska – states that have or may elect Democrats to the Senate – and Louisiana, Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico, South Dakota, Arkansas and other states that reelected Democrats have suddenly embraced the sort of radical ideology that Obama promises to bring.
- Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We Must Fight Faith with Faith

The enemies we face in America cannot be defeated by good arguments alone (there are no good arguments to support what they believe.) This fact is easier to understand when we are fighting radical Islam overseas. Hatred of Jews and Christians is not logical but rather theological. Fanatics who turn to religious texts which enjoin the faithful to deceive, to despoil, and to dominate the unbeliever view arguments as simply another weapon to weaken the enemy.
- Friday, November 21, 2008

You Can End the Campaign Now, Mr. Obama

There is something very odd about our post-election America. The presidential campaign seemed to last forever, and it began almost as soon as the 2006 general election campaign ended. Now it seems to be continuing just as if we had never held a presidential election. The news is full of “Obama” this and “Obama” that. Rasmussen has polls on Obama’s job approval rating, handling his role as President-Elect. When have we ever had polls on things like that?
- Thursday, November 13, 2008

Worse than Socialism

During the presidential campaign and in the post-election analysis many conservatives have lamented impending socialism. It is not clear if Obama and his fellow Democrats could implement a truly socialist agenda. It is not even clear if Obama and his party truly want socialism. The very rich tend to be the looniest Leftists. Do they really want the government taking their wealth away?
- Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Socialism is…change?

How ironic that Barack Obama, the candidate wedded to a tired ideology which failed everywhere it has been tried, can make change the centerpiece of his campaign. The Communist Manifesto was penned one hundred and sixty years ago and its author, Karl Marx, died one hundred and twenty-five years ago. Communism or socialism (Marx used the terms interchangeably) is old stuff. Yet socialism is precisely the sort of change that Obama promises.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2008

When Liberation Worked

It is easy, with the problems America has had in Iraq, to begin to question whether liberating people really works. The best answer is this: Sometimes. The Russian people were liberated at the end of the Cold War, but Russia is slipping back into a tyrannical state that menaces its neighbors. Some of the old fragments of the Soviet Union also may be drifting back into old patterns of strong arm rule.
- Monday, October 27, 2008

Winning Enough to Fight Again

Many Republicans, fearing that the presidential election may be over and that Obama will be in the White House no matter, may become demoralized and stay home. This would be a terrible mistake. Whatever feelings you may have for John McCain (and many of us feel that he has run the most inept campaign since Bob Dole in 1996 or George H. Bush in 1992), there are powerful reasons to be enthusiastic and to go to the polls and vote in November.
- Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Real Threat of Censorship

Since losing power in 1994, the Left has been making ugly noises about what would happen when it regained power. The “fairness doctrine” has been bandied about, but that is not what should alarm us most. The rise of this Frankenstein is specifically directed at conservative talk radio. In other words, the Left does not believe or does not care about the Leftist unfairness of every other medium in our nation: NPR, PBS, television news, television entertainment, public schools, academia, and library systems.
- Sunday, October 19, 2008

Who Defines Feminism

A hive of feminist organizations are swarming around media outlets and telling America that Sarah Palin does not stand for women and does not support women’s rights. This hive of hornets is complemented by a long line of party-line Democrat women marching around America saying much the same thing. Christina Hoff Sommers wrote a wonderful book several years ago entitled Who Stole Feminism? Tammy Bruce, once the head of NOW in Los Angeles, has also exposed the moral and intellectual vacuity of self-described feminism.
- Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Prophet Obama, Global Leader of Godless Leftism

While the 2008 presidential race tightens dramatically among American voters, there is little doubt that Barack Obama would win a landslide if the election were held outside of the United States. Polls show that the overwhelming majority of Germans want Obama to be elected president. British rock singers, while making crude and offensive remarks about President Bush, explain how desperately they want Obama to defeat McCain.
- Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Battleground Poll and the Vanishing Moderate

The percentage of Americans who describe themselves as conservative has remained over the last thirteen Battleground Polls around sixty percent. That is the biggest missing story in politics. A study of the archives of the Battleground Poll shows that this powerful conservative majority has been around since the question was first asked, in September 1996, twelve years ago.
- Thursday, September 18, 2008
