
Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid is president of America's Survival, Inc. usasurvival.org. Older articles by Cliff Kincaid

Most Recent Articles by Cliff Kincaid:

How About "America First" for College Admissions?

Congress and the states should be holding "America First" hearings "to determine the size of this new influx of foreign students and its specific effect on the ability of American students to gain access to higher education."
- Friday, February 3, 2017

Ohio State University Features Black Communist

Donald Trump’s adviser Stephen K. Bannon told the truth, but not the whole truth, when he described the media as the main opposition to President Trump. He neglected to mention academia as another important bastion for anti-Trump organizing and action.
- Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Real Opposition to Trump

The foreign media are fascinated by the U.S. President’s war against the American press. A reporter for an Argentinian paper emailed me asking whether Donald J. Trump will attempt to do to the U.S. media what Latin American despots have done to opposition journalists in their own countries. The big difference is that we have a First Amendment that protects freedom of the press.
- Friday, January 27, 2017

The Media's Embrace of "Fake News" About Drugs

DeForest Rathbone, chairman of the National Institute of Citizen Anti-drug Policy (NICAP), says one of the most notorious examples of "fake news" in the media is the notion that marijuana is medicine. He is so alarmed by the misinformation being spread by the media about marijuana and other aspects of the growing drug problem that he sponsored a full-page advertisement in Monday's Washington Times, urging President Donald Trump to personally follow through on his promise to address "the growing national public health crisis of soaring drug addiction and overdose deaths."
- Thursday, January 26, 2017

Will Trump’s CIA Investigate Itself?

When President Trump was greeted with cheers and strong applause at CIA headquarters, you knew that Obama’s CIA director John Brennan would decide to strike back. The liberal media were quick to quote Brennan as saying that he was “saddened” and “angered” by Trump’s remarks. But where did these quotes come from? Who provided them to the media?
- Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Van Jones Leads CNN Assault on Trump

In his blockbuster new film, “Civil War 2017,” Trevor Loudon asks why the political left is so determined to destroy the Trump presidency. Matthew Vadum of the Capital Research Center responds that Trump “doesn’t back down from a fight,” unlike previous “squishy” Republicans. What’s more, Trump has upended the “progressive coalition” by convincing millions of Democrats to abandon their union leaders and the Democratic Party.
- Monday, January 23, 2017

How Obama’s CIA Manipulated the Media

The CIA and its media allies have thrown everything but the proverbial kitchen sink at President Donald J. Trump. Media bias, anonymous sources, and intelligence “garbage” have been on display. But the 25-page Intelligence Community report on alleged Russian hacking activities deserves special consideration, since a significant part of it relied on analysts hard at work watching broadcasts of Russia Today (RT) television. You wouldn’t know it by reading the report, but RT has historically been a mouthpiece of “progressives” favorable to the Democratic Party. Indeed, the Obama administration saw RT in the past as part of the “progressive” media organizations supporting left-wing causes.
- Thursday, January 19, 2017

Will the Real Russian Agent Please Stand Up?

The civil rights “icon,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), has suddenly discovered the dangers of Russian influence in the U.S. political process. He tells Chuck Todd of NBC News, “I don’t see this President-elect [Donald J. Trump] as a legitimate president. I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.”
- Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The CIA's War on Trump, Continued

Echoing New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer's warning that the intelligence community is out to "get" President-elect Trump, a Brookings Institution expert who served in the Clinton administration says that Trump's treatment of his spies will "come back to bite him" in the form of "devastating" leaks to the media that will make him look foolish or incompetent.
- Saturday, January 14, 2017

Who Was Behind CNN’s “Fake News” on Trump?

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s January 3 show, “Let me tell you, you take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you. So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he is being really dumb to do this.” He was referring to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s criticism of the Intelligence Community. Asked what the Intelligence Community could or would do to Trump, Schumer said, “I don’t know. From what I am told, they are very upset with how he has treated them and talked about them.”
- Thursday, January 12, 2017

Obama’s Legacy of Endless Wars and Transgender Soldiers

Left-wing Democrat Norman Solomon says fellow Democrats are “more interested in playing to the press gallery than speaking directly to the economic distress of voters in the Rust Belt and elsewhere who handed the presidency” to Donald J. Trump. Democrats should spend some time learning “how they’ve lost touch with working-class voters,” he says.
- Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Obama’s Indifference to White “Deaths of Despair”

A Soros-funded faux Catholic group called Faith in Public Life is holding what it calls a “special briefing” on “Faithful Resistance to Rising White Nationalism,” featuring Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). This exercise is designed to further demonize white Americans who are waking up to what President Obama has done to them during his eight years in office.
- Monday, January 2, 2017

Obama’s “Evidence” Against Russia Falls Flat

The Democrats have been saying that there’s proof that the Russians hacked into Democratic Party computers for the purpose of obtaining and planting information that would help elect Donald J. Trump as president. But the proof wasn’t provided when President Obama issued an executive order and announced the expulsions of Russians from the U.S., and sanctions against Russian officials.
- Saturday, December 31, 2016

Red Russia, the Red Jihad and Israel Under Siege

Patrick Buchanan’s provocative column, “Is Europe’s future Merkel or Le Pen?” reflects a limited and bad choice for America and Europe. Both of these leaders serve Russian interests. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s pro-immigration policies have destabilized Europe, leading to the rise of pro-Putin right-wing political parties. Marine Le Pen of France’s National Front party, one of those pro-Putin political parties, wants to destroy NATO, a long-time Russian goal.
- Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The CIA-Media-Academia Axis

As controversy swirled around President-elect Donald J. Trump’s battle with the CIA concerning its questionable intelligence product on Russian hacking, a strong defense of the agency and an attack on Trump came from Joshua Rovner of Southern Methodist University (SMU). Professor Rovner declared in a press release, “By ignoring intelligence, Trump risks policy tunnel vision.”
- Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Real Russian Agent

Liberal Democrats have been so busy accusing Donald J. Trump of being a Russian agent that they have missed the real Russian agent on the international scene—Germany’s Angela Merkel. Her pro-Muslim immigration policies have not only destabilized Europe and increased terrorism but have also facilitated the rise of the right-wing political parties our media have expressed alarm about.
- Friday, December 23, 2016

Trump is the Exorcist of Political Correctness

It is refreshing to see President-elect Trump on his “Thank You” tour speaking from a podium that proclaims “Merry Christmas.” The Trump victory was a revolt against Cultural Marxism, also known as political correctness. In that world, Merry Christmas is watered down into “Happy Holidays.”
- Thursday, December 22, 2016

Obama and Ellison: Separated at Birth

"Barack Obama is Louis Farrakhan and Karl Marx rolled into one." Those were the words of businessman Zubi Diamond at a conference I sponsored back in 2011. That clever line might also apply to Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), a candidate for chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Obama and Ellison seem to be brothers in both ideology and approach. The combination of Black Muslim ideology and Marxism is something that courses through the veins of Obama and Ellison. So why is Obama opposing the Ellison bid? The answer is that Obama is smarter than Ellison. Obama has watched his words more carefully, and concealed his ideological predisposition when he ran for president, while Ellison is out of the closet about it. He not only has links to the Black Muslims of Louis Farrakhan, but he defended a member of the Weather Underground spin-off, the Symbionese Liberation Army. Plus, he's an outspoken critic of the state of Israel.
- Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The CIA’s Dirty Tricks Against American Democracy

There is an easy way to determine who is a faithful Democratic Party hack in the media and who on the left maintains at least some independence from the party line. Long-time Democrat Bill Moyers thinks it’s an open-and-shut case that Russia’s Vladimir Putin intervened in the election to help Trump and that our democracy is in peril. The Intercept thinks the evidence is weak, and that the CIA may have some other reason for “squaring off directly against Trump.” What could that possibly be?
- Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Blood of Aleppo is on Obama’s Hands

It’s amazing how CNN’s talking heads can devote so much time to the “scandal” of Donald J. Trump’s sons participating in interviews of cabinet picks, but can’t connect the dots between the bloody tragedy in Aleppo and President Barack Obama’s pro-terrorist policy in the Middle East.
- Thursday, December 15, 2016
