
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield is a New York City writer and columnist. He is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and his articles appears at its Front Page Magazine site.

Most Recent Articles by Daniel Greenfield:

Hamas’ 54 Democratic Congressmen

imageKeith Ellison, widely hailed as America's first Muslim congressman, could more accurately be described as CAIR and Hamas' man in Congress. Congressman Ellison has been a regular presence at CAIR fundraisers and at pro-Hamas rallies in the United States. As a former member of Farrakhan's Nation of Islam, Ellison has enough anti-semitic and Islamist credentials to satisfy anyone, and had expressed openly anti-semitic beliefs in the past.
- Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Spoiled System

Do you feel disadvantaged? Is your volume of business down? Are you a member of a minority group and feel like you need an edge? Are you not a member of a minority group but wish you had your own bailout? Do you think that everyone's getting money from the government but you. Don't worry, there's a solution. The Spoiled System.
- Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No Answer to Terrorism

Bin Laden's latest message, real or memorex, is an uncomfortable reminder for the current ruling party of the United States that terrorism did not go away just because they found it inconvenient or thought global warming was a much more crucial threat. Like every terrorist, Bin Laden does not measure victory against a much stronger enemy in terms of strategic assaults, but in terms of staying power. And so Bin Laden's message to Obama is a very simple one. "I am still here. The Mujahadeen are still here. What are you going to do about it?"
- Monday, January 25, 2010

America’s Greatest Weakness: The Insecurity of Freedom

Benjamin Franklin's famous statement is often paraphrased as, those who would trade freedom for security, deserve neither. And the big problem of governments is that we create them for security, only to then need security from them. Human beings have a tendency to want to create institutions to accomplish our goals, whether it is protecting our borders, putting out fires or perpetuating a sense of national greatness. But by collectively investing power in any institution, we risk creating an institution whose power cannot be taken away.
- Saturday, January 23, 2010

Poor Obama, Poor America

When New York's Michael Bloomberg delivered a speech blasting Obama's proposed bank policies, it was an almost underwhelming reminder of how badly Obama has lost even the most supposedly hard core loyal states and their liberal leaders. California Governor Schwarzenegger, New York Governor Patterson and city mayor Bloomberg, all former allies of Obama, have turned on his policies based on their economic impact at a state level. And economic impact at a state level played a big part in Scott Brown's MA victory.
- Saturday, January 23, 2010

We Won a Battle, Not the War

imageIt's natural for there to be Republican euphoria over Scott Brown's victory, which is both a reproach and a setback to Obama and the Democrats. It's been a long year and we could use the good feelings. Particularly when they come backed by real results. Brown's victory didn't just give Massachusetts its first Republican Class I Senator in 57 years, it also torpedoed the current version of the national health care plan and has severely rattled the confidence of the governing Democrats in D.C. But while an early battle has been won, the war goes on.
- Thursday, January 21, 2010

Israel in the Teeth of the Storm

Gaza has become the cause celebre of the European left, and there are no shortage of activists, left wing celebrities and politicians eager to get their own Jane Fonda photo op with the Muslim Brotherhood derived terrorists of Hamas, who in any other forum would be chopping their heads off.
- Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Capitalism Alone Isn’t Enough

Freedom, the ability to act and think freely, is only as healthy as the system of values it is rooted in. Similarly institutions are only as positive as the values that motivate them. Detached from their values, freedom becomes a self-destructive farce that tear down society and its institutions, and institutions naturally converge to squelch freedom.
- Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Islamic Terrorism isn’t about Foreign Policy Anymore

A theme constantly repeated both by the internationalist left and the isolationist right is that Islamic terrorism is a backlash or blowback against our foreign policy. Exponents of this point of view, whether it is Bill Ayers or Pat Buchanan, echo the same list of Muslim grievances against America and imply that if we simply left the Muslims alone, they in turn would leave us alone.
- Monday, January 18, 2010

Obama’s FDR Myth

A year in and Democrats are seeing their majority crumbling as party candidates are suffering prominent reverses at both the State and Federal level. That year was the year of Obama in which he successfully reversed his party's fortunes and his own. And the method by which he did was a trite combination of arrogance and ignorance. At the heart of that arrogance and ignorance lies his misreading of the FDR model.
- Sunday, January 17, 2010

Death by Hypocrisy

The media has reluctantly broken away from its latest celebrity tabloid feeding frenzy, to shamelessly exploit the disaster in Haiti, and everyone from credit card companies to aid groups to the news media to the corrupt government of Haiti are looking to profit from the disaster.
- Saturday, January 16, 2010

Civilization at War with Itself

If there is one guiding motto for modern liberalism, it is Pogo's, "We have met the enemy... and he is us". That core paradigm usually rendered in more poetic and radically charged prose traveled from radical salons to become embedded in the educational system and popular culture. And its message is very simple, our values, our way of living, our traditions, our nation and our civilization are responsible for most of what is wrong with the world. We are the enemy and we must defeat our values, our nation and our civilization for the sake of the world and the future.
- Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Magic of Government and the Socialist Apprentice

The fundamental question that a people must ask is whether they want to be independent of their government, or dependent on it?. Is government to be a tool that we use when we need it and put away when we don't, or a master that oversees our affairs and uses us as its tools.
- Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Israel’s Muslim Problem is Not Unique

The visit of Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov to Israel this week is a timely reminder that Israel's problems with Islam are not unique. Like Israel, Bulgaria was ruled over by the Ottoman Empire, which exported their population to Bulgaria, oppressed the native Bulgarians, seized their lands and attempted to become the dominant majority. And when the Ottoman Empire lost control over Bulgaria, it left behind a huge Muslim population in Bulgaria.
- Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Secret History of the Left

Oliver Stone, the American left's answer to Leni Riefenstahl, having drained the swamps of Viet Cong propaganda dry is going to apply his talent for cinematical historical revisionism to WW2 in a Showtime miniseries, "The Secret History of America". Like virtually every piece of left wing historical revisionism, Stone's new miniseries will sweep aside normative history and its villains like Hitler and Stalin, replacing them with the real villain, big business.
- Monday, January 11, 2010

The Great Dictator

imageFor all his faults, and he certainly had many of them, Bill Clinton understood people. His politics were dirty, but they were a common sort of dirt. For all his egotism, venality and corruption; Bill Clinton understood what Obama does not, that power comes from the people. It was this more than anything else that gave him his teflon coating, that let him dodge scandal after scandal. The media was mostly on his side, but unlike Obama, Clinton knew better than to rely on them too much. The media might help shape his image, but in the end it was the public that would pass judgment on it.
- Sunday, January 10, 2010

A New Year, a New Terror

imageBarely has 2010 begun and we've already had multiple terror arrests, one after another. And then we've had multiple arrests that aren't even being described as terror related. Just today, we've had two more arrests out of New York of friendly religion of peace folks. Only a few days before that, a Palestinian Arab Muslim who owns a mosque was taken off a plane for shouting that he wanted to kill Jews. The media however is dismissing it as nothing more than a drunken incident.
- Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why Liberalism is a Reactionary Ideology

imageThe narrative that liberal pundits have constructed and continually replayed over the last year is one in which progress minded and enlightened liberals are working to reform America into a modern society, while being stymied by a bunch of knuckle dragging reactionary conservatives who are anti-Science and want to drag America back into the dark ages. There's only one problem with this narrative, it's actually a mirror image of reality.
- Thursday, January 7, 2010

Israel’s Arab Settlements

While the media and politicians wail over Israeli settlements and revisionist historians pen narratives in which Israel's entire history comes down to a plot to seize Arab land (following in the footsteps of how their American counterparts have reinterpreted US history)... very little is said of Israel's Arab settlements.
- Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is Profiling the Solution to Stopping Terrorists?

imageThe Northwest Flight 253 bombing attempt has once again reignited the debate over using profiling as a security technique. Many have pointed out over the years that ethnic profiling could have stopped the attacks of September 11. And it probably could have. But profiling alone is not the solution.
- Tuesday, January 5, 2010
