
Daniel Wiseman

Daniel Wiseman is an independent political commentator, who focuses on national and international affairs. He spent nine years as a professional journalist in Wyoming before working in fund-raising, non-profit management, and is now working in New York City. Wiseman focuses his writing on how to bring the United States back to its Constitutional moorings. He writes exclusively for Canada Free Press.

Most Recent Articles by Daniel Wiseman :

How I was able to outlive Whitney Houston

At some point in life, one realizes there are many smarter and more talented people than you, and although brilliant, they already happen to be dead.
- Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why we should worry the Republicans have what it takes

Spend any time with the Republican Party and one realizes fairly quickly that the main thing holding it together is its opposition to the lunacy of the Democratic Left, and that we need some sort of political realignment to save the country.
- Friday, February 17, 2012

Solitude and the City

When one lives in New York – of the so called Tri-State area of cities and towns within the particular geography of New York State, New Jersey and Connecticut – masses of humanity each day move and engulf.
- Monday, February 6, 2012

Jewish Roots of the American Way of Life

Back at the turn of the 21st Century, life’s spiritual journey led me to Pittsburgh and Rabbi Yisroel Miller of Congregation Poale Zedeck, which translates from Hebrew to English as the Workers of Righteousness. Rabbi Miller has since exiled himself to Calgary, Canada, for one last adventure, as it happens. What Rabbi Miller told me once, among the many conversations that we had, came to mind recently: “There’s no word for ‘fun’ in the Torah.”
- Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oh Steelers, “Where Art Thou?”

Oh, Steelers, where art thou? Yes, this column is a lament about the Pittsburgh Steelers’ losing in January to the Tim Tebow-led Denver Broncos in the NFL Playoffs and an abrupt end to a once-promising 12-4 season. The defeat ended any hope of a return to the Super Bowl this season in Indianapolis, but this time winning as compared to losing last year to the Green Bay Packers.
- Monday, January 23, 2012

The ‘Greece-ing’ of America

"Presidential elections are planned distractions to keep our attention from the action that is happening behind the scenes…." -- Lyrics by Timbuk 3, 1980s alternative pop music band. That’s what I think about as I watch the march from Iowa to New Hampshire to South Carolina – the GOP presidential nomination caravan slogging across America.
- Thursday, January 19, 2012

When it comes to your kids, mind your wife’s boyfriend

This is not a story about daughters, although it involves them deeply. It’s about spiritual blindness, terror, and how tragedies sometimes happen in threes. Mostly though there’s a life’s lesson for all men: the most dangerous person in the whole world to your children is your wife’s boyfriend.
- Sunday, January 15, 2012

Musings on Pennsylvania’s failed school choice effort

One must wonder how a state with a Republican governor and with Republican majorities in both its House and Senate could fail to pass a school choice reform bill in 2011. Welcome to the wonderful world of Pennsylvania politics!
- Monday, January 9, 2012

Looking for Greater Clarity from Ron Paul

Congressman Ron Paul of Texas is the lightning rod in the Republican presidential nomination sweepstakes. Those who support him are convinced he is “The One.” Anyone who does not see as they do are frankly, non-believers and Pharisees, so I have been told vociferously.
- Sunday, January 1, 2012
