
Douglas V. Gibbs

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on "Hannity" and "Fox and Friends" on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks. Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator. Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.

Most Recent Articles by Douglas V. Gibbs:

Ivanka Trump Sales Increasing

The whole mess about Ivanka Trump's clothing line, shoe sales, and other accessories, is not about retail sales or whether or not the daughter of President Trump has a product capable of performing in the current market.
- Monday, February 13, 2017

Gorsuch was a Wise Choice for the Supreme Court

When Justice Antonin Scalia passed away in February of 2016, the Democrats were excited. They want to dominate the Supreme Court with judges who are willing to sacrifice the Constitution for their leftist narrative, and with the very conservative Scalia dying, and the very liberal Barack Obama in office, the path to Supreme Court domination seemed to be within their grasp.
- Saturday, February 11, 2017

I Thought the Future Was Genderless

The Wicked Witch from Arkansas, or New York, or wherever she decides to hang her broom, still believes people care about what she has to say,
- Friday, February 10, 2017

Travel Ban and National Security

Trump's executive order does indeed reflect American values - values that scream national security, and a strong stance against the totalitarian barbarism offered by the Islamic jihad.
- Thursday, February 2, 2017

Hating America Through Anti-Trump Movement

Tools. Mindless and obedient automatons. Those are the most accurate words that come to mind when it comes to the foaming-at-the-mouth liberal left hysteria movement following the election and inauguration of President Donald J. Trump. The liberal left loons believe the ridiculous and obviously erroneous propaganda being spouted by the liberal media, Democrat politicians, and completely out-of-their-mind entertainment lefties, and like good little minions the Hillary Clinton supporting screaming-heads are acting out in a violent and vulgar manner against the election and inauguration of President Donald J. Trump. In truth, they remind me more of petulant children who didn't get their way because a knowing parent who understands the folly of their demands decided otherwise, than they do of anyone with any common sense or common decency.
- Sunday, January 22, 2017

CNN Incites Violence Against Trump, Denies U.S. Constitution

CNN aired a report explaining how through Obama's line of succession, which is in place until Trump takes the oath to be President, an Obama appointee would be the next President should Donald Trump be killed during the inauguration ceremony. The problem is, the report is inaccurate, contradicting the 20th Amendment of the United States Constitution.
- Saturday, January 21, 2017

Republican California Governor Thiel?

California was a comfortably Republican-leaning State during most of the previous century, with the last GOP presidential candidate winning California in 1988. Since then, the Golden State has turned deep blue, culminating in 2016 with a 61.5% vote for Hillary Clinton, and a return to a Democrat supermajority in the State legislature. California Republicans are at a major disadvantage in the State. They feel like California is a lost cause.
- Monday, January 16, 2017

Trump and the Emolument Clause

The 1828 Webster's Dictionary is our best source for defining the words used in the earliest articles of the United States Constitution. If we are going to pursue the original intent of the document written in 1787, it is only logical to pursue the original definitions of the words used in that document. Emolument is a term that appears in the U.S. Constitution's first seven articles a total of three times. The word "Compensation" also only appears three times in the original Constitution.
- Monday, January 2, 2017

Democrats Prepare for Violent Revolution

The Democrats, in the 2016 Presidential Election, lost Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin when it came to the Electoral College. While California became bluer, the realization that the Democrats are losing grip on their transformational agenda in the rest of the country has slammed the leftists square in the face.
- Friday, December 30, 2016

Second Amendment Caucus

From an originalist view of the United States Constitution, every federal gun law is unconstitutional. If there needs to be protections like background checks and laws asserting any regulations, that must happen at the State level.
- Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Trump's Handling of World Leaders, Including China, An Art

I am thoroughly enjoying watching Trump make the establishment, the media, and the Never Trump jerks squirm. They don't understand him, and are trying to criticize his every move, and in the end Trump will likely make them all look like chumps.
- Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Business Politicians Versus Reform Politicians

Robert A. Heinlein, in his book, 'Time Enough For Love’, during an explanation about the many things done in the long life of the main character, wrote, "Reform politicians not only tend to be dishonest but stupidly dishonest - whereas the business politician is honest... I don't mean that the business politicians won't steal; stealing is his business.
- Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Alinsky Style Race-Baiting

The liberal left has come up with a new term for their latest deceptive game of race-card. "Alt-Right." The Alt-Right is supposed to be right-wing racists and white supremacists of the GOP who the Democrats say are also the people who support the so-called white supremacist racist Donald Trump. Except, it is all based on empty rhetoric that actually shows the desperation of the Democrat Party as they realize they can't win in the arena of ideas. . . so they are forced to use ad hominem attacks that includes screams of racism.
- Friday, November 25, 2016

Democrat Narrative: Votes, Power, and Violence

Pawns. The sheeple who have fallen for the Democrat Party's rhetoric don't seem to understand that they are merely tools. The Democrats know that when you buy votes with unconstitutional federal benefits you can treat the sheep any way you like and the voters will still do your bidding because of their dependency upon gifts from the treasury. The Democrat voters believe the distractions, the rhetoric, and the propaganda because the liars of the Democrat Party leadership, media, entertainment industry, and educators said so.
- Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Hillary Clinton White House a National Security Risk

When people have secrets, they can be manipulated. Intimidated. Extorted. Blackmailed. The more we learn about Hillary Clinton, her emails, and the Clinton Foundation, the more we realize she is hiding a lot.
- Sunday, October 30, 2016

Congress Overrides Obama Veto

Article I, Section 7 of the United States Constitution grants the authority to Congress the ability to override a presidential veto, should the Congress muster a 2/3 vote from both Houses to do so. The first time it actually happened was during the presidency of Democrat President Andrew Johnson, who vetoed bills during the reconstruction period he believed to be too harsh against the former Confederate States.
- Thursday, September 29, 2016
