
Dr. Brad Lyles

Dr. Brad Lyles is an independent writer for the Tea Party.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Brad Lyles:

Trump for Dictator

A Dictator Trump, if benign, is our only hope for salvation. A President Trump would be bound by his own sense of propriety if not by the Constitution. The current Dictator, Obama, operates without any regard for propriety or the Constitution.
- Wednesday, January 6, 2016

ISIS isn't the point

Sun Tzu and Mohammad agree upon the primary nature of warfare: “War is deception.” Sadly, our media, pundits and Republican candidates all fail to understand this lesson, assuming they are even aware of it.
- Friday, December 18, 2015

The rise of Donald Reagan?

Dare we? Is it time to veer out of the sensible lane and into the fantasyland of pondering whether any candidate, much less The Donald, might compare with the greatest President of the 20th century, Ronald Reagan?
- Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Liberal Gene

I’m not making this up. Donald Trump’s Muslim Proposal inflamed so much passion among Liberals they unconsciously revealed themselves to be the wild-eyed, emotional, illogical sorts we always knew them to be. The hysteria was so widespread, however, it begged further investigation into the eons-old question: Where do Liberals come from?
- Thursday, December 10, 2015

Trump’s Proposal Strategically Brilliant

Trump is a political genius! His Monday evening declaration – that we ban Muslims entering the country - “until our representatives can figure out what’s going on,” - is strategically magnificent! And the post-concussion polls tell us this.
- Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Abrogation Explanation for Islamic Conflagration

The Quranic doctrine of abrogation provides a rational explanation for Islam’s mysterious duality, its simultaneous nature as a religion of domination/partnership, violence/passivity, supremacism/egalitarianism, and violent jihad/spiritual jihad.
- Monday, November 23, 2015

ISIS Crisis Entices

It is a truism that the most important thing is never the obvious thing --the enticing thing. Currently, ISIS is the most enticing topic in the world of talking heads. Yet even though ISIS entices, far more dangerous events are at play in the world: The coming of a nuclear Iran.
- Friday, November 20, 2015

Why I'm an IslamoVeryPhobe

Always pay attention to the man behind the curtain. Pay especial attention to:
- Friday, May 29, 2015

Should We Fear Islam?

Islam conquered most of the known world within 100 years of Mohammed's death in 632, creating an empire larger even than Alexander's. Initially, Mohammed shared his experience of divine revelation peacefully. This was not successful. After 13 years of preaching in Mecca, Mohammed was unable to persuade more than 150 converts to the Faith. The Qur'an from this period, termed the "Meccan" Qur'an, otherwise considered the 'peaceful' Qur'an, contains the bulk of the Qur'an's comforting 'live and let live' passages, including Mohammed's revelations that "you have your religion and I have mine," or "there should be no compulsion in religion."
- Thursday, March 26, 2015

None so Blind

Americans no longer possess the visceral understanding of nuclear warfare possessed by inhabitants of the '60’s, '70’s and '80’s. Gone too are the days of Dr. Benjamin Spock climbing over nuclear facility fences preaching unilateral disarmament. The current generation of Americans, not seeing, not understanding, do not know they risk everything.
- Monday, March 16, 2015

Unicorns and Rainbows

We Conservative Republicans have no more time to 'get it right.' For too long we've been content with the fact our arguments are principled, logical, supported by the evidence and by history. We Conservative Republicans are so right about economic and political matters, yet so wrong in our marketing and sales of Conservative ideas.
- Sunday, February 22, 2015

Calling and Raising Immigration Exploitation

On the evening of February 16, Federal Judge Andrew Hanen did the unthinkable. He dared thwart Obama’s Imperial Executive Amnesty Order. Judge Hanen went all in. Not only did he enjoin Obama and his agents from operationalizing the Five Million New Democrat Voter Edict, he enjoined them from any and all attempts to slip through any potential vagaries in the Court’s language.
- Friday, February 20, 2015

Whither the B in LGBTQ?

The Complicit Media is in a twitter about the ascendance of Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown to the Governorship because she is alleged to be the first “openly bisexual” Governor in history.
- Saturday, February 14, 2015

"Nuts!" Sometimes it's the only answer

This week one of two Republican FCC Commissioners leaked the new “Net Neutrality” Commandments that will become policy/law by March. At the same time the FEC is mulling increased regulation of the Internet to prevent “politicking” in that medium.
- Friday, February 13, 2015

The Obamavirus

After six years of Obama’s rule the sickness caused by his Obamavirus is so widespread it may soon destroy our nation.
- Thursday, December 4, 2014

Capitalism Cataclysm

Capitalism Cataclysm, Freedom Economics
"Capitalism" is the cataclysmically inappropriate word we use to describe the most successful economic system in the history of the world.
- Saturday, November 22, 2014

Shutdown Clown

Mitch McConnell, Shutdown Clown
Mitch McConnell is the Shutdown Clown in the Establishment's growing circus of Clowns--all performing under a "big tent."
- Friday, November 14, 2014

The Right Virus

The Left Virus has infected every foundational institution in our country--schools, universities, press, media, and most of government. Its remarkable success derives from its ability to infect small areas at first, unseen, unsuspected, then doubling its penetration again and again, until whole swaths of society are corrupted: Supreme Court Justices divine a "Right to Privacy" in the "living and breathing" Constitution, Presidents lawlessly make laws with pens and phones while a Complicit Press focuses otherwise upon First Lady fashion.
- Monday, November 10, 2014
