
Henry Lamb

Editor's Note: Henry passed away in 2012. He will be greatly missed.

Henry Lamb--Death of a Patriot.

Older articles by Henry Lamb

Most Recent Articles by Henry Lamb:

A great New Year’s Resolution

To listen click here In hopes of returning to a previous, “better” condition, millions of Americans will resolve to: quit smoking, lose weight, or engage in some other activity to make their life better in some way. Suppose there were an activity in which Americans could engage that would make the entire world better, especially that portion of the world we call the United States of America. There is!
- Saturday, January 1, 2011

The perfect Christmas gift

To listen click here Think of everything this nation needs, and begin listing them in order of importance. Regardless of how long your list may eventually be, or how different it may be from your neighbors,' whatever you have listed can be rolled into one gift that supersedes all others in importance. The perfect gift will cost the taxpayer nothing, needs not be gift-wrapped, and will bring immediate benefits to every American. What is this perfect Christmas gift: restoration of America's unique, original Republic created in the U.S. Constitution.
- Saturday, December 25, 2010

Are “Black Hats” genetically defective?

Some people believe they have a right to take what another has earned. Another distinguishing characteristic of this group is their eagerness to dictate the behavior of others. These people are called progressives, socialists, communists, dictators, kings, and sometimes gangsters. We’ll refer to these people as “black hats.”
- Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hands off the First Amendment!

To listen click here “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…,” but the progressives on the Federal Communications Commission think their job is to do just that – regulate the speech of individuals, and of the press. Speaking to the Columbia School of Journalism, FCC Commissioner Michael Copps, spelled out his idea for a “community values test” to be applied to media outlets with every license-renewal application.
- Saturday, December 11, 2010

Progressives crave control

To listen click here Progressives are the unintended consequence of the collision of ideas offered by Karl Marx and those of Adam Smith; the product of pure Communism colliding with Laissez-faire capitalism. Free market capitalists see government regulations as a detriment to profit; progressives see government regulations as the way to control the behavior of both profit makers and largess-takers.
- Sunday, December 5, 2010

What is a sustainable community?

To listen click here The term “sustainable community” sounds warm and fuzzy. Who could possibly oppose a sustainable community? “Sustainable” means something that lasts – or is sustained - forever. When the term is applied to “community,” one might conclude that a sustainable community is one that will last forever. One who draws such a conclusion in today’s world would be wrong, terribly wrong.
- Saturday, November 27, 2010

Platform for the 21st century

To listen click here Pundits, politicians, and even ordinary people are mystified by the rise of the Tea Parties’ protest of the Democrats’ agenda. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the spontaneous uprising from the grassroots “Astroturf” - just before she lost her gavel to the Republicans. King George imposed his agenda over the objections of subjects – just before he lost both his subjects, and his colonies, to the power of people in pursuit of freedom.
- Sunday, November 21, 2010

Reduce your taxes…

If you are forced to pay income taxes this year, you can reduce the amount you give the government by making a contribution to Sovereignty International instead. Every penny you contribute to Sovereignty International (up to 30% of your adjusted gross income) can be deducted.
- Friday, November 19, 2010

Lame ducks at work!

Congress will convene November 15 to try to force into law all the things they didn't get done during the regular session. No one knows for sure just which bills will be on Nancy and Harry's agenda. It's Harry's agenda that is most important because the Senate - with 60 votes required to stop debate - offers the best opportunity to stop a bill.
- Monday, November 15, 2010

Repeal Obamacare – and then the 17th Amendment

To listen click here While there are hundreds of political parties and even more political initiatives seeking support, when all of the hoopla is striped away, there are only two political philosophies. One philosophy embraces the notion that government is omnipotent, and grants rights to individual citizens.
- Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tea Parties’ next challenge

To listen click here Americans can do whatever they decide to do. Witness the politiscape littered with the careers of Democrats deposed by determined Americans who have had enough big-government socialism forced upon them. The next challenge for Tea Parties – and other organizations – is local and state governments that are systematically implementing freedom-robbing policies in the name of comprehensive planning, smart growth, sustainable development, and environmental protection.
- Sunday, November 7, 2010

Vote for freedom, or government control

To listen click here Regardless of the outcome of the mid-term elections, the nation will suffer – not from the election results - but from the lame-duck session of Congress that follows. The greater the Republican victory in the elections, the greater the damage the Democrats will do during the lame-duck session. And there is much damage to be done.
- Sunday, October 31, 2010

The U.N. at 65

To listen click here October 24 is the 65th birthday of the United Nations; a great age for retirement. This institution has consistently failed to achieve the objectives for which it told the world it was created, and has just as consistently drained the coffers of developed nations under the guise of eliminating poverty and maintaining the peace.
- Sunday, October 24, 2010

Birds of a feather flock together

To listen click here The recent gathering at the Lincoln Memorial was nothing less than an enormous, nationally televised coming-out party for closet Marxists. Washington watchers have long known about the love affair between the Marxists in America and other major political forces. Here are a few of the organizations that are marching, lock-step, in support of the Democratic majority that is advancing a Marxist agenda:
- Sunday, October 10, 2010

Devout Muslims at Homeland Security?

Why are Muslims chosen to fill important positions in Homeland Security? Arif Alikhan is the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and DHS, and Kareem Shora is a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (Read his blog).
- Friday, October 8, 2010

Tax-paid propaganda

Why should tax-payers foot the $700,000 bill for a TV ad promoting Obama's health care plan? If the Democrats can burn tax dollars selling the plan, shouldn't the Republicans who voted against it have access to equal funds to buy ads to oppose the plan?
- Friday, October 8, 2010

Look out for a lame duck

To listen, click here As the calendar rushes toward the November 2nd elections, prospects increase for a bloody “lame-duck” session. There is a laundry list of bills stacked up for passage that have not yet made it to the floor for a vote. After the elections, Democrats who lost will have nothing further to lose, and will be eager to get as much of Obama’s radical agenda enacted as possible.
- Sunday, September 26, 2010
