
Judi McLeod

-- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

Most Recent Articles by Judi McLeod:

Vatican's Climate Change Light Show, 21st Century Graffiti

Dateline: Valley of Tears-It's Advent, when the Christian world awaits the coming of Christ. Everywhere, that is, except at the Vatican, where the Birth of the Christ Child is being forced into taking a back seat for a pagan 'Light Show, ' casting 3-D images of earth and animals onto the facade and cupola of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.
- Sunday, December 6, 2015

Islamic terrorism not “contained” when it’s being written in blood

What happened in San Bernardino yesterday comes as a kind of proof that ISIS--like all Islamic terrorism--is not “contained”. Al Qaeda has NOT been sent on the run, and the UN climate change summit going on in Paris right now is NOT “an act of defiance that proves nothing will deter us,” as President Barack Obama has so glibly stated.
- Thursday, December 3, 2015

Save the Environment--Mail Your Shoes to Paris

The ‘Biggest Show on Earth’ is now underway in still grief-stricken Paris, where the melodrama and hypocrisy on display is enough to gag a blue whale.
- Monday, November 30, 2015

UN says Maurice Strong is gone--we just don’t know where or when

The ghost of Maurice Strong will haunt the UN’s COP21, where the ultimate lottery win for UN bureaucrats is being pushed. A desperate lib-left, determined to force on a public--97% of which doesn’t believe that global warming trumps Islamic terrorism as the world’s biggest threat--will see to it.
- Monday, November 30, 2015

Montana Ranchers on Canadian Border Watch

Without ever intending to, newly-elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has saved the United States from the worry of 10,000 unvetted Syrian “refugees” being flown into Canada by the year’s end, from flooding over America’s unsecured northern border.
- Friday, November 27, 2015

UN’s COP21 sending message to ISIS?

Were it not for the blatant hypocrisy, it would be laughable that France is pledging “100% security within climate conference walls” for the United Nations COP21 event in Paris, being held in the aftermath of the November 13 terrorist attacks.
- Monday, November 23, 2015

To Pope Francis Christmas only a “charade”

We’ve been hearing it from the atheists for decades. We’ve been hearing it from the legions of the hypocritical politically correct, but how many of us ever thought we’d ever hear these words from a Bishop of Rome:
- Sunday, November 22, 2015

Phony compassion of Western leaders putting civilian lives at risk

That French premier Manuel Valls is positing that some of the suspects in Friday’s Paris attacks took advantage of Europe’s migrant crisis to “slip in” unnoticed, while French President François Hollande has announced he’s bringing in some 30,000 more Syrian “refugees”, it becomes rational to ask if the main droite(right hand) knows what the main gauche (left hand) is doing.
- Friday, November 20, 2015

Nightmare scenario: Obama UN head, Clinton 45th president

National Post scribes Barbara Kay and Robert Cutler asked in yesterday’s column: ‘Is Obama too busy eyeing a plum post-presidential gig?’ to deal in a more rational fashion with the perpetrators of the Paris terrorist attack.
- Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Barack Obama/Vladimir Putin G-20 Show

Barack Obama, David Cameron, Angela Merkel and other G-20 chess board players seem glaringly unaware that their so-called “rival” Vladimir Putin surfs the net for information like the rest of us do.
- Monday, November 16, 2015

Weak World Leaders Are to Blame for Rampant Islamic Terrorism

Friday's horrific terrorist attack in Paris that killed 129 civilians, wounding 352 , 80 of them critically, proves in the most nightmarish way possible that the 40 world leaders who led the 'Je suis Charlie Hebdo' rally last January were merely playing to the cameras and crowds.
- Sunday, November 15, 2015

'Jihadi John' a goner? Where's the video?

The news came overseas from Britain about 11:30 p.m., last night: Ding dong, the witch is dead, decapitation video crazed Jihadi John's now allegedly a goner.
- Friday, November 13, 2015

The Devil Must be Marxist

The devil must be Marxist. Though the devil and Marxists try in vain to hide them under their overblown wigs, they both sport the same horns.
- Thursday, November 12, 2015

Another Veterans Day, another political show of rhetoric and bling

Never is it more noticeable than it is on Veteran’s Day that talk is cheap. Someone from the President Barack Obama administration will lay the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington today, commemorating Veterans Day, 2015.
- Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sex, Lies and Videotapes Gone Digital

In the braggadocio of the 20 digital gurus who both created and continue to maintain President Barack Obama's omnipresent digital image, comes irrefutable proof of another Bill Clinton email lie: From yesterday's New York Times: "He (Obama) "follows only 70 accounts on Twitter, mostly government agencies, members of his cabinet and senior staff, Chicago sports teams and Bill Clinton, (Emphasis CFP's).
- Monday, November 9, 2015

Is Hillary Clinton Obama’s 3rd term?

In 2008, the Democrats pulled a big-eared rabbit out of the hat. A senator, with a sketchy attendance record, whose only claim to fame was community organizing with unrepentant domestic terrorist Billy Ayers, was ushered into the Oval Office, masqueraded as ‘the Messiah’ and life, not just in America but the world over, was never to be the same.
- Sunday, November 8, 2015
