
Katy Grimes

Articles with Megan Barth

Katy Grimes is an investigative journalist, Senior Correspondent with the Flash Report, ReaganBabe, and Senior Media Fellow with Energy and Environmental Institute. A longtime political analyst, she has written for The Sacramento Union, The Washington Examiner, Watchdog.org, The Pacific Research Institute’s CalWatchdog, The San Francisco Examiner, The Business Journal, E&E Legal, The Sacramento Bee, Legal Insurrection, Canada Free Press, and Laura Ingraham’s LifeZette, and can be heard regularly on many talk radio shows each week.

Most Recent Articles by Katy Grimes:

Developer Petrovich Spent $50 Million Cleaning Up Toxic Rail Yard, While City Council Spent $800,000 in Legal Fees To Stop His Development

Safeway gas station location. Brownstones in background Long-time California developer Paul Petrovichhas been working since 2003, and invested upwards of $100 million in his Crocker Village development project--an infill development on an old abandoned Union Pacific rail yard. The plans include the already built handsome three-story Brownstone homes, affordable housing, senior housing, and upcoming single-family homes; the commercial building plans include many retail outlets with a Safeway store as the anchor, and a Safeway fueling station. These retail shops and the Safeway would provide hundreds of full-time jobs to the nearby economically depressed neighborhood of Oak Park, of which Safeway has promised to do the hiring.
- Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Stockton Students Beat Cop, Smash Police Car In Worst 'Quality of Life' State of CA

Stockton Students Beat Cop, Smash Police Car In Worst 'Quality of Life' State of CA More than 600 student protestors from five Stockton high schools took to the streets for a "No More Violence" anti-gun rally Friday, which turned violent when the brainiacs attacked a cop, stole his baton, stomped on his midsection, and smashed several police cars. They also threw rocks through car windows of innocent passersby, and hundreds of the students ran through a nearby mall like a herd of cattle. At least five students were arrested for the violence, attacks, and damage to six police cars.
- Friday, March 2, 2018

#FauxFeminists in CA Legislative Women's Caucus Silent On' Sexual Abuse Charges

Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia on election night, November 2016. Image by Iris Schneider With the ongoing investigations into charges of sexual harassment and abuse by lawmakers inside the California State Capitol, there is a deafening silence coming from the Legislature's Women's Caucus. Are all of the feminist lawmakers MIA? Why are they silent on the sexual harassment charges against their colleagues? Don't they care about the victims? The law dictates they must protect the victims, not the perpetrators. But that's not how the Capitol investigations are being conducted in Sacramento.
- Thursday, February 22, 2018

California Sh*thole: Sacto City Council Announces Taxpayer Funded Appeal Against Infill Project Developer

California Sh*thole: Sacto City Council Announces Taxpayer Funded Appeal Against Infill Project Sacramento Developer Paul Petrovich won his lawsuit against the City of Sacramento. The City's answer?... Appeal using taxpayer-funded lawyers. On a drive throughout the City of Sacramento you'll see everything from beautiful high-end neighborhoods, to impoverished neighborhoods, and everything in between--all now mixed with great poverty, as well as the lawless homeless population.
- Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Is CA Senate Rigging Report In Harassment Probe of Sen. Tony Mendoza?

President Pro Tem Kevin DeLeon, Sen. Tony Mendoza In an exclusive interview to the Flash Report, a California State Senate senior staffer revealed a behind-the-scenes plot to save, or at least continue the Senate paycheck of Democrat Senator Tony Mendoza (Artesia), who in multiple media reports and news articles is alleged to be a serial sexual harasser of women in his own Senate office.
- Saturday, February 17, 2018

California Sh*thole: Leftist Politicians Playing Politics With CA Businesses

California Sh*thole: Leftist Politicians Playing Politics With CA Businesses For many years I have written about the horrendous challenges California business owners face because of legislatively-imposed environmental regulations, business-killing regulations and labor laws, hostile politicians and city councils, and government-sanctioned labor union attacks on non-union businesses. Few politicians have ever run a business or owned a business, and even fewer appreciate what it takes to grow a business
- Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Oust California Teacher and Councilman Who Called Military 'Dumbsh*ts'

Oust California Teacher and Councilman Who Called Military 'Dumbsh*ts' I'm just a Navy mom of a United States Naval Academy graduate who is currently a Navy special ops officer, and has had two long Middle East deployments. I wasn't going to weigh in on the liberal California councilman and public school teacher who told his students "military are 'dumbsh*ts" and "lowest of our low." That is, until I read that the school district officials of Gregory Salcido, El Rancho High School history teacher and a current member of the Pico Rivera City Council, were covering for him, even after he said when speaking about our military, "They're the frickin' lowest of our low," in one of three videos that surfaced last week.
- Thursday, February 1, 2018

***thole California Part lll: Democrat Mafia To Extort Profits From CA Businesses

***thole California Part lll: Democrat Mafia To Extort Profits From CA Businesses California’s Democrats are on an accelerated path of destruction of the once Golden State. In Parts l and Part ll of my series on how California’s leftist Democrats have turned the Golden State into a sh*thole, I explain how California’s ruling party is doubling down on business-destroying policies, energy destroying policies, education destroying policies, and policies destroying California’s abundant natural resources. The new law claiming sanctuary state status is blatantly unconstitutional, as is “legalizing” marijuana.
- Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Ludicrous March of the Ugly Pink-Hatters

The Ludicrous March of the Ugly Pink-Hatters The latest women's march is more proof that these leftists--and they all are leftists--are empty-headed imbeciles. Billed as demonstrations in support of "female empowerment," this march of ugly, angry leftists doesn't understand that the rest of us are laughing at them. They are having an annual emotional flare-up, a temper tantrum, but they can't articulate what they are upset about.
- Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The new word of the week accurately describes California

The new word of the week accurately describes California Despite so-called "progressives" promising their policies will create a Soviet-style worker's paradise, California's leftist Democrats have turned the once Golden State into a sh*thole through decades of leftist policies penalizing and demonizing employers, businesses, property owners, innovators, entrepreneurs--and really, anyone who wants to work hard and get ahead. These hard working people are responding by fleeing liberal California for conservative red states.
- Tuesday, January 16, 2018

California Cities' Shakedown of Oil Industry Wrought With Fraud

California Cities' Shakedown of Oil Industry Wrought With Fraud Environmentalists claim global warming can be mitigated, but only if humans are forced to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This pseudo-science is what California's leftist politicians have adopted to control human activity, and the unelected bureaucrats at the California Air Resources Board based its cap-and-trade carbon auction program on.
- Friday, January 12, 2018

Pot is A Dangerous 'Recreation'

Pot is A Dangerous 'Recreation' Voters legalized pot several years ago in Colorado and Washington State. They were promised increased tax revenue increases and better-educated children for their vote. For the love of money and claims of liberty, disasters are now unfolding in both states.
- Thursday, January 4, 2018
