
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Ted Cruz: Romney, Christie, and Bush are going to run - and they'll lose in the general

Way back before 2012, I argued that if Mitt Romney was the nominee, he'd lose. He simply had no chance because the base wouldn't support him. Then, as the election drew closer, I'll admit it. I got caught up in things. I started to think that he might actually pull it off. In the end, obviously, my initial instincts were proven right.
- Thursday, November 27, 2014

Chuck Schumer admits ObamaCare was a mistake - fails miserably to learn from it

Back in 2008, Democrats rode into office on a wave of deeply misplaced optimism in Barack Obama. They held the House, the Senate, and the White House. They could have done anything they wanted. More importantly, they could have done anything the American people wanted. So, of course, they chose to do the one thing that nobody wanted - ObamaCare.
- Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Obama: No! The GOP can't use my Immigration executive order as precedent to eliminate capital gains taxes

President Obama's executive order on immigration hinges on one very flimsy idea. Broad "prosecutorial discretion" allows the President to decide that, because he doesn't like a law that Congress has refused to change, he's simply not going to enforce it. That's a ridiculous argument to make, and a grotesque exaggeration of what prosecutorial discretion was supposed to be, but it's the claim they've chosen to stake.
- Monday, November 24, 2014

Al Sharpton: My Tax problems are because of racism! ...And Trayvon! ...And Ferguson!

It will come as little surprise that Al Sharpton is the victim of racism. Given that his entire life's work involves race-baiting, ginned-up controversy, and portraying everyone as either the perpetrator or victim of some sort of race-based malevolence, it was probably just his turn. Sure, it's sad that things operate this way, but this is the reality of the horrible country in which we live.
- Thursday, November 20, 2014

The entire Jonathan Gruber ObamaCare scandal in one two minute video

I'll admit it. I chuckled a few times at this two-and-a-half-minute video compiling Jonathan Gruber's worst comments and the subsequent Democrat denials. It's hard not to, since the utter insanity that's on display here is absolutely epic. However, the longer this thing goes, the angrier you're likely to get.
- Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Having learned nothing, Democrats re-elect Nancy Pelosi to captain their Titanic

During the midterms, conservatives watched in horror as Nancy Pelosi led her party to a stunning victory in the House of Representatives. Pundits assumed it was impossible, but she applied her grace, intellect, and sharp strategic skills. By the end of the night the Democrats had retaken the lower house. While we're upset about this, we can't help but be impressed by her clear thinking and her deft maneuvering.
- Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How much did you pay Jonathan Gruber to lie to you? Millions. The money is piling up.

If you've been paying attention to the story about the myriad Jonathan Gruber videos, you've probably heard the sum of $400,000.00 bandied about. That's how much the Department of Health and Human Services paid him to trick the CBO, lie to the American people, and help pass a bill that was reliant on "the stupidity of the American voter."
- Monday, November 17, 2014
